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  1. Thanks the packets.h version worked correctly ?
  2. how do i fix this pls? PC Version works fine
  3. How to fix char-server error? for Andro? PC Version works fine
  4. Requesting for support! I am trying to make this script work, am not sure whats wrong? Anyone can help? need to be able to properly execute a random date/time-triggered activation where target NPC warps from original position to a random map with random xy coordinates, and returns to original position after an hour. so far all attempts at tweaking the script doesn't execute the "return to original position" part. - script EndActive -1,{ OnInit: OnDay0101: OnDay0201: OnDay0301: OnDay0401: OnDay0501: OnDay0601: OnDay0701: OnDay0801: OnDay0901: OnDay1001: OnDay1101: OnDay1201: setarray .@amonwarp$[0],"prontera","geffen","morocc","aldebaran","xmas","yuno","alberta","rachel","veins","hugel","payon","umbala","jawaii","comodo","niflheim","ayothaya","gonryun","louyang","mid_camp","lighthalzen","einbech","einbroch"; setarray .@monthday[0],01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28; setarray .@daytime[0],10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22; if (gettime(5) == .@monthday[rand(28)] && gettime(3) == .@daytime[rand(14)]) while(1) { set $@jx,rand(30,225); set $@jy,rand(30,225); unitwarp getnpcid(0,"Amon"),""+.@amonwarp$[rand(22)]+"",$@jx,$@jy; if(checkcell(""+.@amonwarp$+"",$@jx,$@jy,cell_chkpass) == 1) break; } announce "An unspeakable evil has appeared. Netorian, Irunite and Schicksal units, proceed with caution.",bc_all,0xFF0000; end; } else { unitwarp getnpcid(0,"Amon"),"jupe_area2",145,10; announce "Absolute Evil has retreated back into the Void. Everyone, be vigilant.",bc_all,0xFF0000; end; } }
  5. Hi Alayne, Can you let me know how this works? After entering the instance, the revenge seeds ask for price, I keep paying price but nothing happens.. hmmm
  6. Hi guys! I am trying to use Alayne's Voluspa Prophecy Instance script : This is the npc script I have dali02,139,117,4 script Volva::alvopr 4_F_RUSGREEN,{ OnStart: set .@party_id, getcharid(1); set .@is_leader, ( getcharid(0) == getpartyleader(.@party_id,2) ); set .@has_instance, VP_INSTANCE_ID > 0; set .@instance_vp_delay, ( instance_delay_volpro - gettimetick(2) ); mes "^0055FF[ "+.instance_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "...Leave me...I don't belong to this place..."; mes " "; if( .@instance_vp_delay > 0 ) { mes "I can't let you in. The copy created by my rage is too strong now. Wait " + callfunc("__Time2Str", .@instance_vp_delay) + " before coming back."; close; } next; mes "^0055FF[ "+.instance_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "I was a free Volva long ago. Do you know what's a Volva?"; mes "We're shaman. Mediums. Reading Past and Future."; mes "Odin's call me back from the death to use me."; mes "From my hate, a ghost was raised. Now, it threatened anything around here..."; next; mes "^0055FF[ "+.instance_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "Can you go there and calm it?"; next; switch( select( ( .@party_id && .@is_leader && !.@has_instance )?"Start " + .instance_name$:"", ( .@party_id && .@has_instance )?"Enter " + .instance_name$:"", ( .@party_id && .@is_leader && .@has_instance )?"Destroy " + .instance_name$:"", "Information" )){ case 1: getpartymember .@party_id,2; if( .min_party_member >= 1 ){ set .@origin, getcharid(3); set .@gettimetick, gettimetick(2); for( set .@i, 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; set .@i, .@i+1 ) if( attachrid( $@partymemberaid[.@i] ) ){ set .@member_count, .@member_count + 1; if( BaseLevel < .base_level[0] || BaseLevel > .base_level[1] ) set .@fail, .@fail|1; if( Zeny < .instance_zeny ) set .@fail, .@fail|2; if( instance_delay_volpro > .@gettimetick ) set .@fail, .@fail|4; if( .@fail ){ set .@name$, strcharinfo(0); break; } } attachrid( .@origin ); } if( .@name$ != "" && .@fail ){ mes "^FF0000[ Failed ]^000000"; mes "^0055FF"+.@name$+"^000000, cannot join right now."; mes " "; mes "^FF0000[ Reason: ]^000000"; if( .@fail & 1 ) mes "^777777You must be Level: "+.base_level[0]+" - "+.base_level[1]+"^000000"; if( .@fail & 2 ) mes "^777777You need "+ .instance_zeny +" Zeny^000000"; if( .@fail & 4 ) mes "^777777You still have cooldown.^000000"; break; } if( instance_check_party( .@party_id,.min_party_member ) == 0 ){ mes "^0055FF[ "+.instance_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "Make or join a party with at least "+.min_party_member+" member and try again."; break; } else{ set $instance_vp_level, select( "^FF0000[ Cooldown - 24 Hours ]^000000 Easy Mode", "^FF0000[ Cooldown - 48 Hours ]^000000 Difficult Mode", "^FF0000[ Cooldown - 72 Hours ]^000000 Extreme Mode", "^FF0000[ Cooldown - 96 Hours ]^000000 Apocalypse Mode" ); //HERCULES //set .@instance, instance_create( .instance_name$,.@party_id, IOT_PARTY ); //RATHENA set .@instance, instance_create( .instance_name$ ); if( .@instance < 0 ) { mes "^0000FF"+.instance_name$+" ^000000- Reservation Failed!"; close; } mes "^0055FF[ "+.instance_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "^0000FF"+.instance_name$+" ^000000 - Reserved"; //HERCULES //for( .@i = 0; .@i < .map_size; .@i++ ) // if( instance_attachmap( .map$[.@i], .@instance, 1, "" + (.@i + 1) + "@volpro" ) == "" ){ // npctalk "" + .instance_name$ + " reservation failed."; // mes "- ^FF0000Reservation Failed!^000000"; // instance_destroy( .@instance ); // close; // } set .@gettimetick, gettimetick(2); getpartymember .@party_id,2; for( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) if( attachrid( $@partymemberaid[.@i] ) ){ set instance_delay_volpro, ( .@gettimetick + ( .instance_delay * .@level )); set Zeny, Zeny - .instance_zeny; VP_INSTANCE_ID = .@instance; dispbottom "["+.instance_name$+"] Paid "+ .instance_zeny +" Zeny and Instance Cooldown Applied."; } attachrid( .@origin ); npctalk "" + .instance_name$ + " has been generated for Party - "+getpartyname( .@party_id ); //HERCULES //instance_set_timeout $time_vp_limit[0],$time_vp_limit[1],.@instance; //herc only //instance_attach( .@instance ); //instance_init( .@instance ); //RATHENA //disable unused npcs for now } case 2: getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, BL_PC); //HERCULES //savepoint .@map$, .@x, .@y; //if( has_instance( .map$[0] ) == "" ){ // mes .instance_name$ + " doesnt exist for Party - "+getpartyname( .@party_id ); //} //else{ // warp .map$[0],216,58; // instance_announce $instance_vp, getpartyname(getcharid(1))+" entered in the "+.instance_name$+"!",bc_map,"0x00ff99"; //} //RATHENA save .@map$, .@x, .@y; switch(instance_enter(.instance_name$)) { default: mes "An unknown error has occurred."; close; case 2: mes "The memorial dungeon " + .instance_name$ + " does not exist."; mes "The party leader did not generate the dungeon yet."; close; case 1: mes "You can enter the dungeon after making the party."; close; case 0: instance_announce $instance_vp, strcharinfo(0)+" from party, " +getpartyname( .@party_id )+", is entering the dungeon, "+.instance_name$+".",bc_map,"0x00ff99",FW_NORMAL,12; end; } break; case 3: mes "" + .instance_name$ + " Destroyed."; instance_destroy VP_INSTANCE_ID; getpartymember getcharid(1),2; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; set .@i, .@i+1 ) if( attachrid( $@partymemberaid[.@i] ) && VP_INSTANCE_ID > 0){ set VP_INSTANCE_ID, -1; } break; default: mes "^0055FF[ "+.instance_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "I was a free Volva long ago. Do you know what's a Volva?"; mes "We're shaman. Mediums. Reading Past and Future."; mes "Odin's call me back from the death to use me. But I didn't feared him anymore."; next; mes "^0055FF[ "+.instance_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "While he asked me for the Knowledge, I showed him everything, past and future, what was about to arrive."; mes "All his beloved death, and even his own. And from Wisdom, he also learnt fear."; next; mes "^0055FF[ "+.instance_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "But that wasn't enough. I lived long enough, and don't want to come back. So I hated him, like never before."; mes "From my hate, a ghost was raised. Now, it threatened anything around here..."; break; } close; OnPCLoginEvent: OnPCLogoutEvent: VP_INSTANCE_ID = -1; end; OnInit: setarray .base_level,255,255; setarray $time_vp_limit,7200,300; setarray .map$,"1@vp"; set .map_size, getarraysize( .map$ ); set .min_party_member, 1; set .instance_zeny, 50000; set .instance_delay, 43200; set .instance_name$, "Voluspa Prophecy"; end; } 1@vp,154,111,4 script Revenge Seed 4_MAL_BUDIDAI,{ function invok_past; function invok_present; function invok_future; function floor_monster; function floor_reward; set .@npcname$, "[VoluspaGhost]"; mes .@npcname$; mes "Who are you...What are you doing here?"; set .@npc_name$, instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); set .@mob_dead_num, mobcount( strnpcinfo(4),.@npc_name$+"::OnNormalDied" ); set .@mob_dead_num, .@mob_dead_num + mobcount( strnpcinfo(4),.@npc_name$+"::OnGuardianDied" ); if(.@mob_dead_num != 0) { mes "Go away. You don't have to talk to me right now."; close; } mes "You want a reading? Pay the price."; if(select("Pay","What's the price?") == 1) { set .@baseLeech, 10 * 'instance_vp_floor; getpartymember getcharid(1); copyarray .@partymemberaid, $@partymemberaid, $@partymembercount; set .@maxCountLeech, $@partymembercount; set .@countLeech, 0; while(.@countLeech <= 0 || .@countLeech > .@maxCountLeech) { next; mes .@npcname$; mes "How many of yours will pay the Price?"; input .@countLeech; } set .@appliedLeech, 0; for(set .@i, 0; .@i<getarraysize(.@partymemberaid) && .@appliedLeech < .@countLeech; set .@i,.@i+1) { set .@ranked, rand(0,getarraysize(.@partymemberaid)); if(attachrid(.@partymemberaid[.@ranked])) { percentheal (0 - .@baseLeech) / .@countLeech, (0 - .@baseLeech) / .@countLeech; set .@appliedLeech, .@appliedLeech + 1; } deletearray .@partymemberaid[.@ranked], 1; } switch('instance_vp_floor) { case 1: instance_announce $instance_vp, "[ VoluspaProphecy ] : I read in blood....", bc_map|bc_red; break; case 2: instance_announce $instance_vp, "[ VoluspaProphecy ] : M...Mooreee....", bc_map|bc_red; break; case 3: instance_announce $instance_vp, "[ VoluspaProphecy ] : Give me more....", bc_map|bc_red; break; case 4: instance_announce $instance_vp, "[ VoluspaProphecy ] : Still not enough....", bc_map|bc_red; break; case 5: instance_announce $instance_vp, "[ VoluspaProphecy ] : M...Mooreee...Give me MORE!", bc_map|bc_red; break; case 6: instance_announce $instance_vp, "[ VoluspaProphecy ] : M...Mooreee....", bc_map|bc_red; break; } set .@npc_name$, instance_npcname( strnpcinfo(0) ); doevent .@npc_name$+"::OnFloorSummon"; } else { next; mes .@npcname$; mes "You need to have faith."; } close; function invok_past { attachrid(getarg(0)); getpartymember getcharid(1); copyarray .@partymemberaid[0], $@partymemberaid[0], $@partymembercount; for(set .@i, 0; .@i<getarraysize(.@partymemberaid); set .@i,.@i+1) { if(attachrid(.@partymemberaid)) { switch(BaseClass) { case Job_Swordman: setarray .monster[getarraysize(.monster)],1652; break; case Job_Mage: setarray .monster[getarraysize(.monster)],1657; break; case Job_Archer: setarray .monster[getarraysize(.monster)],1656; break; case Job_Acolyte: setarray .monster[getarraysize(.monster)],1655; break; case Job_Merchant: setarray .monster[getarraysize(.monster)],1654; break; case Job_Thief: setarray .monster[getarraysize(.monster)],1653; break; } } } return; } function invok_present { attachrid(getarg(0)); set .@amount, getarg(1); set .@npc_name$, instance_npcname( strnpcinfo(0) ); getpartymember getcharid(1); copyarray .@partymemberaid, $@partymemberaid, $@partymembercount; for(set .@i, 0; .@i<getarraysize(.@partymemberaid); set .@i,.@i+1) { if(attachrid(.@partymemberaid)) { getmapxy(.@mappop$, .@mapx, .@mapy, BL_PC); for(set .@j, 0; .@j<.@amount; set .@j,.@j+1) { clone .@mappop$, .@mapx, .@mapy, .@npc_name$+"::OnNormalDied", getcharid(0); } } } return; } function invok_future { getpartymember getcharid(1); attachrid(getarg(0)); copyarray .@partymemberaid, $@partymemberaid, $@partymembercount; for(set .@i, 0; .@i<getarraysize(.@partymemberaid); set .@i,.@i+1) { if(attachrid(.@partymemberaid)) { switch(Class) { case Job_Knight: case Job_Knight2: case Job_Lord_Knight: case Job_Lord_Knight2: case Job_Rune_Knight: case Job_Rune_Knight2: case Job_Rune_Knight_T: case Job_Rune_Knight_T2: setarray .monster[getarraysize(.monster)],1634; break; case Job_Crusader: case Job_Crusader2: case Job_Paladin: case Job_Paladin2: case Job_Royal_Guard: case Job_Royal_Guard2: case Job_Royal_Guard_T: case Job_Royal_Guard_T2: setarray .monster[getarraysize(.monster)],2221; break; case Job_Wizard: case Job_High_Wizard: case Job_Warlock: case Job_Warlock_T: setarray .monster[getarraysize(.monster)],1639; break; case Job_Sage: case Job_Professor: case Job_Sorcerer: case Job_Sorcerer_T: setarray .monster[getarraysize(.monster)],2223; break; case Job_Hunter: case Job_Sniper: case Job_Ranger: case Job_Ranger_T: case Job_Ranger2: case Job_Ranger_T2: setarray .monster[getarraysize(.monster)],1638; break; case Job_Bard: case Job_Clown: case Job_Minstrel: case Job_Minstrel_T: setarray .monster[getarraysize(.monster)],2226; break; case Job_Dancer: case Job_Gypsy: case Job_Wanderer: case Job_Wanderer_T: setarray .monster[getarraysize(.monster)],2227; break; case Job_Monk: case Job_Champion: case Job_Sura: case Job_Sura_T: setarray .monster[getarraysize(.monster)],2224; break; case Job_Priest: case Job_High_Priest: case Job_Arch_Bishop: case Job_Arch_Bishop_T: setarray .monster[getarraysize(.monster)],1637; break; case Job_Blacksmith: case Job_Whitesmith: case Job_Mechanic: case Job_Mechanic_T: case Job_Mechanic2: case Job_Mechanic_T2: setarray .monster[getarraysize(.monster)],1636; break; case Job_Alchemist: case Job_Creator: case Job_Genetic: case Job_Genetic_T: setarray .monster[getarraysize(.monster)],2222; break; case Job_Rogue: case Job_Stalker: case Job_Shadow_Chaser: case Job_Shadow_Chaser_T: setarray .monster[getarraysize(.monster)],2225; break; case Job_Assassin: case Job_Assassin_Cross: case Job_Guillotine_Cross: case Job_Guillotine_Cross_T: setarray .monster[getarraysize(.monster)],1635; break; } } } return; } function floor_monster { set .@npc_name$, getarg(0); set .@map$, strnpcinfo(4); switch( 'instance_vp_floor ){ case 0: setarray .monster,2004,2002,1263; setarray .@amount,15,25,30; setarray .@coordinate,208,127,221,58; set .@event$, .@npc_name$+"::OnGhostDied"; set 'instance_vp_floor_name$, "Monster Time"; break; case 1: deletearray .monster[0], getarraysize(.monster); invok_past(getcharid(3)); set .@amount, 20 * $instance_vp_level; setarray .@coordinate,173,100,136,123; set .@event$, .@npc_name$+"::OnNormalDied"; set .@message$, "See...See the Past you've already encountered. All thoses monsters killed."; set 'instance_vp_floor_name$, "Past Time"; break; case 2: deletearray .monster[0], getarraysize(.monster); invok_present(getcharid(3), .maxCloneAmount * $instance_vp_level); set .@message$, "Feel...Feel the Present. Feel the choices that are offered to you to progress."; set 'instance_vp_floor_name$, "Present Time"; break; case 3: deletearray .monster[0], getarraysize(.monster); invok_future(getcharid(3)); set .@amount, 5 * $instance_vp_level; setarray .@coordinate,173,100,136,123; set .@event$, .@npc_name$+"::OnNormalDied"; set .@message$, "Fear...Fear the Future, unknown cause not encountered yet..."; set 'instance_vp_floor_name$, "Future Time"; break; case 4: deletearray .monster[0], getarraysize(.monster); invok_past(getcharid(3)); set .@amount, 20 * $instance_vp_level; setarray .@coordinate,173,100,136,123; set .monster_size, getarraysize( .monster ); for( set .@i, 0; .@i < .monster_size; set .@i, .@i+1 ){ set .@target_amount, ( $instance_vp_level * .@amount[.@i] ); areamonster .@map$,.@coordinate[0],.@coordinate[1],.@coordinate[2],.@coordinate[3],"--ja--",.monster[.@i],.@target_amount,.@npc_name$+"::OnNormalDied"; } deletearray .monster[0], getarraysize(.monster); invok_present(getcharid(3),.maxCloneAmount * $instance_vp_level); deletearray .monster[0], getarraysize(.monster); invok_future(getcharid(3)); set .@amount, 2 * $instance_vp_level; set .@event$, .@npc_name$+"::OnNormalDied"; set .@message$, "Conceil...Conceil all those in one general path..."; set 'instance_vp_floor_name$, "Condensed Time"; break; case 5: //Leak, Kraken, Dracula, Phreeoni, Maya P setarray .monster,2156,2202,1389,1159,1289; set .@amount,1; setarray .@coordinate,173,100,136,123; set .@event$, .@npc_name$+"::OnGuardianDied"; set .@message$, "Forget...Forget, cause there's no redemption..."; set 'instance_vp_floor_name$, "MvP Time"; break; default: return; } set .monster_size, getarraysize( .monster ); for( set .@i, 0; .@i < .monster_size; set .@i, .@i+1 ){ set .@target_amount, ( $instance_vp_level * .@amount ); areamonster .@map$,.@coordinate[0],.@coordinate[1],.@coordinate[2],.@coordinate[3],"--ja--",.monster[.@i],.@target_amount,.@event$; } instance_announce $instance_vp,"[ VoluspaProphecy ] : " + .@message$,bc_map,0x00FF99; return; } function floor_reward { set .@party_id, getarg(0); set .@arg_count, getargcount() - 1; //switch( 'instance_vp_floor ){ // <item id>,<amount>,<rate>, //case 1: // setarray .@item_list, // 5546,1,5; // break; //default: return; //} set .@reward, getarg(1); set .@item_list_size, getarraysize( .@item_list ) - 2; set .@originId, getcharid(3); if( .@party_id && .@item_list_size ){ getpartymember .@party_id,2; for( .@pt = 0; .@pt < $@partymembercount; .@pt++ ){ if( attachrid( $@partymemberaid[.@pt] ) ){ if('rewardMode == 0) { for( .@item = 0; .@item < .@item_list_size; .@item += 3 ) if( rand(100) < .@item_list[.@item+2] ) getitem .@item_list[.@item],.@item_list[.@item+1]; } else { callfunc("AddPoints", getcharid(3), .@reward * $instance_vp_level); } dispbottom "[ Voluspa Prophecy ] : You have gained instance points for defeating "+'instance_vp_floor_name$+"."; logmes "[ Voluspa Prophecy ] " + strcharinfo(0) + " complete the instance and obtains " + (.@reward * $instance_vp_level) + " points."; } } detachrid; } attachrid(.@originId); return; } OnInstanceInit: set 'instance_vp_floor, 0; set 'rewardMode, 1; set .@map$, strnpcinfo(4); set .@npc_name$, instance_npcname( strnpcinfo(0) ); hideoffnpc .@npc_name$; set 'floor_vp_reward, 75; set 'final_vp_reward, 250; set .maxFloor, 5; set .maxCloneAmount, 5; set .bossMonsterId, 2476; floor_monster(.@npc_name$ ); //RATHENA initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1000: set .countTimerRound, .countTimerRound + 1; //RATHENA delay if (.countTimerRound >= $time_vp_limit[0]) { stopnpctimer; instance_announce $instance_vp,"[ Voluspa Prophecy ] : The dimension is collapsing. You should get out now!!",bc_map,0x00FF99; instance_destroy VP_INSTANCE_ID; getpartymember getcharid(1),2; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; set .@i, .@i+1 ) if( attachrid( $@partymemberaid[.@i] ) && VP_INSTANCE_ID > 0){ set VP_INSTANCE_ID, -1; } } end; OnFloorSummon: set .@npc_name$, instance_npcname( strnpcinfo(0) ); floor_monster( .@npc_name$ ); end; OnBossSummon: set .@map$, strnpcinfo(4); set .@npc_name$, instance_npcname( strnpcinfo(0) ); hideonnpc .@npc_name$; set .@bossId, monster(.@map$,154,111,"Voluspa",.bossMonsterId,1,.@npc_name$+"::OnBossDied",2); unitskilluseid .@bossId,679,10; //679 NPC_VAMPIRE_GIFT set 'instance_vp_floor_name$, "Voluspa Time"; end; OnNormalDied: set .@map$, strnpcinfo(4); set .@npc_name$, instance_npcname( strnpcinfo(0) ); set .@mob_dead_num, mobcount( .@map$,.@npc_name$+"::OnNormalDied" ); if( .@mob_dead_num < 5 || .@mob_dead_num % 5 == 0 ){ instance_announce $instance_vp,"[ Voluspa Prophecy ] : " + $instance_level_name$ + ": " +.@mob_dead_num+" left remaining.",bc_map,0x00FF99; if (.@mob_dead_num == 0) { set 'instance_vp_floor, 'instance_vp_floor + 1; floor_reward( getcharid(1), 'floor_vp_reward ); } } end; OnGuardianDied: set .@map$, strnpcinfo(4); set .@npc_name$, instance_npcname( strnpcinfo(0) ); floor_reward( getcharid(1), 'floor_vp_reward ); //if there's no more monsters to kill, change level if( mobcount( .@map$,.@npc_name$+"::OnGuardianDied" ) == 0){ instance_announce $instance_vp,"[ VoluspaProphecy ] : GIVE! ME! MORE!!!!",bc_map,0x00FF99; doevent .@npc_name$+"::OnBossSummon"; } end; OnGhostDied: set .@map$, strnpcinfo(4); set .@npc_name$, instance_npcname( strnpcinfo(0) ); set .@mob_dead_num, mobcount( .@map$,.@npc_name$+"::OnGhostDied" ); if( .@mob_dead_num < 5 || .@mob_dead_num % 5 == 0 ){ instance_announce $instance_vp,"[ Voluspa Prophecy ] " + $instance_level_name$ + ": " +.@mob_dead_num+" left remaining.",bc_map,0x00FF99; if (.@mob_dead_num == 0) { set 'instance_vp_floor, 'instance_vp_floor + 1; floor_reward( getcharid(1), 'floor_vp_reward ); } } end; OnBossDied: set .@map$, strnpcinfo(4); set .@npc_name$, instance_npcname( strnpcinfo(0) ); if( mobcount( .@map$,.@npc_name$+"::OnBossDied" ) == 0){ floor_reward( getcharid(1), 'final_vp_reward ); set #VOLUSPAPROPHECY, #VOLUSPAPROPHECY + 1; instance_announce $instance_vp,"[ VoluspaProphecy ] Thank you...Thank you, childrens...",bc_map,0x00FF99; sleep2 15000; instance_destroy VP_INSTANCE_ID; getpartymember getcharid(1),2; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; set .@i, .@i+1 ) if( attachrid( $@partymemberaid[.@i] ) && VP_INSTANCE_ID > 0){ set VP_INSTANCE_ID, -1; } } end; } 1@vp,216,126,4 script warp::vpwarp WARPNPC,1,1,{ end; OnTouch: set .@npc_name$, instance_npcname( "Revenge Seed", $instance_vp ); set .@map$, strnpcinfo(4); if( mobcount( .@map$,.@npc_name$+"::OnGhostDied" ) == 0){ warp strnpcinfo(4), 156, 60; } end; } Aside that this is the instance declaration I receive the error as below: Can anyone please help? Thank you!
  7. Hi Guys, Can I ask how to update the = credits from 1 USD? in FluxCP? As in Application config in flux i can change the 1 USD to anything, but I can't fine the rate to change the credit, its always = 1 credit(S) Please I need help, thanks!
  8. Hi Dolphincute, I have the same issue now, do add the new user on the webhost phpmyadmin? please can you let me know how to fix this? thanks!
  9. Hi Guys! Can I ask, is it possible to set guild alliance via an NPC? Please and Thanks for responding!
  10. Hi! Can someone make me a destroyed Izlude Map? with like a hole in the middle? Thanks to whoever responds ?
  11. Hi Everyone, Can anyone teach me step by step installation of FluxCP on a web hosting domain? I tried but it gives me this error
  12. Thanks but, now there is a different error ? Below are lines 30 to 42 ? 'LogsDbConfig' => array( //'Socket' => '/tmp/mysql.sock', //'Port' => 3306, //'Encoding' => null, // Connection encoding -- use whatever here your MySQL tables collation is. 'Convert' => 'utf8', // -- 'Convert' option only works when 'Encoding' option is specified and iconv (http://php.net/iconv) is available. // -- It specifies the encoding to convert your MySQL data to on the website (most likely needs to be utf8) 'Hostname' => 'x.x.x.x', 'Username' => 'ragnarok', 'Password' => 'ragnarok', 'Database' => 'ragna_logs 'Persistent' => true, 'Timezone' => null // Possible values is as described in the comment in DbConfig.
  13. Anyone can help me please setup my fluxcp? I keep getting this error but the code is correct ? Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting '`' in /home/vol1000_2/epizy.com/epiz_25495159/htdocs/config/servers.php on line 112 This is the code: --- check --edit: Resolved
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