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Everything posted by Syouji

  1. ZOMG <3 YOu!!! Checking. Edit: OMG you fixed it! Thank you so much. Danker you've really helped me a lot in these past problems I've had. Kudos + 1 to you man.
  2. Not sure if anyone else is getting this error but the vending machine sprite is like halfway through the ground of the map. Does anyone have a fixed version of the sprite? Thanks!
  3. Can you show me how you did it please? . Also would it be possible to keep it as an armor equip but still see the sprite? EDIT #2: I shifted the item's type from armor to upper headgear and I was able to see the sprite (looks like no sprites appear on armor type. Never knew that). I decided to keep the item in the headgear position. I really appreciate your help about the info! CASE SOLVED
  4. I don't think thats a robe sprite at all. According to another user here 'The robe sprite system only works with clients past 2011-06-01(6/1/2011)' I wouldn't know how to set it up properly and my client certainly isnt that up to date.
  5. If you added a custom BGM make sure it's bit rate is 128kb. Also check the syntax of your entry in the mp3nametable.
  6. So I have a weird issue. I added a new sprite aquasack to my test server and I can see the item in my equipment window, the item when its dropped, the item in my inventory window but not when its on the sprite. If I equip the aqua sack it goes to armor and I can ALT + Q and will NOT crash at all. If I open my inventory while still equipping it I don't crash. I just don't see the sprite on my character. This is what I did to set it up. If SOLVED.
  7. Those links used to be active but it looks like every directory of the site's server is now gone. Green-Peach was like one of the top sprite sites and now it just magically disappeared. I found some alternative glasses sprites. I appreciate everyone's input tho.
  8. I would like to request the sprite files for 'Poring Cart'. I can't seem to find it wherever I search on google multiple sites. Would really appreciate it if someone hat it available. Also if there are other carts available that doesnt include what is already found in the downloads section of this site that would awesome. Thanks~ EDIT: I Found the Sprite. To those who want to have the poring cart as well you can find it here: http://www.eathena.w...howtopic=245084 OR rAthena Download Section: http://rathena.org/b...88-poring-cart/ OR refer to the attached files Enjoy~ Poring Cart.7z
  9. Hismoon. Here is the BrowEdit Revision 586 I use. It has updated effects & textures. The modes & texture names are also categorized. http://www.mediafire...h8ivzg8y2edybx4 Unpack the .7zip file with '7zip' or WinRAR
  10. Hello~ I would like to request the colored sunglasses Sprite SPR/ACT Files for both the drop & male/female equip itself. The sprites originated from green-peach.com however the site seems to be really messed up rendering me unable to gather the sprite files. I have the collection/item bmp images. The sunglasses sprites should look like this (Total of 7 different colors..Green/Yellow/Cyan/Blue/Purple/Red/White): Original Creator: ToZorMan http://green-peach.c...%20ToZorMan.bmp http://green-peach.c..._Sunglasses.bmp http://green-peach.c..._Sunglasses.bmp http://green-peach.c..._Sunglasses.bmp http://green-peach.c..._Sunglasses.bmp http://green-peach.c..._Sunglasses.bmp http://green-peach.c..._Sunglasses.bmp http://green-peach.c..._Sunglasses.bmp Any information relating to alternate means of obtaining these sprites would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  11. Sounds good. You can just use browedit to open the original clean map and resave it with a new name.
  12. Did you make sure that you edtied 'grf-files.txt' to read the correct location for your data folder? Make sure you also didn't right-click and clicked 'rename' on any of the map files to rename them. That will just corrupt it.
  13. All you need to do is add the sprite and act file of your equip to your data folder so that it has the prefix for female and male. Its like: datasprite¾Ç¼¼»Ç¸®³²³²_c_gear.spr datasprite¾Ç¼¼»Ç¸®³²³²_c_gear.act datasprite¾Ç¼¼»Ç¸®¿©¿©_c_gear.act datasprite¾Ç¼¼»Ç¸®¿©¿©_c_gear.spr You will also need your main sprite to be located in this path as well: datasprite¾ÆÀÌÅÛc_gear.act datasprite¾ÆÀÌÅÛc_gear.spr I forget which one represents male and female. You can use this as a resource to see where to add the sprite files by following how this sprite is handled: http://rathena.org/board/files/go/0997214b56af35fef184875909c5634d/love-indonesia
  14. Best of luck to you. When you've made the changes, make sure to leave an update here to see what we can do for you.
  15. I just tested your map and it works fine. GATS that were non-walkable stopped me and I never snapped with lag and couldnt walk.I think it could be your mapcache.dat itself. Delete the mapcache.dat completely, drop the map files you gave me into the data folders and use WeeMapCache tool provided in my latest BrowEdit Tutorial #10 to add the .GAT file of your map to the new mapcache.dat that will be rebuilt. Also check your client. I'm presuming you're making this into a sky map so as a reference you can view my sky-map browedit tutorial as well for help. Other notes: - Objects were drawn and loaded just fine and when I zoomed out they appeared fine as well - Textures didnt scramble or turn black/no-draw which is a good sign. - No character locking (check your client version)
  16. Did you build this map usng the 'new map' function? if you did, load up a gravity map and save it on your desktop. Re-open it with BrowEdit and wipe it clean using the 'clearmap' function. Then using 'global heigh edit' copy and paste your entire map section from your current map to the new map template and save it. If you didn't use the 'new map' function I can take a look at your map itself if you feel comfortable with me using it. Of course I won't be distributing it. I will only be using it to fix your issue.
  17. Note: NOT TESTED Source: Original Post To do this you can edit the dead branch item in your item_db so that it calls a function instead of the mob_branch.txt file when it spawns a monster. This will look like this: { callfunc "newbranch"; },{},{} Afterwards make a new script file and in it will be your new mob information. Here you can add the minibosses and normal monsters. function script newbranch { setarray .@group[0], //Keep Populating this List 1001, // Scorpion - Normal 1002, // Poring - Normal 1004, // Hornet - Normal 1005, // Familiar - Normal 1120, // Ghostring - Miniboss //Set .@i as the starting point for where the miniboss entries are all the way to the end. set .@chosen, .@group[rand(getarraysize(.@group))]; monster "this",-1,-1,strmobinfo(1,.@chosen),.@chosen,1,""; for (set @i,4; @i <= getarraysize(.@group); set @i,@i+1){ if(.@chosen == .@group[.@i]){ mapannounce "maphere","A miniboss was spawned!",0; } } end; }
  18. Do you wish to broadcast this only to the user who used the dead branch? That way everyone on the server won't be spammed by continuous minibosses dead branch spawn broadcast messages?
  19. Oh sweet. Thanks for confirmation. Thank you!!!!!!
  20. Oh! I'll try that out then later on tonight.Currently at work haha. =)
  21. I assigned my own restricted number to each item as '8'. So I'm confused to why it would be 2?
  22. Thanks for the response Arcenciel. I have set the mapflags in the mapflag folder as you can see above under the 'restricted.txt' file however it doesnt work.
  23. 1.) Set GAT Height in 'Edit' 2.) Raise water level of map to -20 and raise the entire terrain above that.
  24. Update: Added BrowEdit Tutorial #10 - Adding a Custom Map to a Server
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