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Everything posted by Olrox

  1. Thank you. about models I ripped them from that game It is my second map of it.
  2. That moment when you feel like the dumbest of all the dumb idiots in the world .___.

  3. Thank you mate I have more work to post the next week
  4. Briefing & Concept Hi! Sorry for the long time being a little absent around. I have been very busy with tons of work, but here I'm again to show you one of my lastest works that I liked it that much that I will show it here in this post above. You might remember my previous map, named as "Reboldoeux", a map that is the main area of the republicans in Granado Espada Game. Now in this ocassion I will show this map named as "City of Auch" that is the royalist main area of this world named as Granado Espada in that game. About this map So, what do we have new on this map? This map as another map like Reboldoeux, it tries to recreates the same style as that game... kind of a baroque style, high class area, with high alltitude buildings that you can only appreciate at a very high zoom camera. The floor of Auch are even, luxurious marble tiles with a high class decoration in 2 plazas (north and south). It has also a park on the south, as a relaxing area for the users of this server. There are main attractions in this city, I will begin with talking about the "The Market Dome" (Named as "Leonardo Expreso). It is a high dome made with a lot of models that, is covered with piece of glass made with tga opacity textures. So, when your character walks inside this dome, you can see it trough. The last main attraction of Auch is, "Auch Avenue" located near the north plaza and connects to the south plaza and the Auch Park. It is a big building that divides the road into 2 roads. I believe there is a building like this one in New York hope someone can tell to me its name. Video ... Watch it in 720p! HD Screenshots Screens are in Full HD resolution. You can allways hit the image thumbnaill to check the images on full size, and check some details that can only be appreciated in HD resolution. Overview 1 Overview 1. Shows glass dome and west passage. Overview 2 Overview 2. Shows Glass dome and North Plaza connection Overview 3 Main center of the area again, but here connects with the lower plaza and the park area Overview 4 The Auch Avenue. That big building as I said, it divides the main road in two roads. Behind of it, we have the auch park Overview 5 The Auch Park, the Auch Avenue and the East Main Road aside. Overview 6 Another Angle Overview 7 It basically shows the south area, as a panoramic view. Detailed View area 1 The glass dome, in a close view Detailed View area 2 There you can see my character trough the glass. This area is designed for vending or NPC shop purposes Detailed View area 3 The main plaza, a big statue made with almost 5 models on the center. Detailed View area 4 The main road of the north plaza. It shows a good background and a clock on the center Detailed View area 5 The main Auch Avenue. That building is awesome, really, it took me like 4 or 5 days to made it look like that Detailed View area 6 This big building is very high detailed as you can see in this SS. It is possible to add indoors in all those doors and I'm thinking about make it possible to do an "hotel" system, or a big indoor area with a high quantity of floor levels. Detailed View area 7 South main plaza Detailed View area 8 The auch park. It has some benches where players can sit and have a good time. Detailed View area 9 The main east road. It connects the auch park and leads to the north plaza walking trough the auch avenue Please don't forget to watch the video. I added a really good background music to it. This one took me a lot of time. Though my customer told me to take all the time I need to do this work. afterall the final result shows really promising and I'm very pleased with this final result If you like this one or if you have suggestions to it, please, feel free to post it here and I will be glad to reply back, as I allways try to do. Btw, I have a big surprise to all the people here, when I reach 100# map works all the time. Currently I have #80, See you later, and thanks for all the support. Good day.
  5. It would be necessary to change the lightmaps and currently I dont have time to do that. Maybe someone can help you with that.
  6. XDDDDDD I died in laught with that
  7. Can you bring me the menu please??? **reads*** .... I would ask for the "deluxe tyranitar tail soup" as a starter, but please add some potatoes <3
  8. OMG I tested the new one in game, but seems that lemara allready posted a screen. And yeah it show perfectly in game..... Ricky92 thanks a lot man. This couldn't be possible without your help.
  9. Imma test the model when I get back to home, but as far as I can see it doesn't have textures. I assume that is why you can't see anything. So, as long as you don't have errors, I'm almost sure it loaded sucessfully. We would need to make a test with a texturized one if possible to be sure, though. Maybe ricky92 can post one if possible
  10. Thanks a lot Ricky92, but for testing purposes I would suggest to use a basic model based in a shape, or something with a low quantity of polygons. If possible of course. Ragnarok is an old game that is very limited with models with high quantity of faces and/or vertices. As far as I looked at the dragoon, it is maybe too heavy for this game
  11. Icecrown Citadel Map is now available for paid to all. Check My Paid Services Thread for more info about.

  12. Olrox

    Just passing by to say Hi :3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Olrox


      Thank you :3 I didn't know that you like my maps. And wow, wish I could visit any country in Asia one day. :P ... my summer was, booooring XD but thanks for asking :P

    3. Yuki


      -Pats- The good thing is that you didn't have to study much this summer, I suppose =D.

      Come and visit Taiwan when you have time haha ;D. Night markets!

      And yes, I like your maps ;D. I was playing on DejavuRO before, and I really loved your Autumn map!

    4. Olrox


      Sorry for the late reply, I have been really busy :3. Oh DejavuRO :3 yes that was a good prontera. I have made new ones though, that are good also

  13. What is this buildbot about? for what purpose? I'm curious
  14. @ricky92 Man that is just aweeeeeeesome!!!!!! I think Lemara will cry of happiness with that screen
  15. !!! I think this is my first map with such a sucess. I did this one almost 3 months ago, and it is still receiving more feedback, and more! I did it with a lot of inspiration. it was a lot of work. But... actually I have learned a lot of new things in mapping. I'm sure now I could make it even better :3 @Mavis What I will do with such quantity of points!!! thanks a lot!!! Thanks mister Thanks pal. Yeah it took me a lot of... time and effort.
  16. FULL OF WORK AGAIN, OH MY GOD ... and now, more complex things than EVEEEER *rolls on floor*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KamiShi


      CAPS TSUNAMI DETECTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. KamiShi



    4. Olrox


      XDDDD the old "DOS" system BIP sound crossed to my mind instantly with your comments LOL :3

  17. fap fap fap? Btw. Syouji. Those are amazing updates man.... this project is really promising. *** You and me we will use that cooperative mapping frequently ***
  18. Honey. In case you don't know, all of us knows allready who you are. You had to see my thread yesterday, it was quite fun.

  19. I think weemapcache app has a tool to generate a big texture grid that has to do with gat walkable and no walkable cells, just as that grid. Maybe you can place that big image into the entire map, and then, just erase all the models. I think this would be the simplest way.
  20. WHERE ARE YOU! Me and Syouji needs you so badly XD

    1. KamiShi



  21. People is really excited to see if this will be possible as you can see. Thanks a lot for your time. I guess I must give you thanks for clarify that, but, as we said in the first post. -We are at a very early state- and we are doing this with correlative steps. What we need by first is being able to bypass the granny version, thankfully Ricky is helping us with that. What we will encounter second (maybe) is what you said... and I say maybe, because at this day none of us can say it for sure, if we are not even being able to test other gr2 models than the default ones to see what happens. So please allow us time to try figure the first thing. All people would say years or even days ago, that it wasnt possible to make a granny converter, and now, look it is on the way to be real. I think We should not worry about something that we can't even try right now without having the tool.
  22. My eyes are blinking. He just added new changes today Oh boy. New emu, new forum, new clients, and now new browedit. Wow, this is really a new life for Ragnarok Private Servers.
  23. Oh man, There are quite interesting things you can find with a simple google image search =p

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EvilPuncker


      I think I know what you are talking about :P

    3. Olrox


      Perhaps some people not. *wonders* :>

    4. EvilPuncker


      *points somewhere*

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