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  1. Can I ask help please? The npc is appearing but it cant be clicked. Its just a simple freebies npc script. I'm not sure what's missing or whats wrong here http://upaste.me/r/203a155220a306c30
  2. I tried to add bonus bMaxSP,150; for tear drop or item ID 18606 and reloaded item db, but it only gives 15 addtl SP. Any mistake i could've done?
  3. I'm sorry noob here just got confused, if this script can be activated by a GM99 account using @devilsquare, it will also start by itself anyway in the set times using the OnClock code, yes? And no matter how many winners, the script will still summon treasure boxes for which the winners can kill steal and loot as they please, am I right?
  4. Thanks for this script. How about set corresponding random amount of the item ID though?
  5. This is the old vote shop: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=SeEQhv4n Pros: 100% working This is the new script for multicurrency shop: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=ABdYCjSG Cons: It shows different number of vote points in the NPC than in the database Pros: It successfully diminishes right amount of currency when buying items
  6. Jyabil thanks but I figured it out already earlier, just based it to some existing scripts and it worked! Thanks very much Jyabil!
  7. Thanks El Dragon and Jyabil, but how can I set the prize to item ID though? And also announce a line before actually announcing who's the winner?
  8. Can I request for a script where a random online player could be generated and be given a reward? It must be activated by a GM and not automated. Pls help TY
  9. Skorm, some new players reported that they dont get anything in the storage upon first logging in. How is this possible? I think I know the reason now. When they have dual client, the freebies can no longer be given from the time they have logged in a new character.
  10. OMG thanks for the reply sandbox, let me try that. Just note though, even a day has passed, when they click the NPC, the npc will tell them this: http://gyazo.com/2446f52edbbb8cf18105d34165efa04a So no way to take the quest again. I have to delete some entries in global_reg_value manually? Is this a bug on the script? Also, when they got disconnected while taking the quest, when they got back and continue, it only tells them to kill the max amt of monster when they have already killed that amount within the given time. Can we enhance the script that will tell them about delay in dispbottom?
  11. Yes, I saw that and I'm not sure how to do the voteshop script part. Can anyone further help please?
  12. How can i fit all shops (donation shop using gold coins, vote shop using vote points, and poring shop using poring coins) in just one NPC? Is there any available script in this forum please?
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