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Everything posted by Emistry

  1. are you looking for this ? http://rathena.org/board/topic/53459-clashing-spiral-renewal/page__hl__spiral__fromsearch__1
  2. your Increase Soil sprite file missing... try get the Data.grf or rData.grf again... guess it would be solve if you redownload those grf file again
  3. not sure will this work or not... try this 607,Yggdrasilberry,Yggdrasil Berry,0,5000,,300,,,,,2145370111,7,2,,,,,,{ percentheal 100,100; },{},{} basically, i try to change the 2145370111 so that crusader class cant use the Yggdrasilberry
  4. array can support up to 128 element.. and yes..perhap it is because of he putting too much items in 1 shop..
  5. try this - script Sample -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == "mapname" ) announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] entered this "+strcharinfo(3)+".",bc_self; end; } mapname mapflag loadevent edit some mistake
  6. show your script...we didnt know how to help you if we dunno how your script run....
  7. mes " you have "+#KAFRAPOINTS+" KafraPoints. or just click on Cashshop..the amount will be shown on cashshop also
  8. ... ... ... announce "Portal Closed.",0; sleep ( 60 * 1000 ); mapwarp "guild_vs5","prontera",155,181; end;
  9. use cashshop... the cashshop able to sell item using KafraPoint or Cashpoint... just a normal cashshop will do your wanted script..
  10. if( Upper != 1 ){ mes "You are not Trans Job."; close; } Upper - 0: Normal jobs, 1: Adv jobs. 2: Baby jobs, 4: Normal 3rd jobs. 5: Adv. 3rd jobs. 6: Baby 3rd jobs.
  11. try this prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 45,2,2,{ OnTouch: if( .Started ) warp "guild_vs5",0,0; end; OnInit: setarray .Message$, "A Portal to a Small room is opened for 30 seconds..", "The NPC has occured at middle of Prontera.", "Hurry up..and get to the Portal if you want join.", "In the Room you have 1 minutes to play only..."; end; OnClock1600: for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Mesage$ ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ announce .Message$[.@i],0; sleep 1000; } set .Started,1; hideoffnpc strnpcinfo(0); sleep ( 20 * 1000 ); for( set .@i,10; .@i > 0; set .@i,.@i - 1 ){ announce "Countdown "+.@i+" Seconds",0; sleep 1000; } hideonnpc strnpcinfo(0); set .Started,0; announce "Portal Closed.",0; end; }
  12. conf/char_athena.conf // Start point, Map name followed by coordinates (x,y) start_point: new_1-1,53,111
  13. there are alot topic has discussed on this issue.. try search... http://rathena.org/board/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1 For example : http://rathena.org/board/topic/58278-help-popping-up-setupexe/page__hl__setup.exe__fromsearch__1 http://rathena.org/board/topic/56516-solved-client-problem-setup-file-keep-popping-up/page__hl__setup.exe__fromsearch__1.http://rathena.org/board/topic/53497-20110906-cant-bypass-setup-promp/page__hl__setup.exe__fromsearch__1 http://rathena.org/board/topic/56516-solved-client-problem-setup-file-keep-popping-up/page__hl__setup.exe__fromsearch__1 http://rathena.org/board/topic/56448-having-problem-with-2011-11-22/page__hl__setup.exe__fromsearch__1 dunno which suit you
  14. are you refer to this one ?? /src/common/mapindex.h #define MAX_MAPINDEX 2000
  15. perhap your player doesnt update the patch and caused the gravity error ? try make the NPC give item to your another character to determine whether the problem is from the NPC or not.. but i dont think a NPC can caused Gravity Error stuffs..
  16. perhap it might be your custom item problems ?? have you tried making the item using @item at your own ??
  17. not sure about the length of the file name... but usually i just use the same lenght xD extentsion i think it must be retain
  18. yes you can change it.. but for extension...i think you should remain it...
  19. most of them are here xD and welcome ~
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