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Everything posted by Emistry

  1. Emistry

    This or That?

    Resident Evil Counter Strike or Half Life
  2. well...there is alot way to do so....... just add this line warp "prontera",0,0; right after their change job process....
  3. you sure you remove this only ? or this... if you did removed the close ... of course it will show you those error... coz you run the create waitingroom command again and again ...
  4. OMG...i just wonder that....Jguy...is John Mish from Facebook ==''

    1. Emistry


      Haha..yaya i just wonder about it xD

  5. Well,..there is 2 way to do this as i know so far... 1 is Source Editing and the other is by Normal NPC Scripting... but i dont think Normal NPC Scripting would work better than Source Editing... For Nomal NPC Scripting...you can make use of these Scripts... *skill <skill id>,<level>{,<flag>}; *skill "<skill name>",<level>{,<flag>}; *addtoskill <skill id>,<level>{,<flag>}; *addtoskill "<skill name>",<level>{,<flag>}; These commands will give the invoking character a specified skill. This is also used for item scripts. Level is obvious. Skill id is the ID number of the skill in question as per 'db/skill_db.txt'. It is not known for certain whether this can be used to give a character a monster's skill, but you're welcome to try with the numbers given in 'db/mob_skill_db.txt'. Flag is 0 if the skill is given permanently (will get written with the character data) or 1 if it is temporary (will be lost eventually, this is meant for card item scripts usage.). The flag parameter is optional, and defaults to 1 in 'skill' and to 2 in 'addtoskill'. Flag 2 means that the level parameter is to be interpreted as a stackable additional bonus to the skill level. If the character did not have that skill previously, they will now at 0+the level given. // This will permanently give the character Stone Throw (TF_THROWSTONE,152), at // level 1. skill 152,1,0; For Example : - script Sample -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if( countitem( 7539 ) ){ skill 26,2,1; dispbottom "Level 1 Teleport Skill added."; addtimer 10000,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnPCLoginEvent"; }else{ skill 26,0,1; addtimer 10000,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnPCLoginEvent"; }end; } this script will give players the Teleport Skills upon they login and they have the items with them... i added the time for checking..which will keep check for the items existance every 10 seconds. Problems : It might caused heavy load if your server population is high....due to the time checking...
  6. Well..actually there is some minor mistake on item given there... Both High Priest / High Wizard Card Option giving the same things.. Anyway, just some advise ~ You can reduce those script length...make it compact.... there is alot lines are repeated......and hence make the script look's very long.... you can make use of array to enhance your scripts.... it is just a simple script work like this provide X give Y For Example : prontera,164,175,4 script Biolab Card Trader 1637,{ set .ItemID,7179; setarray .CardList[0],4357,4359,4361,4363,4365,4367; setarray .Credits[0],100,200,300,400,500,600; mes "[Ms.Biolab]"; mes "im Here To transmute the Card in BioLab Monster"; mes "I Can Give you What you want in BioLab Monster with low prize"; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .CardList ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ set .@Menu$,.@Menu$ + "^0000FF"+getitemname( .CardList[.@i] )+" - ^FF0000"+.Credits[.@i]+" "+getitemname( .ItemID )+"^000000:"; } next; set .@i,select( .@Menu$ ) - 1; mes "You selected ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CardList[.@i] )+"^000000."; mes "Cost - ^FF0000"+.Credits[.@i]+" "+getitemname( .ItemID )+"^000000"; next; if( select("Exchange:Cancel") == 1 ){ if( countitem( .ItemID ) < .Credits[.@i] ){ mes "You didnt Have Enough "+getitemname( .ItemID ); }else{ delitem .ItemID,.Credits[.@i]; getitem .CardList[.@i],1; mes "Gained 1 "+getitemname( .CardList[.@i] ); } } close; }
  7. Can you please spend just few minutes / even few seconds to write it abit more details ? Dang !! Explain !! Explain !! ~ . ~
  8. something like this if( rand(100) < 50 ) getitem 644,1;
  9. No...you are out of the Topic already... =='' he is seeking help for why he getting error ...( Mentioned at post#3 ) Well...back to topic.. @topic starter would you mind tell me how you load the NPC ? keep repeating load the NPC using @loadnpc ? or...you added / load several same NPC next time try restart server / @reloadscript.. it should have solve your waiting room problems.. since i didnt saw any way to trigger the spam of waitingroom creating in your script.
  10. Achievement System !!! This is GREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank for the Release ~
  11. try this prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 718,{ // 1 Poring Coin = How Many Zeny ? set .Rates,100000; while( 1 ){ switch( select("Poring Coin to Zeny:Zeny to Poring Coin") ){ Case 1: if( !countitem(7539) ){ mes "You didnt have enough Poring Coin."; }else{ mes "You have "+countitem(7539)+" Poring Coin."; mes "How many Poring Coin will be convert to zeny ?"; input @Amount,0,countitem(7539); if( !@Amount || (( .Rates * @Amount ) + Zeny ) > 1000000000 ){ mes "Deal Cancelled."; }else{ delitem 7539,@Amount; mes "Converted "+@Amount+" of Poring Coin into Zeny."; mes "Gained Total of "+( .Rates * @Amount )+" of Zeny."; set Zeny,Zeny + ( .Rates * @Amount ); } } next; break; Case 2: if( Zeny < .Rates ){ mes "You didnt have enough Zeny."; }else{ mes "You have "+Zeny+" Zeny."; mes "How many Poring Coin you want ?"; mes "You can get maximum of "+( Zeny / .Rates )+" Poring Coin."; input @Amount,0,( Zeny / .Rates ); if( !@Amount ){ mes "Deal Cancelled."; }else{ set Zeny,Zeny - ( @Amount * .Rates ); mes "Converted "+( @Amount * .Rates )+" Zeny into "+@Amount+" Poring Coin."; getitem 7539,@Amount; } } next; break; } } close; }
  12. LOL...thank for the support.....anyway... i think GM Xeon's Disguise Event might be better since he might have added renewal monster and blacklisted some non exist mob id. why go make a new 1 when there is already have several disguise event do exactly what you want... ==''
  13. The Required Zeny is 100,000,000 but you only check for...100,000
  14. TRICK DEAD !!!! Because...when a Bear come near to you.....you should..............act DEAD !!! xD for example...when you saw Bigfoot....Trick Dead !! Awesome !! he wont attack you ( Of Course it wont..coz it is Non-aggresive )
  15. this is script support...perhap you should provide your script instead of only show us the image ==''
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