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Everything posted by Akkarin

  1. Have you looked on Github to see if there's already an issue regarding this - if there is, post there. If there isn't, start one there. Saying you're experiencing the same thing serves no purpose and adds nothing new to this thread (which according to the forum rules make your post "spam").
  2. Evening all, hope you're all well and staying safe! The Moderator Team have recently been set the mammoth task of combing through topics in the support areas and selecting the Best Answer, in an effort to help users in the future with their search for hidden knowledge! As there are more sections than there are moderators, we're looking for some fresh meat to add to our wonderful and knowledgeable team to help us do a bit of spring cleaning! You can apply here: https://rathena.org/staffapplications/ All applicants with have their forum account scrutinised by various members of staff - if you've had warning points applied to your account in the recent past, they will only count against you if you have been consistently receiving them. Apply now - rAthena wants you! Edit: I should specify, that Moderators are here to moderate the forum, not provide support on every topic that is started by our users. As such, Moderators do not require extensive knowledge in areas such as scripting, source modifications, PHP for FluxCP, etc. If you don't have knowledge in these areas, that's ok! All we need from you is to be able to act professionally, follow the Moderator Guidelines and use your common sense effectively. Moderators are here to moderate the forums - they're not support staff. Hope that clears things up.
  3. As another has stated - you're trying to login with the root user, so use the root password that you created when you installed MySQL. Type it..
  4. You should, with proof. It's my job to do what I can to shield our users from fraudulent behaviour, but I can't do that if facts are being kept hidden.
  5. In an effort to aid the community, would you be able to update this thread saying where/how you found them so that this thread can help other users in the future.
  6. rAthena doesn't yet support 2020 clients. You use this is a base and use a 2018 or older client.
  7. But.. so is cron.. and you wouldn't need to install another package just to echo out the same code that you'd put into cron in the first place o.O
  8. Or upload it to the downloads area to benefit the community o.O
  9. No. He didn't say anything about extracting the data from the exe. He said find the msgstringtable.txt file in your translated data folder and edit the line there. It'll be with the other files you downloaded for english text that are probably sitting in your data folder.
  10. Akkarin


    Resurrected from some old files, the naked class sprites have returned. We're about to open for Closed Alpha and we're really excited to get things moving! Details: Pre-Renewal Mechanics using Renewal features. Episode 11.3 (rolling Morocc back was time consuming!) Our job class sprites are a combination of Default, Wearing Smalls (e.g. underwear/swimsuit) or Completely Naked! Full Installer weighing in at just over 1GB!! And things are about to get smutty. We've got some dirty events and instances cooked up with a variety of rather intriguing headgear and usable items! Needless to say, you need to be over a certain age to play this particular private server.
  11. Why are there two to do exactly the same job @.@
  12. There's are several translation projects floating around. Realistically though, you'd be far better off translating the files yourself if you can as most translation projects (other than Zackdreaver's kRO -> English project) haven't been updated for quite some time.
  13. As i've already said, the error message tells you where to look for the erroneous code. There's absolutely no reason why you couldn't have fixed either of these issues yourself. It's all about the learning curve!
  14. Just turn if off in the chat options..
  15. This is not a forum issue so I've moved your topic into the appropriate location.
  16. I'm pretty sure i've read somewhere that the location of the broadcast displayed int he client window is hardcoded - you can only use the offset (fontY), but trying to duplicate the command will still use the same packets, so unless you're going to repack your client with new packets to handle this (which is not possible) then you're stuck with the announce code that everyone else has.
  17. The code is obviously not correct: 'UseMD5' => `false, Remove that erroneous ` The error literally told you where to look.
  18. The latest client date that rAthena supports is always listed as the default in https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/config/packets.hpp#L16 You can find that client floating around the Client Release forum. Also, please change your topic title to something more informative before I start handing out Warning Points. "lates clean hexed" could mean any client a few years down the road.
  19. Not without knowing which theme you're using, no.
  20. .... click "objects" in that dropdown list.
  21. There is absolutely no reason to resurrect a thread to tell someone that you've sent them a message. They'll see the message just fine without you telling them to go look for it.
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