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Posts posted by Foob

  1. 1 hour ago, Radian said:

    The best thing to do with it is to make a label where when the MVP respawns in the map you can use the setmapflag.

    Edit: maybe make an event script for it?

    -	script	respawn_mvp	FAKE_NPC,{
    	switch(rand( getarraysize(.mons$) ) {
    		case 1: // monster1 here
    		case 2: // monster2 here
    	setarray .mons$, 1002, 1003;


    Not possible via event script. Since I want to use the tomb thus I'm using the normal monster spawn with boss_monster for it. Somehow the missing part is how to check if the mob is alive.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Radian said:

    @mobsearch ? or what do you mean by check if the MVP monster is summoned on the map? is it like an announcement that the monster was respawn?

    Sorry incomplete question.

    Via script cause I'm planning to create a script wherein if an MVP monster is summoned the PVP mapflag will be on. (example below)

    mvp_room,0,0	boss_monster	Poring	1002,1,3600000,600000,"#mvp_room::OnMobKilled"
    mvp_room,0,0,0	script	#mvp_room	-1,{
    	//mapflag pvp disable

    However, my next problem is that, the checking for the MVP mob once summoned.

    By chance, do you have an idea how to do it @Radian?

  3. 5 hours ago, nearesven said:

    Hello rA!

    It's my first time making a personal server using rAthena and I was wondering how do I patch the current client into the a 2018 update (17.1 Episode Illusion / Edda Laboratory Instance).


    Also based on this screenshot, some of the skills are not updated.

    • The new Tetra Vortex should be maxed at LVL 10 but it stays at LVL 5.
    • Same skill from Sorcerer's Varetyr Spear also stays at Lvl 5
      • I've tried applying the english patch in the skillinfoz folder; Descriptions are in english  but the skills cannot be leveled up to 10 (also only shows LVL 1 - 5 description).
    • Patched to the latest using RSU RO Patcher Lite for kRO and kRO RE by [Ai4rei]


    • screenrAthena000.thumb.jpg.3acc13bc3eac7d72f5f5508565da208b.jpg

    Tools and Files I've used:

    • NEMO v2.6 with 2018-06-21aRagexeRE_patched (patched by me using NEMO)
    • English Translation by zackdreaver (https://rathena.org/board/topic/102689-ragnarok-english-translation-project/)
    • kRO Full Client - 2019-02-25 - Includes BGM & RSU by Akkarin

    Followed this guide for creating a server

    Kudos to you all!

    You can use the PR for 16th year anniversary which is available on git. That's solves the level adjustment of some skills.

    • Love 1
  4. On 5/5/2019 at 9:13 PM, melv0 said:

    how about if i use debian?

    Already have a guide provided on the link above.


    On 5/5/2019 at 6:36 PM, Universe said:

    I havn't tested yet since i don't know how to get packets data. But i think ( not sure though. ) that floating ips are different ips that does the same what the original ip does. Basically like a proxy. Correct me if i'm wrong though.

    Here's a blog, if you need a much clear description.

    Possible but not really. Floating IP can be classified as just an OM IP (not sure how to term it). It is where you deploy an instance (1+1) when an instance goes down you don't need to change the IP of it since the floating is routed to both instance. (weird explanation)  

  5. 1 hour ago, Universe said:

    Would Cloudflare be enough? Or is it just for web? Also, we could also use Floating IPs from Digitalocean right?

    Not quite sure with regards to floating IPS of DigitalOcean. Better to try it but somehow it will work since it is integrated on their droplet which can use CentOS system. As for cloudfare, it won't work AFAIK since it only caters web traffic.

  6. Hello there,

    Some of you might know this already and maybe have read the original guide for it. But for those who doesn't know it yet, see below.

    Note: I’m sharing the steps on how to do it using CentOS7 for the proxy server/VM while the main server/VM will be anything you like as long as rAthena supports it.

    Before everything else, I would like you to know that this guide will only work on CentOS7 and this doesn’t guarantee that it will provide low latency to your players since its main function is to HIDE the IP of your MAIN VPS to avoid being bombarded with unwanted traffic. In the event, you received lots of traffic on your proxy, you can just reject it on your main VPS via firewall rules/iptables.


    1. Spare VPS to configure the proxy
    2. Patch your client using updated "Enable Proxy Support" patch provided by 4144's NEMO & Functor
    3. DO NOT patch "Skip Service Select" since you need it to choose from the multiple connections.
    4. Add multiple connection on your clientinfo.xml/sclientinfo.xml
    5. Configure subnet_athena.conf to prevent sending real IP in network packets from login and char servers. (Functor)
    6. (Optional) Enable "Cancel to Select Service" Patch

    VPS Configuration (IMPORTANT)

    Note: Again, make sure that your VPS is using CentOS7 since this was tested under the said OS and working 100%

    Follow the commands provided below.

    /* Port Forwarding CentOS 7 FirewallD */
    // ========================================================================
    // Please read the comments per line it is self-explanatory.
    // Important Parameters:
    // INSERT_ZONE = output of the get default zone
    // INSERT_IP = is the public IP of your main VPS or server
    // If you like the guide give it a thumbs up!
    // ========================================================================
    // This command is to get the default zone being used by your VM.
    firewall-cmd --get-default-zone
    // This command is to check all rules applied to your VM by the current active zone.
    firewall-cmd --zone=INSERT_ZONE --list-all
    // Enabling Masquerade Status (IP Forwarding). 
    // This is the important configuration else below won't work
    firewall-cmd --zone=INSERT_ZONE --add-masquerade --permanent
    // IP/Traffic forwarding
    // Make sure you have configured masquerade
    firewall-cmd --zone="INSERT_ZONE" --add-forward-port=port=6900:proto=tcp:toport=6900:toaddr=INSERT_IP --permanent
    firewall-cmd --zone="INSERT_ZONE" --add-forward-port=port=6121:proto=tcp:toport=6121:toaddr=INSERT_IP --permanent
    firewall-cmd --zone="INSERT_ZONE" --add-forward-port=port=5121:proto=tcp:toport=5121:toaddr=INSERT_IP --permanent
    // Add rules for ro-ports (assuming that you didn't change the port)
    firewall-cmd --zone=INSERT_ZONE --add-port=6900/tcp --permanent
    firewall-cmd --zone=INSERT_ZONE --add-port=6121/tcp --permanent
    firewall-cmd --zone=INSERT_ZONE --add-port=5121/tcp --permanent
    // Reload rules to take effect
    firewall-cmd --reload

    clientinfo.xml/sclientinfo.xml Configuration (IMPORTANT)

    The example below shows how to configure multiple connections/tunnel to your VPS. (P.S. I'm not quite sure how many connection is the limit that can be defined on the xml)

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?>
    	<desc>Ragnarok Online Client Information</desc>
    		<display>^FF0000[ SE Asia ]^000000 - Connection Tunnel</display>
    		<balloon>This server is dedicated to SEA Region to possibly reduce latency.</balloon>
    		<display>^FF0000[ US Central ]^000000 - Connection Tunnel</display>
    		<balloon>This server is dedicated to US Central Region to possibly reduce latency.</balloon>
    		<display>^FF0000[ US West ]^000000 - Connection Tunnel</display>
    		<balloon>This server is dedicated to US West Region to possibly reduce latency.</balloon>

    subnet_athena.conf (IMPORTANT)

    Change the default value (shown below)




    As per Functor, "If you will just apply the patch of EXE - game client will not use these IPs from network packets. But players will be able to find real IP by using any network sniffer.".

    That's it. If you have question, drop by a comment. ROK On!

    Original Links: Ragnarok Proxy Setup (Hide your VPS IP)
    Other: Setting up 2020 rAthena Server | Setting up 2020 Client - rAthena based

    • Upvote 8
  7. 56 minutes ago, Chaos92 said:

    IPN already added in paypal. Allow access from URL I think should be enabled normally.

    What's your IPN? is it 'www.paypal.com' only?

    	'AcceptDonations'			=> true,					// Whether or not to accept donations.
    	'PayPalIpnUrl'				=> 'www.paypal.com',// The URL for PayPal's IPN responses (www.paypal.com for live and www.sandbox.paypal.com for testing)


  8. Hello,

    @Normynator I'm having this error below.


    However, if I try to recompile on a debian, it works perfectly fine.

    Here's what I found out:
    1. During the make install process the login-server is created but after finishing it, it is automatically deleted or removed. What could be the reason for it? Posted a detailed issue on the Github Repo

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