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Everything posted by Syouji

  1. Love the idea. Very useful!
  2. I like the architecture / texture changes you applied. Your map is missing shadows but that can easily be fixed. Try to focus on a specific type of house object or else they won't compliment each other as well as you would like. I like your use of effects for the waterfalls but I dont like the concentrated areas of light that are brightening things up a little too much. Overall a nice edit 7/10 but you will need to fix your shadows, light concentration levels, and add more detail to your terrain as theres only a few trees here and there. Include some rocks, flowers, bushes, grass, equipment such as wagons or barrels or w/e that fits to decorate things up more. =)
  3. I have created the board game map only for you. You will need to download the GRF file that holds the map files and custom textures (10mb due to splitting the image you provided into 16 custom textures) Was listening to this while making the map (I know its an old song): DOWNLOAD LINK IN Game Preview
  4. You dont have any lightbulbs on the map to calculate the lightmaps. If you calculate lightmaps on every single gravity map it will turn black. You will need to refer to my lightmaps tutorial on calculating lightmaps (tutorial #13).
  5. Im working on a project called 'BrowEdit Resource Guide". Its just like my tutorial videos except its in a PDF document with images and text explaining each editmode / function of B.E.
  6. Minimap accuracy is random. I dont know how to apply it right unless you use GATWalker to and export a GAT minimap.
  7. Download the required DLLs for BrowEdit located on the main site and unpack them in your main BrowEdit directory. Download DLLs
  8. Added In game Screens to 1st post.
  9. Updated Effects New Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?9pqs083azbgdxiu
  10. Are you trying to say you want to go from: Prontera.rsw [Prontera City, Capital of Rune Midgard] To [Prontera City, Capital of Rune Midgard]
  11. Can you add some search options so you don't have to cycle through all of the requests to find something ;o. For example, the the moment the GM speaks to the NPC there can be an additional option to click called 'Search Request' and after you select that another menu will pop up with a variety of search method choices such as 'Search by Request ID Range, Search by Request ID, Search by Reporter Name" to locate and find something more quickly. =)
  12. This might help: https://subversion.a...etools/clients/ And maybe this too: http://supportmii.com/ro1/Clients/
  13. This is just an idea of mine.. 1.) GM talks to request NPC and chooses several options 2.) NPC allows the GM to choose the additional following options: - Mark Request Read (You input request IDs to mark read and the NPC will query that specific ID and then insert a new variable for that request such as 'read' = 1 otherwise its 0) - Mark Request Read Range (You input a start point request ID and an end point Request ID and it will mark all of those read in b/w the start and end including the start and end point request IDs.) - Show List of Requests (shows 1st 100 requests with a next button to allow the GM to continue query through the next 100 requests until the end) - Show Range of Requests (Input a range of requests you wish to read) 3.) When a GM logs in, the NPC will do a query across all the requests and state how many requests have been Read and Unread by seeing what requests have 'read' = 1 and 0. It will sum up all requests with 'read' equal to 1 and then take the difference of all of the requests minus those with read = 1 to give requests that aren't read. This can be output as a dispbottom stating "X requests have been read, X requests are unread/new". Note: New requests submitted must have this new variable 'read' inserted. I don't know how well this will work as this is just an idea.
  14. Effects are hard-coded into the client to my understanding so you can't add your own effect. You can certainly edit the .str and effect bmp files in the datatextureeffect directory. Other than that, it's about all I know you can do. I know there are several custom client projects going on which can potentially provide the availability of changing/adding your own effects.
  15. Nope. Everything is pretty much static aside from Water/Object Animations/Effects..
  16. If anyone has requests for small maps such as but not limited to PvP/Event Map/Mini-Dungeon/etc make a graphics request thread in the Graphics Request Section and I'll see what I can do to help out. Please bear in mind that depending on the complexity of the request, the longer the release will take as well as the limited time I have to map. EDIT: Version 2 is now available
  17. You can diff your client to do that using shin's Diff Patcher located here. You will need to use an SVN Checkout tool such as TortoiseSVN to download the latest revision of the Diff Patcher and plugins.
  18. I've been seeing a lot of these 'help adding custom item' threads recently within the last couple of weeks. We need to add a pinned section for Judas Bible if it hasnt been done so already. There you can find complete detailed step by step guides on adding items/sprites/server management stuff etc. You can find the PDF here: VIEW JUDAS BIBLE (WARNING, PDF IS VERY BIG SO GIVE IT TIME TO LOAD. I RECOMMEND SAVING IT ON YOUR DESKTOP INSTEAD OF LOADING IT UP EVERYTIME YOU NEED IT!)
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