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Everything posted by Olrox

  1. I have tested browedit with 32 bit deph bmp textures yesterday, and they wont load. However 32 bit tga textures have allways worked for me. Perhaps it is only me? =P. About your tip regarding my model getting "rotated at the x axis" makes sense. Thanks a lot, imma try harder with what you suggest. Your rsm tool is, amazing. It even flips the textures automatically very handy. That gradient example... wow. it truly saves a lot of time. Regarding browedit crashing with the parent/child models, I completely understand you. Perhaps this would be great to have it fixed in browedit 2.0, anyway, as I said before, what I'm doing (provitionally) is, using a none-parent/child model for browedit and managing it from there... and test ingame with the real one. Somewhat it works. Sorry for the heavy amount of inquiries and points I'm doing. But since I'm willing to do a tutorial, I have to consider all things to point out in it. I will continue testing and adding more feedback about the tool.
  2. I have sent you an inbox (thanks to Yommy for the files of course) days ago with the DL.
  3. Harmony encrypter works. there is a fix provided by Emistry for it.
  4. You know? I remember those great times with the camland map, mind you, one of the first custom in times when a map editor was something really abstract and impossible.... or well, kinda those times about "platnium & igun" how hard was to do something with those things It was the 2007. The original Camland map, was, the market area of the first server I was playing that time. The cherry trees, the music, the nekos on the walls, so as the river ... yeah, this was a beautiful map and I was/I'm completely in love about its style until today. All I can say is: Amazing Job of taking this concept back and do a prontera map inspired of this area. Good Job, and thanks for sharing of course.
  5. Nice, the tool is awesome. Even as beta state. I'm doing more tests with this amazing tool. However I have encountered with some issues. Sometimes inside game the generated rsm models gets a rotation of 180 at the X axis. Also, it gets kinda an uniformly covered shadow on all its surface (perhaps I should try disabling the shadow tool in your exporter). Also Seems the bitmaps are generated as 32 bits. You are using 32 bits texturized model inside RO and all is fine? in browedit, only bitmaps of 24 bits are allowed.
  6. Sent you a pm with a present for you :P

  7. @curiosity I'm not sure. Lets say we do this: Inside data/3dmob_bone/ 10_attack.gr2 10_dead.gr2 10_damage.gr2 10_move.gr2 --> And add a 10_stand.gr2 All fine here, we can do that for our own animated models in 3ds max and exporting the bones only of a standing animation and then using the granny exporter/converter of ricky92. But how about the default RO models?, they are still preserving the previous way of working.... I'm sure it will be really hard to manage 2 different ways of recalling GR2 mobs customs -with 5 animations- and original ones -with 4 and only 1 default- in terms of the emulator and client. I don't know, at this point if certainly it will be easier. @Ai4rei Since you looked at a limitation of WoE Flags, let me tell you about another one (and perhaps you are interested to take a look): The "_damage.gr2" that corresponds about being hitted, it is not showing by the client too with even official mobs that has it present (guardians for ex). I'm not sure if that is a limitation from the client, or it is not recalled from the emu by intention.
  8. Okay... you were right. Testing in game works perfectly!. The root, parent and the child of the model is showing.That is awesome. So I think for now what we have to do is use a -none hierarchy- rsm model with browedit, and replace it with a parent child one when we test in game. Not a problem to me. But perhaps you want to test a fix to it (I know, it is not your fault, It has to do with browedit only). Because browedit is crashing everytime I use a parent/child FBX to RSM Model. Btw, I noticed the converter generates the bmp textures. That is really good. However, may I ask what texture path allocates the rsm to read for (data/texture/ where ???)
  9. Yes Guild Flags have animation data if you open them with the Granny Viewer you see it. It is truly amazing that you find what it was disabling it. Really thanks for taking a look at this. We really apreciate every new you can have about what it is hardcoded in the client about granny.
  10. @xarple I did a quick test, (a parent cone with a child box) rotating. But trying to open this rsm model it makes browedit crash. Maybe I'm missing something? Here I attach the max scene --> https://dl.dropbox.c...t_animation.max Edit #1: Seems it is about the parenting, cause when I disabled the parenting of the child object, it is no longer crashing. (but it imports only the first one in a scene of 2 objects for ex) Edit #2: This is happening to me also when I try to import your fbx example to rsm, without touching anything on it? Edit #3 I just found what you said, the converter only exports the first node of the scene (the one without any parenting). But every time I try to do a basic parenting, the rsm is crashing in browedit. am I doing something wrong? perhaps I dont have to add any kind of parenting? Edit #4 Will test with max 2013 and FBX 2003.3, Actually I use 2012.
  11. With all my limits in the area and being afraid of saying something stupid, I'm dare to say: "g_unknown1", "g_unknown2", ""g_unknown3", are assigned if there are animations presents. It is like checking if it is certainly a 3d GR2 mob, in different levels (first as default gr2, then, going onwards assigning it as a gr2 with 4 animation indexes present) I'm thinking our gr2 default missing standing animation has to do with these? Again, sorry, and perhaps I should shut the fuck up XD. All of this dissamble stuff is beyond all I know.
  12. You really optimized it! even by adding a black texture if a texture is not present... simple wonderfull. We completely understand the limit about skeleton, since, that is not present in the animation of the RSM models too. Don't worry about that. I believe skeleton is only possible in GR2 animation, we have a project about that here--- http://rathena.org/board/topic/68884-3d-custom-monster-in-ragnarok/page__st__100#entry174270 Again thank you man. As the previous tool I will do all I can to add a guide about using this new one.
  13. I wonder if he can upload the original FBX file and the RSM result? That will be a good addition, enough to us for do some tests.
  14. !!!!!!!!!! XARPLE thanks!!! thanks for this tool I knew you were busy to continue developing it and thanks for replying back the email I sent to you about this! GUYS NOW we can do animated RSM Models with this!!! This man is amazing!!! Before I did a video about your GND/RSW to FBX tool. I will do a video about this new tool too, so people will know how to use it! Edit: Xarple can you upload the FBX original file you converted and the rsm result, for a reference to us?
  15. You got an inbox!

  16. @hyuna Editing data/viewpointtable.txt as you wish @Brian Hey nice idea LOL Perhaps, one scripter can make it and share it with us!
  17. The DL of this GRF is here --- http://www.mediafire...6f6qnollrg6inso Let me explain what I have found. This GRF is named as "primitive maps and mobs" pack. Made by "sinny" and it was released the first time in RMS, here ---> http://forum.ratemys...-maps-and-mobs/ Basically this pack is about 2 things: Removing Models and Removing Textures of the RO maps it has in. Apparently, the maps are just using some cells position of the only one bitmap texture in the pack. Making this "manually" for all the maps at the same time it is impossible. I think he developed an application that reads the gat surface of the maps and perhaps it constructs a grid on the bitmaps and assigns a cell to recall in a x,y position in case it is no walkable/walkable/target/no-target/etc. There is some discussion in the past about this here --- http://rathena.org/b...-map-converter/ So how to adapt this to new maps? well, this is beyond my knoweledge, because it is more about programming skills that a design itself. However... it is possible to do it manually, but it will take a life to have only 1 map. Weemapcache has a preview tool which does kinda almost the same (makes an image made by gat cells) so, what I was thinking (perhaps kinda rustic) was to add a big texture on the map surface made of this. It will be hard to make it accurate though.
  18. Thank you a lot! we really appreciate your help on this. I have sent you some files that will be really helpful to you in case you want to dissamble this client, please take a look at your skype when you can afford it.
  19. Hey man, just saying hi :3

  20. Hmm that is not a Kro Client related issue. It is not necessary to download it all again. You are client is reading what people call it a "simple.grf" commonly used by players, and certainly what it does is changing the map models/textures as the one you refer. (increases the game perfomance) So, open your DATA.ini and look for an extra grf file besides "data.grf", "rdata.grf" and your custom server grf and remove it. Edit: Okay seems that it is not a problem you are having. You are using it by your own and you want more maps to it. I just read the small letters, so, please upload this grf to take a look and perhaps I can try to follow its structure and make the same to the maps you ask.
  21. Perhaps you should tell us what font you want, or what font you are using?
  22. Ricky92 Hi man, let me explain. Ragnarok Online handles 2 types of -monsters-. Sprite mobs and 3D mobs. After Installing Ragnarok Online, they stores the gr2 resources at these paths when installing: "data/model/3dmob/" <-- Common gr2 files which includes the default animaton. The default last gr2 in the game installacion is named as "sguardian90_9.gr2". This "_9" is the id of this model. "data/model/3dmob/bone" <-- Aditional gr2 files which has only bones of the previous gr2 listed. The max amount is 4 per monster. To our previous example, the animations are named as "9_attack.gr2", "9_damage,gr2","9_dead.gr2","9_move,gr2". Additional, the "sguardian90_9.gr2" file is listed easily and handy (thanks by a previous decompiler of these lua files, made by our community) at; data/lua files/datainfo/jobname.lua <-- Basically its function is about giving a name of the files listed, in our case "sguardian90_9.gr2" to only "SOLDIER_GUARDIAN". data/lua files/datainfo/npcidentity.lua <-- Asigns an additional ID to this "SOLDIER_GUARDIAN" . This ID is used at the rAthena server emulator database, which it is asked at summonning the monster. When "sguardian90_9.gr2" is summoned in the game, the monster appears by first in its "default standing animation", which is the one included by default in this gr2 file (as you see we are not changing this, it is just as how you said that the default animation is included in the gr2). Then, if it is asked to attack , move, or die (by our server instructions) the client reads, the corresponding id bones animations of this monster id.gr2 files And, shows it. This Ragnarok game has 9 reserved ID monsters as the example I said, installed by default. Which they all follow this same structure of working. All these time doing our examples has been by replacing one of those 9 ID monsters. Until some days we have been only testing our custom GR2 monsters thanks by your exporter, by naming our GR2 files just by replacing one of the installed by default. And all tests regarding this are good. ================================== From this, we are moving onwards to the second part of this project: It is about, using our custom gr2 files without having to replace one of these IDs. This is not new to us, since we are allready able to do it by only adding the new entries in the lua files I listed before. So as adding the new entry in the rAthena server database. Our concern is, that, by doing this. this same GR2 monster that we have tested all these time and works pretty well by replacing an existing ID, now, as a new custom entry ID, it is summoned sucessfully in the Game, however, it appears as a static model when you are standing. So as when you are walking, it continues to be static. What is happening is that the Game Client, the exe, has a hardcoded function which tell what gr2 monster will have animation, and what not. At this point, This member: Curiosity accepted to give a try to this, and by looking at the client (for what we use IDA Interactive Dissambler) he found this function: int __thiscall getGrannyModel(void *this, int a_id, int a_type) { void *v3; // ebx@1 char *v4; // ebp@1 int v5; // eax@5 v3 = this; v4 = (char *)this + 4 * (a_type + 4 * (5 * a_id + 40)); if ( *(_DWORD *)v4 ) return *(_DWORD *)v4; modelResPath = 0; if ( (unsigned int)a_id <= 9 ) { if ( (unsigned int)a_type <= 4 ) { if ( a_type ) { sprintf(&modelResPath, "model\\3dmob_bone\\%d_%s.gr2", a_id, animTypeStringTable[a_type]); } else { v5 = sub_6E6000(dword_7CAA8C[a_id]); sprintf(&modelResPath, "model\\3dmob\\%s", v5); } if ( modelResPath && (unsigned __int8)fileExists(&modelResPath) ) { if ( a_id != 1 ) readGrannyModelFromDisk(v3, &modelResPath, a_id, a_type); return *(_DWORD *)v4; } } } return 0; } Exactly quoting this line of the previous code, this is what limits the "Sguardian90_9.gr2". being the last "9" ID reserved to be readed as an animated monster. "if ( (unsigned int)a_id <= 9 )" Increasing this value hardcoded in the Game Client, overrides this limit, and makes possible that now, it reads additional gr2 files,and shows its animation by custom gr2 IDs besides the lastest listed as "_9" . What it has no sense until now, is, that it only shows the animations under "data/model/3dmob_bone/" So when the monster is standing it continues to be static, but when moving/attacking/etc, it is showing animation. I thought that it was good to explain it all. (Since Ricky92 doesn't has to do with our emu, our client or data files it uses) But in short: That is!
  23. Concuerdo con lo que señala Leeg, y la organización que sugiere Brainstorming. Hay que hacer las cosas bien y no ir tan apresurados. Lo bueno es que el trabajo que ya se hizo siempre se puede tomar como base y corregirse... pero antes de seguir a mas, hay que detenerse y dar el tiempo de darle énfasis a la organización que han sugerido. De lo contrario se van a ahogar de trabajo que hay que corregir. Hay que darle formalismo y calidad al proyecto. No trata de traducir solo porque si, hay que recordar que se pretende que sea una alternativa fidedigna, estable, actualizada y bien hecha de una traducción del emulador actual... que pretende llegar al uso de grandes masas. En ingles todo va pulcro, en español debe de ir también así. Sobre ayudar, yo lastimosamente no puedo. No es mi ámbito y bueno, estoy hasta la cabeza con el proyecto sobre granny 2 que participo ahorita.
  24. Did a test with the default WoE Guardian as a custom ID Mob with your hex change. Same result, default animation is static. But additional animations are working... just like my previous test with a custom GR2. So, I believe it doesn't has to do with the exporter. There must be another thing to tweak on! I have not tested a high polygonal GR2 mob yet, with your change. Gonna make it trough the day and add my feedback about it. About RSM Limit, I don't have an exact value. In my experience doing custom RSM models, I can tell it its between 2,000 and 1.500. But anyway, maybe we can refer for those details later?, I'm kinda clueless with this default animation, and the other bones working!
  25. You are awesome!... Tested!. Good news: Testing now a custom entry in the luas now with your change. Now, the animations under "data/3dmob_bone/" are appearing for the custom mob id! Now the client is showing the animations for walk, die, attack for custom mobs ID! before It was all static. However... default animation, that is stored in the default model in "data/3dmob/" is still as static. In short, with your change, the animations under "data/3dmob_bone/" are working now. There is left the default animation "standing" which they are stored in "data/3dmob/" where in your past quote, I can tell it is refering at: else { v5 = sub_6E6000(dword_7CAA8C[a_id]); sprintf(&modelResPath, "model\\3dmob\\%s", v5); } Perhaps an additonal hex sequence edit is needed? Edit: ​ Just read your line about the max vertices. That limit is pretty much more than the limits of default RSM Models. If you want to increase that value that would be awesome! since we will be able to use high detailed custom mobs 3d as the dragon we posted quite ago and it crashed due to the high polygons. Now I wonder if the client also is storing a limit in vertices for RSM Models too.
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