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Everything posted by srhmike

  1. Its not merged into master yet, you can get it from the pull request, but at the moment there's some conflicts with the files,until they update.
  2. The images your provided are smaller than a mini map xD. Thanks for the share.
  3. Original Creator: Najara Original Link: All I have done is changed over the files into Lua format. Removed treasure chests from it. Changed item numbers up to higher numbers. Once https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/2129 is implemented, these will work fine. I'm not giving support on this. This isn't my creation. Just providing it in lua format. Pet Tame: 35004,Custom_Monster_Tame,Custom Monster Tame,2,10000,,200,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ pet 0; },{},{} You can change it to whatever you want but be sure to edit the lua to match it. Pet item numbers start at 50000 Download Here: pets.rar
  4. monster .RandomMap$,0,0,"INVASION BOSS",.BossCount[.@i],.BossCount[.@i+1],strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBossKilled"; Change where it says Invasion Boss
  5. As you said before, submit it on git issues, see what the devs say. Mine behaves as your described.
  6. What git hash are you using. I tested on mine and LP is working as intended.
  7. Manage Events and Monthly Ranking appear on same line in options. Bombring~ The waves go right after it spawns the bombrings, before they even all get a chance to explode. <~~I guess when they kill eachother, might need to make the time inbetween each wave longer. Doesnt warp out the winner at the end. Emp Event~ The Chatroom Sign doesnt go away. Event never ends, cant @runevent again It leaves some of the players behind. (05/06/2017 01:30:01) [ Error ] : script:run_script_main: infinity loop ! (05/06/2017 01:30:01) [ Debug ] : Source (NPC): Event Information at prontera (159,175) Lucky Event~ Event never ends, cant @runevent again It never picks a winner. (05/06/2017 01:41:29) [ Error ] : buildin_strcharinfo: Player with char id '2000436' is not found. (05/06/2017 01:41:29) [ Debug ] : Source (NPC): Event Information at prontera (159,175) (05/06/2017 01:41:29) [ Error ] : script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached! (05/06/2017 01:41:29) [ Debug ] : Source (NPC): Event Information at prontera (159,175) (05/06/2017 01:41:29) [ Warning ] : script:get_val: cannot access player variable 'WonEvents', defaulting to 0 Manhunt~ It never chooses a target, or makes them huntable, no errors tho..so...yeah.
  8. Need to import the sql file that contains the vend_coin
  9. Make sure you set the IP in your clientinfo.xml in your servers GRF. You can get latest files for grf at https://github.com/zackdreaver
  10. Need to make sure have fully updated kRO. Have latest translation and lua files from https://github.com/zackdreaver Make sure any custom items have been added correctly into the LUA files and item DB.
  11. config\application.php find: 'RequireEmailConfirm' => true, change to false.
  12. Hello again, I have a few request to add in to your event. First would be disguise event =D. Also, when a person joins an event, to disable mado, dragon, grypon, peco, cash mount. On my current one, this is how i did it, under the OnJoinEvent: setmadogear 0; setdragon 0; if ( checkwug() ) setoption Option_Wugrider,0; if( ismounting() ) setmounting; setriding 0; setfalcon 0; setcart 0; callfunc("dispell"); warp .EnterMap$[$@CurrentEvent],.EnterX[$@CurrentEvent],.EnterY[$@CurrentEvent]; end; Also, on the dispell function, can we have it remove all buffs? On the maze event, After receiving the rewards i added in, getitem $@RewardID,$@RewardQNT; zeny += $@RewardZeny; warp prontera,155,181; So the player couldn't get unlimited rewards, and it still allows the other players to finish and receive the reward. On your bombring mapflags, I think it would be a good idea to add mf_noitemconsume, like this: setarray .bombflag,mf_nowarp,mf_nowarpto,mf_nosave,mf_nomemo,mf_noteleport,mf_nopenalty,mf_noreturn,mf_nobranch,mf_nomobloot,mf_nomvploot,mf_noskill,mf_noitemconsumption; It makes it so players cant call the wolf back or use any buffs to help give them an unfair advantage. I also went to the maze event, and added the .bombflag array and the dispell to the maze event to prevent those from being there also. Getting dispell to remove all buffs would be even better. On the dice event, I also the the bombflags to work there. and also made it so after the winning character got the reward, the player would be warped out. I also cant get manhunt to work, I think I posted the error up a couple of posts. I think it would be a pretty cool to get those added in. You could probably make it look alot cleaner than i did in my file. thank you for your hard work and your time! Edit~ Also, adding in the dispell function to the bottom of the script would be awesome, itd stop people from asking or hunting it down xD
  13. Somewhere in your mapflags, the GvG is enabled.
  14. If you are using renewal, theres a renewal drop rate that changes with the level the character is and the level of the monster.
  15. On the maze event, after you get the reward it doesnt warp you out, and allows the player to get the prize over and over think you need it needs to be getitem $@RewardID,$@RewardQNT; zeny += $@RewardZeny; mapwarp "maze","prontera",155,181; Its with the mail disabled. Also getting these errors. Poring event and with Manhunt, so far. (04/27/2017 18:08:55) [ Error ] : npc_enable: Attempted to show a non-existing NPC 'ManhuntPrize' (flag=1). (04/27/2017 18:15:33) [ Warning ] : npc_scriptcont: failed npc_checknear test. Edit~~ the forum is changing it to email protected when its the rewardID Edit2~~ (04/27/2017 18:55:01) [ Error ] : script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached! (04/27/2017 18:55:01) [ Debug ] : Function: announce (2 parameters): (04/27/2017 18:55:01) [ Debug ] : Data: string value="Event Stopped! Not Enough Players Joined the Lucky Pick!" (04/27/2017 18:55:01) [ Debug ] : Data: number value=18 (04/27/2017 18:55:01) [ Debug ] : Source (NPC): Event Information at gmhouse (77,19) Edit 3~~ On zombie event, is it supposed to check for last person alive and give prize? It doesnt do that xD
  16. srhmike

    map server

    Some information about your server might help. any errors showing on map server? any source edits? any other information you can provide?
  17. Well you need to enable the 1 you are using, only one. Then underneath that, you need to fill out the information correctly.
  18. 'MailerUseSMTP' => false, // Whether or not to use a separate SMTP server for sending mail. 'MailerSMTPUseSSL' => false, // Whether or not mailer should connect using SSL (yes for GMail). 'MailerSMTPUseTLS' => false, // Same as above SSL setting, but for TLS. This setting will override the SSL setting. Need to enable the one your using.
  19. For levels that high you need to use job_exp in the db/import folder.
  20. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/GDB I still am not sure if itll do anything. I think I agree with the above statement, saying its the vps. https://rathena.org/board/topic/85807-fatal-error-memory-manager/ Everything I looked up, points to not enough ram. Maybe host is oversold and to much resources are being taken.
  21. Well at first I was going to suggest enabled the logs on map/char/login server, in the conf. But I dont think thats the issue. You could try enabled gdb, to see if it pulls anything. Did you try doing the system updates on the vps? Also, who is the host of the vps? Maybe a google seach could bring up common problem with the same host. Maybe check the configure log
  22. On the end of the error. failed.gard_seal.txt what is that? or is it just apart of the error? have you tried logs? just throwing out things that might get you going in right direction.
  23. On his picture it says 412/1024 used. or am i seeing it wrong?
  24. Never had a GM ask for anything. But, I also face the issues of finding GMs, atleast that are trustworthy.
  25. Cant be a former player. Dont hire staff from players. Some kind of experience. And I really look into what they can offer to the server.
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