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Everything posted by Olrox

  1. Let out that brazilian you have inside..... AHUEHUEHUEHUE!!!!

  2. @Dan Thanks. Btw your sprites are awesome. And yeah I speak spanish too.
  3. Thanks a lot! Make a map with a missile launcher that shoots fail missiles into the ocean and they'll pay you with popcorn LOL Perdón pero no estoy del todo deacuerdo. Creo que era obvio que esta vez (como en muchas otras en donde mi trabajo ha sido bien aceptado) buscaba muy intencionalmente un estilo diferente al de Ragnarok en este mapa... dada la idea de hacer un mapa muy parecido a Rivendel y agradecería que se calificara como tal. Por otro lado yo trabajo en base al Pedido de mis clientes, y si ellos buscan un mapa realista con muchos detalles, un buen mapa realista les daré, y orientare el mapa hacia esa dirección. Si buscan un mapa estilo RO, un mapa estilo RO tendrán. Quiza puedes consultar mis otros trabajos donde encontraras seguramente el estilo que tu novia menciona entre otros http://rathena.org/b...ay132012/"]Aqui[/url] Entiendo, respeto y aprecio tu sugerencia. Pero luego de decenas de mapas que he hecho mi trabajo se sabe adaptar y se sabe desarrollar en muchos estilos dependiendo de lo que mi cliente busca, necesita, o considero que sera de su agrado para el y su servidor. Recuerda, al final es el trabajo dirigido a alguien. P.D.: Es mejor que ya no postiemos en español, me consta que no esta permitido en el foro internacional, porque la mayoria no entiende lo que decimos.... 1 o 2 veces pues ok, pero no quisiera abusar ^^. Si gustas puedes enviarme mensaje o hablamos en el foro en español al respecto. Muchisimas Gracias
  4. Wow! Thank you Howl! It was a pleasure to work with this one all along with you too. Yes as you said I tried to add something really special on this one. I must say, that I really like to think out of the box at the time I'm doing maps. I allways try to offer new impressions among mapping with each request. Small or big details, all counts. I'm really glad that you noticed it right away. Thank you again!!! Hi! thanks for the review about this one. The circle is only a custom texture. It is placed on the ground Manabeast. How have you been my friend? haha. Good to know that you are around here. Thanks pal another rating from you makes me really pleased. Adel, hi! don't worry, I don't have more words on my bad english to be really thankfull of every of your ratings since my first map I did 3 years ago! Thanks again :3! NO PLEASE surely they will koreanize me 18 hours a day and they will pay me luckily with rice! ;__;
  5. Hi! how have you been? Thanks a lot for those lines, and you are right, honestly I love to make maps I realized that I need only time to do a work with full inspiration. Time that sometimes I don't have. Hi Zel! thanks. Thanks for leaving your comment about. And good to see you around this topic.
  6. XDDD I know! Honestly I enjoy doing evil maps too haha Thanks! I think the purpose of this map is a quest or something that ports you to the horrible future of prontera some years later. Something like that!
  7. Claro que domingo el español! Muchas gracias por tu critica. Las paredes fue algo intencional para hacerlas al mismo estilo que las construcciones. Quiza pude agregarles decoracion y lo intente, pero se veia raro con las paredes de las construcciones. Seria de cambiar ambas. Gracias por tu comentario sobre mi mapa, agradezco que te guste tanto mi trabajo. Acerca de DivineRO, depende quizá me de una vuelta por ahi, gracias por la invitación! Thanks for stopping by and post your comment about!. thank you
  8. Thanks mate! I really appreciate those words. I'm really glad to see those comments. That motivates me a lot to continue improving and trying new things on mapping. Btw. Topic edited, I forgot to add the [showcase] on Tittle
  9. Syouji, really thanks for that rating. I'm glad that you noticed that this one was really intensive work. I don't say this that openly in the most cases, but I will say it on this one, because truly this one took a lot of time to make it look as you can see. In every small and simple detail as rotating group of leaves ... as big details like adding manually the roofs of the houses to say an ex. Yes it took me a lot of time. I think that I have to be thankfull to my customer that he had a lot of patience, and time to wait for this... contrary, the map wouldn't look as how it look now. Thanks for your rating again.!
  10. No puedo dejar los tacones, aparte tu me obligas a usarlos! y cada vez mas altos (?) ¬¬ xD ,Al fin viste un vídeo mio completo ¬¬ ya era hora, y no te quejes, la próxima vez tardara en cargar el doble o el triple :3! Y si me dejaste ciego con tu letra ..!.. Thanks pal! and thanks for the support with the script. Thanks a lot!
  11. Thaaaaanks! :X Thank you pal! welcome back! In two words: NO LIFE!
  12. Briefing & Concept Hello!. First of all, I must give big thanks to all members that posted their feedback about my previous map. Thanks a lot for taking your time. Here we are again, with a new map in showcase. As the title says, this is a map based on Rivendel ... yes that awesome elven outpost fantasy land, that I'm sure all of us remember with our hearts... obvious, we are talking about that gold movie that is -Lord of the Rings- Rivendel is a beautiful elvish town. It is so purish, with white and clean structures with elvish decoration on walls, roofs etc. The land is represented in the movie the most times with some kind of -gold sunset- light tones that certainly gives a really warm style. This place is covered with lot of big mountains, waterfalls, nature, and rives. This request is from a new customer. I must say that one of the best I have worked for. He gave me a lot of details about the -idea- of how Rivendel is, but the most important fact is, that he had an extraordinary -patience- with his request... also he thrust me a lot to allow me do whatever I thought it would make the map look good with a lot of freedom. In result, I'm really glad that this is one of my most beautiful maps I have ever made. In fact, this was my main purpose of the map. To do something really beautiful. About this map So, what do we have new on this map? The idea of this map is, to recreate that Rivendel land. To do that, First of all the entire sctructure of the main building is placed on mountains among all the areas, but... at the backside we have some really high alltitude mountains covered by big colorfull woods that covers those mountains as they fall to a river. It was a priority to make beautiful panoramic views on the map. To do that I was in need to do almost all what I could by even adding manually leaves by leaves to enourmous trees, covering big mountain areas with woods.... Adding 6 trees variations with real life leaves on all the map, etc. Honestly I love to try new things about nature. I hope you will be pleased with what I did. Another big part of this work was with models. I must say, I increased a lot on this area. Before this request, I could only import models with pre-existing textures on a mesh. But here, All the big structure elvish houses, bridges, temples, pillars, etc. were full UV texturized and polygonal edited by me. I must say in advance, that these models were not like I picked some buildings and I added them. It was a really hard work to edit each. Some houses consists of maybe 20 models, with different alltitude and cropped all in pieces to make it compatible in RO. Last, the map has an extra feature that I must say thanks to f0xxy that helped me greatly with the script that I wanted to add as a new feature among my maps. Continue reading for more details about. Video ... watch it in HD 720p! Warning!: Map is not finished yet. Forget some random walk cells glitches and/or small fixes to do Full 1080 HD SS :: Map Sketch :: :: Full Map View :: Screens are in Full 1920x1080 HD resolution. You can allways hit the image thumbnaills to check the images on full size, and check some details that can only be appreciated in HD resolution. Rivendel Flat Panoramic Front View This is the main lower base structure of rivendel. Two big elvish houses decorated with elf style on the roofs, pillars etc. A bridge on the left, a temple on the center with waterfalls, an elf dome on the left side ... and last, some colorfull woods on a far distance that you can see nearly on the camera. Beautiful view if you ask me, that I can easily use as a wallpaper on my desktop Rivendel Flat Panoramic Aside View This correspond to the left area of the whole structure. A bridge, an elf dome, and the most important... the design of the big elf houses. They has some entrances with elf windows where I placed some benches. A very relaxing place for the users of this server Rivendel Flat Panoramic Top View This is the upper part of this rivendel land. You can see 2 houses on each side, with a lot of small decoration and elf design. A huge elvish temple on the center, with big windows. On that area we have a great panoramic view that cant be possible to see it here, because the big zoom that I needed to take the SS, but I will show you later with details about. Rivendel Sky Lower plaza View This is one of the main open areas of rivendel. A sky view... one plus of this map was the multilevel edition that I tried with some effort. I thought that I needed to improve that on my previous maps so here is the result. You will see a lot of small multilevels not only on the walkable areas, also on the bases of the structures that are on the mountains. Sky view Middle Area, core of the map and temple This is what I call the middle area. There are 2 houses with 2 floors on the sides. A mini plaza on the center, some stairs, etc. There we have the core area, a wide open area with a custom elvish texture I obtained somewhere and edited on the midle. Sky backview of the Top Area Here we have the top area. This is a backview of the area that shows the roof of the temple, and the core area of the map. Here we are at a really high alltitude. First detailed SS. Bridge Entrance When you enter rivendel, you have to walk on a bridge. This bridge -and other buildings- has some innotvation among RO maps actually, that you can walk on areas with a roof up to you. How this was possible? by making a bridge with open windows as that one... so, by a camera with the correct values on the clients, it is quite easily to walk on this bridge. High alltitude woods comes from the lower part, mountains, and finally some leaves that I placed manually to make the feeling like they are hugging the bridge from the outside areas. I think this is the area I like most. Lower platform, detailed elf monument on center area Here you can have a detailed look to the center area. We have a statue of an elf druid hero that looks really cool. Some elf style gates on the sides that I did by taking some models part here and there. The houses has some statues that I placed manually on each window... we have the elf art on that small plaza too, but in a lower scale form. To make a variation. Elf buildings on the sides, open hangout areas Each of those houses are really big. They have 2 open areas on the sides, with an elvish style. Walkable Elf dome area. You might remember this elvish dome, it appears on my initial image of this topic. That elf building is made from a lot of models... it was very tricky, since I had to use the same model and rotate it on exact rotations to make it look as it. There are some trees that covers the upper part to make it look beautiful. Perfect place for couples! Big View from Balcon 1 If you remember my previous -top and flat views Images I posted- there are 2 big houses with 2 floors on each. Well, I thought that it would be awesome to add something as a balcon, with a high alltitude on each. So, when the users walk on there they can sit around and have a panoramic view of all the town. This is the panoramic view of the balcon of the first house (the one on the right) Big View from Balcon 2 Same case as the previous one, but this one correspond to the one on the left. This panoramic view is for a lake that is on the left side of rivendel. Middle Passage This area connects the 2 houses, the lower base area, and the upper core area. It has some like a mini-plaza style with an elvish statue again, on the center. Some stairs on the back Core Area Well, this area is what I call the -core- area. It is a big open area with an elvish design on the center. It has some terrain edits on the walls on the sides, with some small models to increase the decoration. A welcome gate where you access with 2 female elf warrios that holds an eagle gives a welcome to those that may enter this sacred place! Top Area, Temple This is like the crown of all this place. The top area, the area with the highest alltitude on all the map... it is so glorious!. Again 2 elf warriors statues gives the welcome of this place. Some stairs that I did manually with terrain *I was in a need for this*. An elf statue on the center.... and the most important! if you take a look on the backside, we have a huge mountain views, that are REALLY FAR away. This was to increase the feeling that we are on a high alltitude and distant place. Top Area, Temple Ok... so this was my main purpose by making those big mountains on the backside. As I said before, to have Beautiful panoramic views was a priority on this one. Here is an example of those views on the walkable aside areas that, you can walk into the top temple. Yeah, maybe this will be the first custom map where you walk inside a closed building structure. Night Screens As I said before, I tried to add a plus on this map. I must say, I'm not that good with doing scripts, but I did some test and with a lot of help around this board... The idea was to replace the sakura and fallen leaves effects with some lamps and bubble lights effects when the Night is present on the map. Those effect lights were added on those custom lamps made with nature branches that you see around the map *did someone said teldrassil *. But they turn on only with night present! I hope you will like this extra I was thinking for this map. Detailed Night View on Core Area When night is present, rivendel spirit spheres of lights awakes all around the area! also some lamps activates on all those wood lamps that grows naturally. Details of the Lamps As I said before, this lamps grows naturally and randomly on a lot of areas of the map. here we have one that just grow up between some benchs. Also, you can walk under some of those lamps and see how the effect looks on your character. Lower Plaza With lights Same lower plaza but with night present. Lamps turns on again here, as also on all areas around the map. It took me a while to add all those effects with scripts *as also adjusting gat height to have the correct height on each invisible npc* but there is. I like this a lot! Panoramic View at night Last SS! just a panoramic view with all the map at nightmode. I must say, that I'm still fixing some small detailes on this simple script *that for me it was not that simple anymore for the fact, that the effect is not -loopeable- and that is a problem to me at the time I want to call this script and with other players present. But luckily my customer knows some good scripter that might fix this to make it full compatible when -other players- visit the map also. I'm sure this one was a very progress for me, not all my requests becomes as this one.... As I said, I had a lot of freedom to try new things and try what I though it would look great. My customer by his own initiative, paid almost the double of the price when he saw how the map was becoming at the end. He is a truly a happy map owner now! To all! Thanks for watching this map and ... thanks in advance for your comment! I appreciate every rating, like, comment or suggestion. Thank you and see you all very soon.
  13. Now it works great!!! Thank youuu x1000000!!!!
  14. Oh one question... seems like the NPC doesnt stops at the "disablenpc" at 0600 (changed the hours for testing purposes) I'm not sure why... everything else works like a charm, but it doesn't stops at the end time. Though it activates exactly at the enabled time. It is just the disable thing
  15. Imma try now, I will update right now ! WOAHH!!! IT WORKS!!!! THANKS A LOT!!! This is what I needed to make something really new on a map I'm trying! I will give your credits of course at the time I'm done with it. Thank you very much!!!
  16. Thanks! but one question, I think that there is left one thing... the loop time? sorry if I forgot to mention it, but it is quite necessary that the effect loads endless times every let say 2 seconds for ex. Or maybe it is my mistake because I'm on my way to testing it still right now, though, If I think that on the previous script the Sleep2 was the one that made this possible. Thanks really thanks and sorry for taking your time with this
  17. I think that 15 cells of range will be quite enough! Dont know about the sprite ID 111, but I want the NPC invisible, I mean, if possible no clickable? because the effect will load on a clear view floor. I only want that the users that walk near of that invisible npc, will see the effect. For testing I would ask the script to load on this coordinate: prontera 157,179 Also I forgot, if it is not a big change... if possible that the effects will load only on a hour range. for example from: 18:00 to 06:00
  18. Oh my bad. I didn't know that. But certainly I need the effect to be loaded on exact coordinates. Maybe a script that calls the at command @effect and # on a certain invisible NPC that by walking nearly of it would activate, would work better? If someone has an example I can try myself. Sorry for disturbing
  19. Weird I loaded that script (changing to prontera map coordinates of course) and nothing happens o__o I changed the OnClock hours too. For testing I removed those labels too, but in any case, I can't see any effect. How weird
  20. Hello. I'm trying to add effects to a map via scripting. By using this script that recalls a effect with a sleep2 timer I found: I'm trying this script with no luck, and nothing happens. (allready changed the map name, and coordinates, for ex. actually testing "prontera,157,179,0". But no luck. On map console doesnt shows any error. Maybe someone can give me a tip? or maybe they have another quick script? Also In advance I would ask ( if possible ), how the script would look if I want to activate it only on certain hours with the OnHour script label variable? I believe that it will be like a few lines more. Great thanks in advance.
  21. !!! I saw in the board index that Ind posted here! But when I opened the topic, I just see -Alejandra's- post... but I resolved the enigma by posting here and unhide the recent posts! Point to me! quest completed!
  22. In the forum index, shows as lastest poster jman on this topic. but, he has not posted here on the lastest post. Or maybe his posts are hidden? LOL THIS IS true, I just replied the topic and suddenly all the hidden posts appeared.
  23. I'm trying this script with no luck, nothing happens. (allready changed the map name, and coordinates) On map console doesnt shows any error.
  24. Thanks, it was fun to try those effects to enhance the feeling what I was seeking. Imma try the same with the upcoming maps, by being more agressive with trying weird effects. Explosions, Dust, Skill effects, or status effects. Why not? I think that it is a good idea to not stuck with ambient effects. haha, I can do a spacecraft metropolis city if you ask me. Though that will take a loooot of time... but I would be excited to do that kind of work, But no one has requested me a space map before. Thank you a lot!
  25. It will take sometime because actually I have a lot of works on the way. Too busy these times, more than ever. Thats why I can't do -custom releases- like the Izlude one you are asking, because the lack of time. So When I finally got sometime to do something free I try to make commonly used maps, like a vending zone, or a prontera edition. Oh I remember that one haha. Thanks. I'm glad that you guys like it that much.
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