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Everything posted by Olrox

  1. Wow you did it really fast. Thank you a lot for taking your time with it.
  2. A vertex in 3D geometry is a point with x/y/z coordinates. When you draw a line betwen 2 vertices you have an edge. When you have 3 edges unified by 3 vertices you have a face. When you have combinations of faces as geometrical shapes you have a polygon. A vertex can be the reaching point of multiple edges, with no limit. Eventhough, one vertex can be pointed as a "stand alone" point with no edges at all. In this case, you can easily remove the extra vertices. but before, please Look for your model in 3ds Max or well in 3d Object converter you can switch to "edge view" or "vertex view". And look all the vertex points. If the points are attached to multiple edges there is nothing you can do at least in an easy way... because they are allready builded in the geometry of your model. It would be necessary to retopology your model, that means, draw it once again with low amount of faces. Which it is not that hard, but requires some level of 3d design. Edit: but if the extra vertices are "floating as stand alone" without any edge attached in a huge amount (sometimes happens) you can safely remove them in 3d.
  3. oh in that case just open the model in 3ds max and use the material tool (press M) then select a sphere, use diffuse --> bitmap and navigate trough the texture of your pack. Open it. Select the small icon "view texture in viewport" and Then drag and drop that texture sphere into your model, and it will get covered with it. Again, there is a Syouji tutorial about this, look for it in his thread!
  4. There are some programs that are specifically about for 3D textures, although I'm sure that they don't make you the whole thing automatically... A very rough way to say it is, that a 3D object is texturized by: having a material (this is called assign Materials) and by having the data to know at what faces and how it will use that texture (this is called UV Mapping) It is allways good to learn from the beginning. Make a box in 3ds Max and apply a material to it. Now, by selecting your object ---> Modifiers ---> Unwrap UV. On the right pannel select "by face" and click any face of your cube, then use the "planar map" tool and then "edit UV" you will notice that the face you selected is added to a grid of the texture. You can in that panel, move/maximize/change the coordinates you called to any area of your texture and you will notice that the box is getting covered as the way you recall in the texture in the uv map editor. It is not easy, but once you get practice with the UV map tool, you will find it very handy. In the case of your object, if you want to make your own texture for it, what you need is to Unwrap it, and have some views with uv coordinates. For your model I think 2 views are enough: front and back. Once you have your coordinates in the uv editor, then, export that grid in photoshop and begin making your own texture... A tutorial about uv mapping ---> [media=] [/media]this one is not that easy, however by just looking at it you will understand how a texture is covered on a model with a "human face" example as it shows there. There is a tutorial in Syouji's browedit about UV mapping aswell. Edit: That model you have doesnt comes with the texture? They usually comes with it,
  5. @both guys Thanks, and yes I will edit the thread to be more presentable, I just forget about it. In the todo list, I have to add a glosary, and perhaps change the title of the guide since it is aiming about 3D and more 3D. @All Since @xarple added support for RSM to FBX with his lastest tool my first guide about RSM to OBJ, is, hmm, not longer needed, I mean the method with his tool is way better and efficient. By taking some of my time to test his tool, now I think I'm capable of making a guide of RSM animation. After that guide, then, I'm aiming to add another one about GR2 bones animation... Yea I have a lot to add here. And no much time. Just be patient guys, great tutorials are coming!
  6. Oh yeah I get your point. You are right, since you are talking about a high amount of scripts. However I believe the previous forums I mentioned are more assisted by the scripters around. I can even tell that you could have better results by posting on there.
  7. @mindstream We are really glad for your support since the beginning. Thank you. @Yuki I know what you mean. It is hard to see some projects complete around here. It is a sucess that this one was possible. I Hope that this will be a motivation for other inactive projects to move on! @All Instead of using a new forum cathegory, I decided to send the petition to change the "map showcase forum" into "map 3d modeling showcase" since both areas are intimately related to 3D skills. Therefore, all about goes with "Granny 3D" as Releases and Guides, are, intended to be added here ---> http://rathena.org/board/forum/38-maps-3d-modeling-showcase/ For now the first release (so as a first test aswell) of this project is allready on there. Making that gr2 mobs pack leaded me to find some small glitches at the time the client reads the custom mob, however, it is nothing serious to worry about since I was possible to carry on that by tweaking some minor options at exporting. On another note, Ai4rei is going to add support (thanks by Curiosity commitmens in the client dissamble), for an extended GR2 IDs dll for shin's diffpatcher, link ---> http://rathena.org/board/topic/53421-weediffgen/page__st__420#entry178329 so, it will be a very handy feature for the community uses. And last but not least, thank you everyone. I was really glad to join this project with all of you.
  8. I know this is not my forum area, although, If it were, I would ask more formalisms at the time you mark something as a "project" here. You are looking for -someone to debug something you have-, in other words, you are looking for "support" for one particular script you have; A project is about common goals of a whole team work about making something "new" to begin working. Why not posting in script support?, or Script Releases?
  9. Okay I did some time to test the tool. All goes fine. The only thing I'm wondering about some animations I have tested, is, that, appareantly the "last" time frames of the animation is somewhat skipped at the time I test the rsm ingame. How to explain? very hard without a video but, suppose you have a circunference. And, you make it rotate at 360 in max in a 100 time frame. When I test the animation in max it shows fine and the animation loops correctly. However, testing in game, it seems like it skips the last 10 frames in consequence the circunference rotation doesnt loops smoothly. Hmm perhaps it was the kind of animation I was doing (multi rotations at different axis) so for now I will test a more simple animation. Altough any idea of yours is allways appreciated, perhaps I'm doing something wrong. Thanks again for the tool. I'm almost done to to the guide of this. Edit: seems you changed the bit deph aswell thanks.. Edit2: Tested RSM to FBX, mesh data loads well, however I'm not sure but the material IDs were not assigned automatically for me?, I just tested quick (minutes) so I think I will take more time to this.
  10. I believe the sprites are okay since you can see your character well. Are you sure this item is under the cathegory of lower headgear?, Look for your item_db.txt in your server files, look for your custom item id on there, and compare the structure that is as: Change the Loc, value into one of these: Since I don't have that item in my item_db I don't know if that headgear is treaten as an accessory, or as an upper headgear or mid lower headgear. I suggest you then to change each value and test in game if it get fixed on.
  11. @both guys! Thanks Hey, I think I got some free time today!. I will try to do my best to edit the thread today. Just to be sure and to do this more practical: The size you all want would be the half size of how they are now?
  12. Olrox


    what you mean is you want the second one tileable? I mean like a pattern style, able to use it repetitive times and looks good? Edit: sorry , what you want is to change the color in white?
  13. Hi, Your issue has to do with your local RO installation files, not the server files. Don't pay attention to your current SVN. Update your KRO and all should be fine.
  14. Ahh... going back to browedit with a simple map edition without 3d. How relaxing... I almost forget this feeling.

    1. KamiShi


      Doing nothing as always <|3

    2. KamiShi


      Less than 80 maps

  15. It is allways good to follow the original luas structure. The previous guys suggested you to not add a coma "," at the end of each lua before the end script "}" seems you allready did and it is okay. The only difference I can tell is, that you named it in caps the "BAAL_HELMET" name in one file and in the other as "ACCESSORY_Baal_Helmet" with no caps at all, although I'm not sure it makes a difference, I suggest you to use capital letters in the second sentence, and try again.
  16. Hello, are you aiming to add support for extended Granny custom GR2 Files? I believe that with the info curiosity added and since the granny structure has been the same since ever, It would not be a big deal to add the plugin for this? I mean comparing of doing backward compatibilities with complex issues like the one you do right now...? Here is what the man did and we finished the project: Also some info that this change works with other clients aswell: I'm asking since I allready released some custom gr2 mobs to download here, and, asking the members here everytime to patch their clients manually is not that good ;o
  17. hmm it is different. The textures in GR2 files are exported in the same file. You have only a .gr2 file and there are no textures paths and anything, all is inside that file
  18. @Adel Hey how are you doing . Thanks a lot :3! We are really happy here that finally this is real.
  19. What you allways need are the tools to "import the models and animation, from your game to 3ds max" <--- this is the hard part and it depends of what game you are talking too. However you can for ex. look if there are good people who allready released the models you are looking for in max or any other 3d format. You will understand better at the time I do the guide of custom gr2 Back to the release: I'm glad of this big sucess guys!. Now I'm considering about adding an extra mob in appreciation of your feedback. Perhaps you can afford 1 day more of the time expected for this?
  20. @mindstream Thank you I'm resizing them allready . Just remember that I will add the 2 sizes, because I believe there are people who liked the first one. @KeyWorld Hey man, nice to see you around here. As for the custom clients, I didn't know that! all I can tell is that these mobs and any custom gr2 is following exactly the same way as official gr2 mobs are. They are identical so I believe you will have good results if you call them the same way you do with the official ones? Or perhaps I didn't understand the joke @Syouji Thank you bud. Yes the sizes are good for mvp or as special mobs. So I will keep both @kasumy Usually (or ever) game character models are skinned and are all about bones animation. The example you said, is, possible. The converter is allready developed thanks by Ricky92. I suggest you to see the project, since in the first thread says what is granny, what is granny exporter and what is the awesome granny converter. But in very few words, by your inquirie I will say: As long as you have the model in MAX allready, (you have look how to import the bones data and the model data to it) we allready have the tools necessary to import them in RO afterwards. Alternatively you can build your own 3D models (not only mobs) and add any kind of animation you may want... This is not new, however, the big "missing step" the past 7, 8 or more years we have RO private servers running was the converter. Ricky92 developed a tool for it, and we are really thankfull to him for doing it. Which recalls me that there is a rule about not asking "$$$" in releases, however, I think it won-t be a matter if I add the donation link only of this generous man who did this amazing tool in the first post. Without him, nothing of this would be real. To all: Thanks a lot for your support
  21. n_ñ I hope you have enough russians friends so you can have fun with them the next 2 or 3 weeks I will forget* you.
  22. @kamishi IN CASE YOU DIDN'T READ...I THINK YOUR COMMENT IS THE 5TH ONE about that they are big... you really had to mention it, once again right? ¬¬ ... :333 OKAY I GOT IT! I will add smaller ones when I do the release. Both sizes. P.D.: <3 P.D 2: take kamishi out of my thread now. She is not welcome anymore!
  23. Thanks! Seems my thread died. Fixing it now. Edit: Fixed
  24. This is what I mean. XD I was sure someone was going to say that prefers this size. So what I will do is, add boths small and medium size in the same pack. Sounds better?
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