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Everything posted by Syouji

  1. AFK Hat- http://rathena.org/board/topic/54294-dl-collection-of-hats-from-jrotwrobroiro/ Look for ACCESSORY_JRO_13 = 1212 Samurai Shadow: http://rathena.org/board/files/file/1782-incantation-samurai-shadow/ Sorry this is all I could find.
  2. Thanks Chem-Crush~. I'll be updating this map later on today with vending placements and a few more details as per request for the original requester.
  3. Until someone has agreed to do it for money OR the topic creator decides to pay someone for it should this thread be moved to paid services as he hasn't specified anything to do with money but a simple request. I personally wouldn't build something like this as a map request as it would consume too much of my time. I can deal with small map requests.
  4. Can you please paste in codebox format everything you edited to add your cards (includes file name and what you edited inside the file). That will make it much easier to pinpoint the issue to your problem and how to fix it quickly.
  5. Ill add vending spot placements and a few more details later.
  6. Someone requested this in a 'map request thread'. So I'll put it here as a free release since the request originally was just to help someone out. Enjoy~ Note: This is a very quick design. About an hours work so theres nothing too special about it. EDIT: VERSION 2 Is NOW AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD Version 2 Download Link Attached to this Post!!!!! Custom Vending Map V2.7z
  7. This looks a lot like the turbo room setup. Do you want it to look similar to that but smaller? EDIT: All Done. Hope you like it. Download Link Attached to this Post!!!!! Custom Vending Room.7z
  8. A Resource Guide For Mappers Note: No longer a collaborated based project. It is now running as an independent piece of work. Greetings everyone! I would like to draw the attention of all experienced mappers out there. If you enjoy mapping and wish to share your knowledge to others then I would like to introduce you for the 1st time to a new collaborative based project called BRG - BrowEdit Resource Guide. Its a single document, a user-manual if you will that gives detailed breakdowns of each major function of BrowEdit. A few of many categories the resource guide provides are: Downloading and Installing BrowEdit Details of each Edit Mode & their functionality Recommendations & Quick Tips for each Edit Mode Navigational Controls Mapping Resource Download Links (templates/maps/textures/models) & much more. If you've read the Judas Bible for server management/sprite implementations then this new resource is exactly that except geared towards just BrowEdit. The final product for this guide will comprise of great detail towards images and step by step processes. It will also be formated as a PDF document with interactable links. Collaborating everyone's work is much better than having others producing guides of their own. This way we can work together as a team and bring about our knowledge as one, all placed nicely together into a single package. To Apply as a collaborator You must meet or exceed the following Requirements. REQUIREMENTS: Be able to write in English (Doesn't have to be perfect as long as we can understand what you're trying to say) Basic Knowledge of using a Google document (Google Account Required) An Experienced Mapper (Great/High understanding of BrowEdit & its functions, designed several maps and therefore you know how BrowEdit responds to the user) A Team Player & Self Motivated Multilinguistic is an Asset, NOT REQUIRED (Possibility of Multi-Language Support In the Future) You might think to yourself, whats in it for me? Your name will be published inside the document as a collaborator and credited appropriately. The document will be released publically as a free resource for anyone. If you are interested in being a part of this project and know this is right for you please send me a personal message on the forums. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from all mappers out there! LIST OF COLLABORATORS: Syouji Will populate list as new contributors join the project.
  9. Thats pretty sick. I wanna see what it looks like in game I think it would be really cool if the community (including myself) would look into releasing custom texture/model packs. I understand we have arcturus models/textures and stuff but having our own made textures would be really cool. It can be space/grass/dungeon/sky/ textures or w/e.
  10. If you provide me a basic image layout (doesnt have to be detailed), it would be easier for me to design it towards your liking. Example:
  11. Finished BrowEdit Tutorial #13. It's now available.

  12. I can build one for you if you give me a layout. It can be a paint image or w/e with how you want it organized.
  13. Finished the new lighting tutorial. Currently uploading it to youtube. Stay tuned. EDIT: Tutorial #13 is now
  14. datasprite¾Ç¼¼»Ç¸®¿© datasprite¾Ç¼¼»Ç¸®³² Item Desc Image BMP: datatextureÀ¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽ºcollection Inventory BMP: datatextureÀ¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽ºitem Drop: datasprite¾ÆÀÌÅÛ Source: http://eathena.ws/wiki/index.php?title=Custom_Items&oldid=2491 Also is your client reading lua or lub first?
  15. Make sure you added the sprite of the headgear in the male and female section for headgears. its the 33 and j@ section in your GRF.
  16. 1------------------------0------------------------5------------------------3
  17. Finished BrowEdit Tutorial #11 - Adding a Duplicate Model that Utilizes Custom Textures. Uploading it to Youtube. Will edit this post and the 1st post of this thread when the video has finished uploading. Finished: -
  18. Take a look at this script here and play around with it: http://www.eathena.ws/board/lofiversion/index.php?t269802.html
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