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Everything posted by Olrox

  1. nearly Impossible ! I doubt it. It took him a while to make it for the 2.6 version, It would be a matter of asking him, but, he is a really busy man... importing from maya in max and then exporting as gr2 is not a viable option? @Peopleperson thanks!
  2. I think that is only present at browedit or when zoomming the camera at high distances. We can allways try a fix to it. Thanks for your suggestion.
  3. Briefing & Concept Hello everyone! You read it well, a free release continue reading! Since some time ago, I have been working with @Syouji with different kind of maps to offer as releases to the community. This is one of them (of a lot to come, in case of course you like our work ) This is a release by Syouji and Me. Yes, teaming up in mapping is something possible (we have our own method which it works efficiently). Anyone here is welcome to join as long as he has the experience and the intention to do a release to the community interests. I think, that if you have watched enough Dragon Ball Z you will recognize this screen from the anime right away. Yes, the cell arena from the cell series in Dragon Ball Z. This screen was almost all we had to make this place look really similar to it. I don't have more words to say about this awesome place I'm almost sure almost everyone knows allready what place is. About this map So, what do we have new on this map? This map since it is about a pvp arena, we tried to make it clean on the center. However, enhancements and details on the enviroment were added, to match the dragon ball style. This map was possible by ripping 3D resources from Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2, a PS2 Game. I have to say, that those pillars were modeled/texturized from scratch. And although they look really similar of the image I added before, they are more based of the Dragon Ball Z Kai, link of this image of reference is here ---> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/52175822/HD_Images/dbz_arena/1000px-Juegos_de_Cell.jpg One of the most hard parts of the map was, to match the greenish style of the anime, into a working map. It is not that easy to make something looks good with those kind of color tones. I hope you will like the result Syouji vs Olrox ... the final battle now in 1080p! Video is awesome. It is very fun, and I suggest you to look at it. HD Screenshots Screens are in Full HD resolution. You can allways hit the image thumbnaill to check the images on full size, and check some details that can only be appreciated in HD resolution. Comparative Screen This panoramic screen is from browedit, and it is supposed to be a comparisson of the original dragon ball cell game arena art. it is not too hard to see the similarity Overview 1 Topview 2 Flatview 3 Detailed view 4 With no more words to say: Download Link We will appreciate every feedback you can tell of our work. That will keep us motivated to do this kind of cooperative releases in the future. Thank you everyone, and, have fun!
  4. Amazing Thank you a lot. Today I did some tests with the rsm to fbx convertion. I got an error message "Wrong occurs!" at the time I try to convert any rsm model besides the rachel fountain you are using: (ºÐ¼ö.rsm) For example. This is the rachel fountain that gets converted okay ---> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/52175822/ºÐ¼ö.rsm . Okay Now a prontera flag which gets the error message at the time of converting ---> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/52175822/ÈÖÀå°¡·Îµî.rsm I tested allmost all prontera models (data/model/ÇÁ·ÐÅ׶ó) and it is the same for all. I'm not sure, maybe it is only working with animated or multi mesh models as the fountain? Besides of this I didn't find any other bug or something that needs to be fixed with the tool. So having this option fixed would be quite enough to have this tool functional Some ideas I would be glad to share with you, in case you are open to know about ideas to develop this tool as the excelent choice to use by rsm convertion : Directory paths: I was thinking about affording the tool to generate custom directory paths besides using always "data/texture" in the output rsm textures? How about a, "choose directory output for generated textures" option?. Having the option of using a different default pathway than "data/texture" would be really appreciated, since all the time we do a map, we allways try to keep different directories for each map created. Probably Support for not equaly dimentional textures? This is something I have not tested yet, but I remember you said that the tool needs that the texture is setted by square pair dimentional sizes as: 256x256, 512x512, 256x512 etc. What I'm wondering is if we can use a texture like: 125x250? Actually browedit rsm editor is very handy by affording this kind of textures with no glitches, as long as the UV Coordinates are located to a single planar map. Edit: in game shows okay aswell (not stretched), maybe I should try this kind of texture dimentions with your tool anyways too? Those were just things I consider would be useful to have. However, they are not really "necessary" to have a functional tool, so really you can just pass by in case it is something complex, or you are very busy to afford time to them. However, after making maps for a long time, I believe they would be good additions to your awesome tool
  5. This is a remake of your morroc edition you did quite a while?
  6. Actually it is necessary to add the credits, we never know if the author is allowing anyone here to share his work. Even if it is recolored.
  7. wb. I remember you since eA times :D

  8. Take a look at the wiki, you can find all the info you need here ---> http://rathena.org/wiki/@go
  9. Downloaded, but after checking I can see the same speeds as before maybe a wrong file? --- > http://www.mediafire.com/?uekkirmwahb1geb
  10. I think people should understand, that this is the work of only 1 guy. I just read his lines, and, I'm spechless of the amount of work.... Oh, that was really unexpected, and I can only smileee by reading that. *¬* I don't have the words to express how amazed I'm with this project. I'm astonished by just reading all that detailed info about the improvements about Graphics you are planing.
  11. Look at the browedit console output, what it says?
  12. We have rules for this kind of content. You should change it, before a mod takes action.
  13. It is me who has to be thankfull to you . Tested several times, works pretty well now I noticed that you added Animation Speed aswell. Although the values are good enough, may I ask how possible it could be to add more -reduced speeds? Actually the tool has: 5 modifiers to increase animation speed (x1.5, x2.0, x3.0, x5.0, x10.0) 2 only to decrease animation speed (x0.5, x0.1) <-- Maybe adding: x0.75, x0.25, x0.05? Just wondering, since for now I have been more like -reducing speed- rather than increasing it at the time I did all the animation test, so, having that option would be very handy. I hope it is not too much work; in case it is, please dont pay attention to this.
  14. Hi, thanks for the reply. DL --- > https://dl.dropbox.com/u/52175822/test.rar Take a look at the "tube002" . When it reachs the animation frame #100 it matches all the material color and returns to its original position. Now testing in game it skips some lastest frames and just dissappear and appears to the default position.
  15. You have to add the credits of the original autor. You added "red one" is that his name?
  16. URL changed aswell, no more ="" is necessary.
  17. bbcodes changed? I think now images are called as: [*img=*] instead of [*img*][*/img*] Same goes by the [*url*] tag. Although if you use the old ones it change it automatically, I'm not get used to this one :3 ^ Edited.
  18. Guys STOP giving her reputation. You are encouraging her to continue this endless madness I'm forced to live every day.
  19. don't pay attention to her. She is jealous <3
  20. I think the best to appreciate in a map is, the dedication and effort someone does to make his work looks good. It is easy to say that you added a lot of dedication and inspiration to this map you did. I'm looking forward to see more work from you congratz!
  21. I love it you will have to show how it works to me trough teamviewer~
  22. Love it :3 I'm allways excited to see all the news about this awesome project you have
  23. Olrox

    First feed. :3

  24. Yo quiero aprender a hacer sprites tambien Edit: Aunque ya se como se hacen, no soy muy hábil. Me quedan feos.
  25. @irawrsilentpls Your welcome!. but I have to say that actually RO2 "Legends of the Second" is not possible yet, due to the -unsupported- Engine. However, we have been able to rip the data inside of it. These mobs are from RO2 Gate of the World. A friend I know who I believe is a good 3D designer is gonna design his own 3D Ragnarok Online Mobs very soon. Please look further this forum. *** Download link & Instructions *** Download link is added. We have to be thankfull to @Ai4rei who added an official Weediff plugin to be used with Shin'sdiffpatcher so you can do your own exe with this new feature enabled. Alternatively you can edit your pre-existing exe aswell. Please follow instructions inside the pack. I have to tell, that my own tests were for: 2011-03-15a and 2012-04-10a which are the most clients used. Although the tool is compatible with all clients, we are unconcern of every exact date, so, every feedback with your client date is allways welcome. Have fun!
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