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Everything posted by Olrox

  1. You have to do that when the server is offline
  2. Guys, that is a mac skin. You can allways look at the system bar (battery, connection etc) quickly to check the OS. ... And I'm sure Wine can't rune that amount of aplications! Huh, I will try to mention all Sketchyphoenix icons lol, this guy really works/game with his PC: In order list: Flashget? Unknown Icon Recycler bin Documents Directory utorrent Unknown Icon Unknown Unknown Ragnarok Eden Eternal Unknown League of Legends League of Legends Heroes of Newerth Minecraft Unknown Unknown Unknown Notepad ++? Mumble Skype Chrome Firefox Unknown Unknown
  3. Oh I haven't read this haha. Thanks. Regarding the map, what I will say, is: that is great that to be your first one right? you are trying all these things at the same time: lights, terrain, models, water. etc. Bye and good luck with mapping.
  4. How many people do you have online on your server, at the time the crash signal appears?
  5. Okay I will explain. This topic was made automatically by the -download module- of the rAthena download section. I uploaded this map, as a test of the "Nexus" paid module for the download resources in rAthena more info here --> http://rathena.org/b...ow-operational/ What happened? seems like there was an error or whatever with that module. They fixed it, but the nexus or paid downloads in that module doesnt work (or it works now, dunno exactly,) To be honest, I dont have in mind to post another map on that module, at least not the paid ones, and not for now, since I don't know certainly how many people got this one, after the vulnerability, or error, or bug, or by moderators apart of the administrators, that had access to it whatever it was happening on the nexus at that time. So, I prefer better, to keep my files locally from that day. To all: you can seek for my free releases here --> http://rathena.org/board/files/ For the paid ones, or for custom map request, you can take a peak here --> http://rathena.org/b...s-now-revamped/ I really appreciate all the nice words of my work. Sorry for the misunderstanding, I understand that you might though that this one was for free, but, as I explained, this topic is an error by itself. Thanks.
  6. I miss my previous Gnome desktop so bad.
  7. oh well she is in my heart <3! hahaha I'm not sure I think this one is cute too, don't you think? D:
  8. lol with this guy really... He says "I dont have the time to read, or to learn bla bla bla" and he asks other users to make the work for him, just because he wants and he is upset if someone will charge for that... Excuse me but, what a loser. Protect something agains PHP/SQL Hacking methods, it is not like requesting a script, or simple things... It is something very extensive that if you want to be 100% sure, you can't trust anyone to do that work for you. It is something made progressly, and it is necessary to be up to date to date with it, every time... so who will have the time to do this for you everyday? no one. Start to learn if you feel disrespected with paying for the time of SOMEONE and good luck.
  9. Hello just asking... how to make 2 simple queries on a rathena database. Query 1: Query 2: Why I'm doing this? I'm reducing the max_guild_size of one server, and I need to clean the guild members, so all the guilds will have only 1 member (guild master). Thanks in advance
  10. Finally I can see the Lunar map. And it is awesome. Keep the good work
  11. Great Idea. Ceres CP allways has been my prefered one... I really like its simplicity and how fast it was.
  12. Edit: ** Sorry there is an error with the one I posted. Checking
  13. Wow thanks. But there are some extension like (just an example) --> http://www.devfuse.com/forums/files/file/151-im-irc-chat/ That addds a link to a chat, but... I'm not refering to that, it is just an idea about a chatbox in the board index that is connected to the actual irc server of rAthena. That would be, really amazing.
  14. well but actually a chatbox in the forum would be better. I mean I often forgot the address of the irc... How about a chatbox in the forum that connects to the IRC of rAthena? I wonder if there is an IPB extension to do that. That would be amazing, really.
  15. I really like the terrain form of this one, it is like... something different. Regarding the ingame screens. About that "red" fog, dunno how to call it... that dissappears by using /nofog or it is something made with lights/effects or something?
  16. Es gracioso como los que se amparan en el los derechos de autor (y mas en el caso de la musica)... pretenden cambiar el mundo a su conveniencia a 20 o 30 años atrás; sueñan con hacer millones amparandose en lo "legal" de su propiedad intelectual. Estos señores de mentes cerradas no pueden concebir que el mundo cambio cuando el internet llegó. Este mundo en que todos podemos compartir material con solo el hecho de haber tenido acceso a el de forma LIBRE, es la pura escencia de que somos propietarios de lo que TENGAMOS acceso. Nadie me va a arrancar los ojos por haber visto un Picasso en la busqueda de imagenes de Google, es absurdo. Pero bajo la misma primicia puedo decir lo mismo a todo lo que tenga acceso gracias a mis 5 sentidos usando una PC como intermediario.... música, libros, videos, lo que sea. Si tuve acceso, lo puedo usar y QUE? El ayudar a tu projimo compartiendo conocimiento y a lo que mal definimos como "pirateria" siempre existió hace 50 años asi como hoy. Lo que les molesta a ellos, es que antes no existia la era de comunicación que hay ahora, esa es la pura verdad. Es absurdo que quieran detener o es mas, hacer retroceder el mundo a su modelo de negocio prehistorico ya. Por ej. Una licencia de libre copia, una alternativa donde los artistas puedan subir su material musical a sitios como youtube de forma legal, y recaudar fondos por los ads y visitas... seria mucho mejor, imaginense, contenido exclusivo que fuera lanzado tal dia y tal hora, tendrian millones y millones de visitas en horas... y recaudarian mucho dinero, claro. Pero pasa que a las disqueras no les gusta, pues el dinero quedaria en los artistas y no en sus empresas.
  17. Hello. I'm not sure if this is the correct section, (I was wondering if I would post into the -client section), If I was wrong, just tell me. One friend has an error that shows bad graphics on a map The following error: I know that it has been posted before on this rAthena board (Personally I've seen that topic around here, but dunno where it is or how to search it) If someone can give me the link... I will appreciate it. Back to the topic, the main problem is that there is a big weird "scratch" across the client window, like if it were a texture stretched, that covers the entire window. Personally I've encountered with that error before. My case was the same, but I could ride the error by zooming out/in the camara, so the error dissappeared (I've to ask my friend if he can do that, to confirm that is the same case) ,,, what I did, was to format my pc and use Windows XP and the error dissappeared. After a While I returned to Windows 7, updated my graphic drivers etc. And, suddenly it doesnt appears anymore. But certainly I don't know exactly what to do to solve this error. So If someone has encountered with this error and can share an idea of how to get rid of it....I will really appreciate it. I'm gonna tell my friend to update his drivers, or maybe to test on another PC/tell a friend to test. But if someone knows exactly how to solve the error, please, let me know. Thanks!
  18. Contratz to Jman for all his support with rAthena. He certainly is someone that did a big part to this community to exist. But: Give that credit to Brian at least. That man worked so hard with this forum, and he did the first step with this... so he deserves at least, no misunderstandings.
  19. Your weolcome Here --> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/52175822/market_mini.7z I will update the pack when I have time with that included. Sorry, I forgot to add it.
  20. This one? --> http://i56.tinypic.com/rvakih.jpg Oh yes, that is mine one of my first ones. And I'm the owner too. Contact me by PM if you need it.
  21. Download it trough the rAthena download module. I mean here --> http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2235-royal-room-by-olrox/
  22. Hi, you can download all my maps in the download module of rAthena. This map is available here --> http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2263-market-map-by-olrox/
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