you can make use of bonus_script to grant custom sc bonuses without need to touch the source code.
*bonus_script "<script code>",<duration>{,<flag>{,<type>{,<status_icon>{,<char_id>}}}};
This command will attach a script to a player for a given duration, in seconds.
After that time, the script will automatically expire. The same bonus cannot be
stacked. By default, this bonus will be stored on `bonus_script` table when player
logs out.
Flags (bitmask):
1 : Remove when dead.
2 : Removable by Dispell.
4 : Removable by Clearance.
8 : Remove when player logs out.
16 : Removeable by Banishing Buster.
32 : Removable by Refresh.
64 : Removable by Lux Anima.
128 : Remove when Madogear is activated or deactivated.
256 : Remove when receive damage.
512 : Script is permanent, cannot be cleared by bonus_script_clear.
1024: Force to replace duplicated script by expanding the duration.
2048: Force to add duplicated script. This flag cannot be stacked with 1024,
if both are defined, 1024 will be checked first and ignore this flag.
This will be used to decide negative or positive buff for 'debuff_on_logout'.
0: Ignore the buff type and won't be removed if the flag is not &8 (Default)
1: Buff
2: Debuff
Status_icon: See "Status Icon" section in 'src/map/script_constants.hpp'. Default is SI_BLANK (-1).
bonus_script "{ bonus bStr,5; }",60;