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Everything posted by Olrox

  1. You can download all my maps in the download section of rAthena. Link here --> http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2236-dark-garden-prontera-by-olrox/
  2. RO2 = Another WoW Ripoff. Project R1 = this is the serious thing, that I'm waiting for
  3. Olrox


    Nadie esta sacando uñas y dientes, se requiere madurez para aceptar alguna sugerencia o critica. Aún mas si aqui nadie ha dicho que su comunidad sea mala yo personalmente he dicho, que la comunidad es muy buena pero a la vez es MUY impresentable. Al igual que Slim, yo pase de logear alla, porque tanto add me mareaba. Y es que no es solo aquello del "add publicitario" que se gana $$$ por clicks. La forma de presentar el foro no es la mejor agregando: Facebook bar. Yo creo que a nadie le gusta eso... pero, supongo la admin, lo ve conveniente para promocionar su sitio en su pagina de facebook. Twittear en un post De muchos temas que lei, nadie ha hecho un twitteo a nadie que ha posteado. Onda no sirve eso pero ahi lo dejan... supongo igual para darle publicidad a su foro. Banners de publicidad entre post y post. Onda esta digamos "bien" poner banners de publicidad en los encabezados del foro... pero ya poner los adds entre post y post, es un abuso casi. Se deberia respetar que cuando alguien lee un post, quiere leer la informacion, y no se, es como buscar que el add llegue a como de lugar, aún si esto significase... violar la atencion del usuario, en la parte mas importante del topic, que es el "post" en si. Mal ahi, en serio. Adds si no estas registrado. Poner un add en el primer post de cada topic, de un tamaño arriba de 300x300 esta bien? Ok. se puede quitar si te registras... pero porque buscar el registro forzado de esa manera? ok me diran, te podes registrar y toma un segundo... si, pero, hay mucha gente que consulta los foros en modo de "guest" (yo me incluyo, paso de logear a veces aunque me registre) y eso es realmente incomodo Eso por mencionar algunas cosas de muuuuuuuchas. Conste, que lo que he citado aca, no aplica para buscar fondos para mantener la web por decir; si no que es mal uso de agregar tanta cosa al foro que se ofusca el uso real del foro en si: consultar informacion, de manera rapida y comoda, a cambio sacrifican esto ultimo por buscar publicidad a su web misma. Por eso como muchos, pasamos de usar ese foro. Edit: Y no niego que sea una fuente grande de informacion aun asi. Ya lo dije antes y repetirlo de nuevo... pero ok, ya lo dije. Nadie dice que la comunidad sea mala Y NADIE la ataca. Solo decimos sugerencias nada mas.
  4. Olrox


    Que gracioso. El dinero no sale de los arboles, pero se que mucho menos de argumentos tan injustificados como el que tratas de defender. Creo que olvidaste que estas posteando en un Foro donde la gran mayoria, hemos tenido nuestros servidores y sabemos lo que es pagar un host dedicado. Y para tu información, para el trafico que tiene DivineRO, no se necesita ni un dedicado, a lo mucho una box de uno compartida. Que no saldrian mas de 10 o 20 dolares al mes. Eso y aparte las ganancias por publicidad ES MISERA. La mejor que podriamos decir es google ads para el trafico de divine RO no daria ni 5 dolares al mes. ¿Y que de los servidores de RO privados que pagan publicidad? Yo hago enfasis de la publicidad por cosas como "TRIVIA", "BUSCAS AMOR" y "CASINO ONLINE" que nada que ver con el sitio. La otra, que es de servidores va perfectamente y no me quejo de esta... y se que esos servers pagarian al menos 5$ mensuales. * 5 slots (minimo) = 25 dolares, que sobran y ajustan para un VPS perfectamente. Ajá, eso hablando de publicidad. Pero y que de la facebook bar, los botones de Face y Twitter? que acaso Facebook tambien le paga el host a DivineRO? ... eh no. Es simplemente mala forma de hacer de su web (que no es mala) impresentable tratando de meter, hasta la ultima cosa que se les ocurre, y lo unico que logran es que se vuelve muy confuso. Si divineRO no tuviera esas cosas, seria perfecto. Mas aun asi como esta, va bien. Pero no vamos a decir que es perfecto, pues pierde profesionalismo al permitir tantas cosas. Imaginense ustedes como seria rAthena si se viera igual... por decir una comparacion.
  5. Olrox


    La verdad...Es una lastima que los latinos no participen aquí o sean activos; Personalmente opino que los foros de divinero son muy incomodos, todos los ADS/Promociones que tiene lo hacen ver muy mal, el skin del foro es muy reluciente, bueno, principalmente los ads y todas las imagenes que posee, es demasiado, ya se ve como el nuevo perfil facebook (Todo amontonado) pero bueno yo se que a la mayoria de los latinos no les importa, pero a una persona como yo, si. Quieran o no, es la verdad, y a mi personalmente si me molesta. Lo unico que si admiro de divinero fue su tema de guias y F.A.Q pero aún asi la mayoria de todas esas guias estan desactualizadas. rAthena esta haciendo muy buen papel, sin mencionar los extraordinarios cambios que estamos realizando Nadie niega que divineRO es horrible y yo comparto lo mismo. Hay tanta publicidad y el foro esta tan lleno de "mierda" lo dire asi, que, ya no distingo que es texto alli. Aparte esta tan lleno de "extensiones" (facebook bar, etc) que lo unico que hacen es tornarlo mas incomodo. Pero lo cierto es que la gente lo usa. Y tiene contenido, ya sea desactualizado si lo ves así, pero lo tiene. Esto esta como si abrieran una seccion para Brasileño, estaria desolada (como aqui) pues esa gente ya solo usa brathena.
  6. Olrox


    Or Maybe Paradox just dropped the ball ... and that would not surprise me.
  7. Olrox


    Maybe they will not come back. o_o
  8. Olrox

    Hi :)

    Oh don't worry any introduction is allways welcome as how it is :3 Welcome~
  9. Perfect!!! you fixed it, and it shows ... EXCELLENT! the perfect size! it allows rectangular avatars, with a normal size... wow!
  10. Sure thanks. Just asking. I mean I love my avatar at this size xD but some others are even at x240 oO and that was soo far of my suggestion. A x240 is just too big? and maybe we have others more bigger than that, I mean, we will spend more time seing images than reading lines D:!
  11. Brian you are sure it is at 150? i think my avatar is showing as "123 x 200" for ex. And there are others like Mercurial (x163 x x163)--> http://rathena.org/b...hena-home-page/ Maki (161x240) --> http://rathena.org/board/topic/56533-nexus-now-operational/page__st__20__p__66673#entry66673 I think that there is no limit. Since for ex. Maki has an avatar of x240 large. That is almost 2 times more than x150... just too big :S
  12. Thanks Brian. Edit: but it is setted as x200 oO? I think it is too big, x150 would be ok... but that is only me. If other people thinks it is okay, well leave it as it.
  13. Seems like the "photo" in each profile its setted as "150x150" But, in the forum (when someone post) is still showing as "100x100". I think that maybe, it is a different setting that Brian forgot to change?
  14. Thanks brian, but did you change it allready? because I uploaded my avatar again for testing, (at "change my photo in" my profile) but it still has the same size. Also I see the other members with the same size of their avatar. Maybe it is me? do I have to change something in my profile?
  15. Brian: I think 150 would be okay. As the lady said ^ is the common value. 125 would be almost the same. Try 150, if you think it is too big (and some other members say that) leave it at 125? Edit: Im suggestin 150 by the main reason, that no one uses the entire "150x150", but it is the best to fit "rectangular avatars" such as this one --> http://rathena.org/b...e/photo-236.jpg for ex. that one could appear in the forum as a rectangular avatar by using only 125 horizontaly, and 150 vertically. But in the case of 125, would be around 100 horizontally and only 25 pixels more vertically. That wouldnt be so much difference.
  16. I know that the rA board, tried to be configurated as near as posible as how eAthena.ws one is. That's why we have or we had confs as: Signature limits, same with past eA rules Word filters, same as eA was, (Yeah remember my mistake with that one) Overall forum distribution etc. So I'm ready to ask about... the avatar size? why it is setted as pre-default? eA has the avatars at 150x150, actually we are at 90x90 My suggestion is to increase it. The 90x90 size it is just too small. I mean that is very close to that old 50x50 value of very old forums. .... And before someone says something, about "bla bla bla, so much space?" it is not the same case as signature, Since avatars carries space horizontaly instead of vertically as the signature does (we allways scroll vertically,... and never horizontaly lol). Thanks for reading. Just a simple suggestion that we know it can be changed easy in the forum conf. When you have time, and if people here thinks its okay, please consider it. Thumbs up if you are ok with this one.
  17. File Name: Fallen Season Prontera by Olrox File Submitter: Olrox File Submitted: 29 Dec 2011 File Category: Maps & Textures Video: Content Author: Olrox < -- For More Screenshots, Videos, and Support of this Map Click Me --> A fallen season prontera made with this real fallen season leaves ... that your users will love for sure! This wonderfull prontera is just your right choice for the autumn season in your time zone. This is the first and unique release that recreates the autumn season so nearly, by adding colorfull trees from red, orange, to yellow, by using mapple trees. Any question please refer to the support topic. File attaches is in 7z (7-zip) pack, that you can extract with 7-zip or winrar. Click here to download this file
  18. *: me was here~

  19. I allready did some of those things. I allways refer to rAthena domain instead of eA, in RMS, eA.ws etc. Just one Time I posted a map in the past eA, I linked to the rAthena forum, and like 20 users registered that day because of that. I think all has to do the same, change their topics/contributions/support topics, and refer to the rAthena domain from now.
  20. Sorry but when one user made a fix, I only uploaded his version, and didn't check that he was missing that texture file. That didn't happen in previous 2.0 version, only in version 2.1; I allready modified the files and included that texture, in all download topics so as in the download secion of rAthena downloads. @manabeast you can re-download and try it out. Or download it here --> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GWS39GUD
  21. Hi sorry, but since previous version 2.1, one texture was missing, that wasn't included in the pack. That didnt happen with ver 2.0, Please re download it in the rAthena download section, or just download it here --> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GWS39GUD Thank you and sorry for the misunderstanding.
  22. Its cute. (+) Floor block levels (+) Mountain levels (like 3 high levels on the map very cool) (-) Town Style. This would be my personal opinion I know, but, I think that sometimes is good to focuss an unique style and build the entire map from that. I Just dont like "town mixings" the most of the cases (like rachel + alberta in this case). A little innotavion is allways welcome too. (-) Mountain textures. Some are horizontaly, other vertically. Overall its good. Around 9/10 I guess
  23. Dear my fellow daily visitors... leave a feedback more often! I'm bored D:

    1. Fluffle Puff

      Fluffle Puff

      entonces solo dejaste esos lindos comentarios en mi perfil porque te aburrias </3

    2. Olrox


      Nooo~ yo nunca me aburro de las niñas como tú que empiezo a conocer <3

  24. I was here (?)

    1. Xantara


      Yes you were lol. Thanks for stopping by =p

    2. Olrox
  25. Hi plankt. I remember when I asked for your help with some scripts... that was like a year ago, maybe 2. I'm glad to know that you are active. Nice work btw... I would try it, however, I dont have a server anymore.
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