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Everything posted by Emistry

  1. you have to edit at mob_db.txt to make the monster immobile.....
  2. the skin will be read upon you change it at the setting inside the game i guess... anyway... if you wanna use that skin as your default skin interfsce.. then you have to merge your "Custom Skin" into the "Basic Interface Folder" which located inside your Data Folder / GRF
  3. change mes "I'm sorry, but only "+jobname(.class)+"s are allowed to join this PvP Room.", into mes "I'm sorry, but only "+jobname(.class)+"s are allowed to join this PvP Room.";
  4. prontera mapflag novending prontera mapflag nochat
  5. what mean ? elaborate more ? and how to duplicate the bug ( if possible )
  6. already made by Arcencial ... please refer to previous post before you start request or asking ...
  7. lock your grf using encryption....
  8. you can try do it in this way then... prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ if( getgmlevel() < .GMLevel ){ mes "This Services only provided for GM."; close; } mes "How can i help you GM ?"; if( select("Set Password:Cancel") == 1 ){ mes "Please input a new password with Minimum length of "+.Min+" ~ "+.Max+" words."; do{ input #Password$; }while( getstrlen( #Password$ ) < .Min || getstrlen( #Password$ ) > .Max ); next; mes "Your new password is ^FF0000"+#Password$+"^000000"; } close; OnPCLoginEvent: OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( !@Verified && getgmlevel() > .GMLevel && #Password$ != "" ){ setmapflag strcharinfo(3),mf_loadevent; mes "Please insert the Password"; input .@Password$; if( .@Password$ == #Password$ ){ set @Verified,1; mes "Thank you...you have verified yourself."; removemapflag strcharinfo(3),mf_loadevent; close; } mes "You have entered a Wrong Password."; mes "And you will be kicked out within 3 Seconds."; sleep2 ( 3 * 1000 ); removemapflag strcharinfo(3),mf_loadevent; atcommand "@Kick "+strcharinfo(0); } end; OnInit: // Min GM Level who must Verify themself upon Login. set .GMLevel,10; // Password Length set .Min,6; set .Max,24; } my script doesnt implant with the feature that force player to create a password if they didnt have one.. so, you have to force your GM Staffs go set a Password...that they can change it everytime they want... ( Lazy to write in the function for that ) i think this type of script would be better..as it apply on all GM this script has been tested and work perfectly fine in my test server without fail. those above script in previous script require the Admin to keep update the script whenever there is a new staffs...so...it is annoying ( for me xD ) to keep updating the script
  9. if(getmapmobs(.spawn) == 0) { //if there no more mob on map it is better if you are using mobcount("<map name>","<event label>") so that it only count for the monster that has been spawn by this NPC script with certain Label with it.. because.. if you use the getmapmobs.... if the map have 1 or more of permamnet instant respawn mob... your event wont be end...it will last forever...since there is alway be monster in that map and i dont think it is a good idea to put in if(gettime(4)==6) && (gettime(3)==12) { at the begin of NPC script which will be triggered upon the player click on the NPC
  10. =='' you can just edit the formula...not the SP factor unsigned int ratio = skillratio + 100*(8 + sstatus->sp/10);
  11. read inside the script set .class,Job_Champion; // Allowed Class if the Job_Champion doesnt work... then put in the class id...you can find it inside the db/cont.txt Job_Novice 0 Job_Swordman 1 Job_Mage 2 Job_Archer 3 Job_Acolyte 4 Job_Merchant 5 Job_Thief 6 Job_Knight 7 Job_Priest 8 Job_Wizard 9 Job_Blacksmith 10 Job_Hunter 11 Job_Assassin 12 Job_Knight2 13 Job_Crusader 14 Job_Monk 15 Job_Sage 16 Job_Rogue 17 Job_Alchem 18 Job_Alchemist 18 Job_Bard 19 Job_Dancer 20 Job_Crusader2 21 Job_Wedding 22 Job_SuperNovice 23 Job_Gunslinger 24 Job_Ninja 25 Job_Xmas 26 Job_Novice_High 4001 Job_Swordman_High 4002 Job_Mage_High 4003 Job_Archer_High 4004 Job_Acolyte_High 4005 Job_Merchant_High 4006 Job_Thief_High 4007 Job_Lord_Knight 4008 Job_High_Priest 4009 Job_High_Wizard 4010 Job_Whitesmith 4011 Job_Sniper 4012 Job_Assassin_Cross 4013 Job_Lord_Knight2 4014 Job_Paladin 4015 Job_Champion 4016 Job_Professor 4017 Job_Stalker 4018 Job_Creator 4019 Job_Clown 4020 Job_Gypsy 4021 Job_Paladin2 4022 Job_Baby 4023 Job_Baby_Swordman 4024 Job_Baby_Mage 4025 Job_Baby_Archer 4026 Job_Baby_Acolyte 4027 Job_Baby_Merchant 4028 Job_Baby_Thief 4029 Job_Baby_Knight 4030 Job_Baby_Priest 4031 Job_Baby_Wizard 4032 Job_Baby_Blacksmith 4033 Job_Baby_Hunter 4034 Job_Baby_Assassin 4035 Job_Baby_Knight2 4036 Job_Baby_Crusader 4037 Job_Baby_Monk 4038 Job_Baby_Sage 4039 Job_Baby_Rogue 4040 Job_Baby_Alchem 4041 Job_Baby_Alchemist 4041 Job_Baby_Bard 4042 Job_Baby_Dancer 4043 Job_Baby_Crusader2 4044 Job_Super_Baby 4045 Job_Taekwon 4046 Job_Star_Gladiator 4047 Job_Star_Gladiator2 4048 Job_Soul_Linker 4049 Job_Rune_Knight 4054 Job_Warlock 4055 Job_Ranger 4056 Job_Arch_Bishop 4057 Job_Mechanic 4058 Job_Guillotine_Cross 4059 Job_Rune_Knight_T 4060 Job_Warlock_T 4061 Job_Ranger_T 4062 Job_Arch_Bishop_T 4063 Job_Mechanic_T 4064 Job_Guillotine_Cross_T 4065 Job_Royal_Guard 4066 Job_Sorcerer 4067 Job_Minstrel 4068 Job_Wanderer 4069 Job_Sura 4070 Job_Genetic 4071 Job_Shadow_Chaser 4072 Job_Royal_Guard_T 4073 Job_Sorcerer_T 4074 Job_Minstrel_T 4075 Job_Wanderer_T 4076 Job_Sura_T 4077 Job_Genetic_T 4078 Job_Shadow_Chaser_T 4079 Job_Rune_Knight2 4080 Job_Rune_Knight_T2 4081 Job_Royal_Guard2 4082 Job_Royal_Guard_T2 4083 Job_Ranger2 4084 Job_Ranger_T2 4085 Job_Mechanic2 4086 Job_Mechanic_T2 4087 Job_Baby_Rune 4096 Job_Baby_Warlock 4097 Job_Baby_Ranger 4098 Job_Baby_Bishop 4099 Job_Baby_Mechanic 4100 Job_Baby_Cross 4101 Job_Baby_Guard 4102 Job_Baby_Sorcerer 4103 Job_Baby_Minstrel 4104 Job_Baby_Wanderer 4105 Job_Baby_Sura 4106 Job_Baby_Genetic 4107 Job_Baby_Chaser 4108 Job_Baby_Rune2 4109 Job_Baby_Guard2 4110 Job_Baby_Ranger2 4111 Job_Baby_Mechanic2 4112
  12. http://rathena.org/board/topic/57218-valkyrie-assistant/
  13. perhaps you have missed some part of the script .... if you dunno to diff manually..then download it and patch it using TortoiseSVN @tempo i have tested it with 3Ceam.. it work perfectly fine with me...
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