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Everything posted by Syouji

  1. Good question. I have no idea what eA means too. It probably stands for something in here: http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/EA Mostly likely has NOTHING to do with eAthena.
  2. Have you tried updating your video card drivers? Also check the setup menu for the quality of graphics coming into the game.
  3. So you're erroring when you convert a data folder to a GRF? Use gryff_s SVN to convert a data folder to a GRF since it automatically converts the Korean Unicode to ANSII. I use it all the time. Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?nmtmm0mjzqk Extract the rar file and open gryff_strunksrcoutput and the executable file is in there. Don't know how to use it? Watch the youtube video tutorial I made on custom textures since I use gryff to create a GRF from a data folder during the video. Refer to my signature to access the video links (I believe its #8).
  4. Can you provide some screen shots so we can see the issue? Thanks.
  5. There are plenty of guide sections to show you how to install custom items properly. I'll list a few resources for you. 1. Judas Bible (Sprites/Server Stuff) - View 2. rAthena Wiki Custom Items - View 3. RO Sprite Bible for Job Weapon Directory Locations - View 4. Adding Custom Weapon (rAthena Topic) - View Good luck. =)
  6. You're better off searching in a Blender Support Forum for tutorials or even on youtube to see how to create models. I doubt anyone here knows how to use Blender. As a side note make sure you export your finished model as a .3ds file (probably a plugin for Blender is required, I dunno) since the BrowEdit RSM Converter only deals with converting .3ds files. Good luck.
  7. Try looking in your data.grf in the following locations: Mounts female sprites: dataspriteÀΰ£Á·¸öÅë¿© male sprites: dataspriteÀΰ£Á·¸öÅë³²
  8. Use SPR_Conview_v0.11 to convert a .bmp to an .spr or vice versa. I've used this program to convert several .bmp files and .spr files to one another and it works just fine. Its also very easy to do. Download location: http://ratemyserver....e=download_tool To Convert from .BMP to .SPR 1. Click convert tool at the top navigation bar once you start the program 2. Select .bmp to .spr 3. Under the bitmaps category click the add button and add your .bmps. You can select multiple bmps at a time by highlighting them all. The program will organized numbered bmps in order. 4. Under the sprite category click browse and type in a name you wish to save this new .spr output as. 5. Click Convert to perform the conversion and the output category will give you a breakdown of what it did. Enjoy.
  9. New Tutorial Released #14. Making Slopes. This video was made ONLY because it was requested. PLEASE message me or leave a comment in this thread if you would like to request a future tutorial!
  10. Always use 4x4 for the balanced resolution of terrain textures. =)
  11. Its configured in the fogparametertable.txt. If you're not sure how its done you can follow my BrowEdit Tutorial #13 in the last 5 min of it.
  12. Watch my BrowEdit Tutorial #13 video to make shadows and lights. =)
  13. lmao 'a little bitch', you mean 'a little bit'? XD Also I agree with the walls, they dont fit at all. You should use geffen walls or prontera.
  14. Updated requirements to get rid of any ambiguity with regards to the meaning of asset. It is NOT a requirement but is highly useful to have.
  15. I dont think this is possible as it would require an edit to your ragexeRE, its not server sided. Unless theres some hex for it, I wouldn't know how to do it. Note: I might be wrong on this notion however (I checked all the source files)
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