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Everything posted by 15peaces

  1. to configure Clientside ... He wants to manage the clientside. So there is no point in changing a server related configuration file.
  2. This will only configure the server-emu to use this grf file(s). This won't change anything on clientside. To configure grf files clientside you'll need to modify the data.ini in clientfolder. Structure is: [Data] 1=first-grf-to-load.grf 2=second-grf-to-load.grf ... 99=99th-grf-to-load.grf There is also a diff to embed this file into your gameexe, so you can protect it.
  3. Got this Issue, too... Using this client AND 2013-12-23 ragexe client. Using rAthena or another emu? I got this problem on 3ceam ^^
  4. @2. question: wasn't this fixed long ago on every recent emu? ^^
  5. How to fix this on 2013-12-23 ragexe? My msgstringtable below: msgstringtable.txt
  6. I've made this for my server. It's not exactly what you want, but it works... Maybe it helps? xD - script SoundBroadcast -1,{ end; OnInit: set .sfx$,"se_cock_02.wav"; bindatcmd "evbroadcast",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBroadcast",50,20; end; OnBroadcast: if(.@atcmd_parameters$[0] == "") dispbottom "@evbroadcast: Usage: @evbroadcast [message]"; else{ soundeffectall .sfx$,0; announce strcharinfo(0)+": "+ .@atcmd_parameters$[0],bc_all; } end; }
  7. You could use mine... my emulator-project is eAthena / 3ceam based so it should work: Commit 1: https://github.com/15peaces/15-3athena/commit/b37fd38e8de216deaebca4b4e2a51b3e42106608 Commit 2: https://github.com/15peaces/15-3athena/commit/33859afe0f8430630eb2e05afe51517158420ac2 However you'll have to code it in by yourself... my eathena base-version is newer than the one from 3ceam.
  8. The client is not the big problem. A friend of me wrote a program to extract and re-pack the client files. But the serverside is a good piece of work ^^
  9. in 3ceam you'll need to use set for variables ^^
  10. if eA has group permission, it's compatible. sadly to sa no have group permission. you can modify it to add a battle config for this... but this would require some basic coding knowlage...
  11. I've created a patch for eAthena now. Tested and working on Rev. 15269. Hope this will work for you now bindatcmd_eA.patch
  12. what exactly are you doing and whats the error message? ^^
  13. Most palette packs does not contain kagerou / oboro palettes ^^
  14. OnFull: //THIS ONE WILL AUTOMATICALLY ASSIGN A LEADER BASED FROM THE PLAYERS INSIDE THE WAITINGROOM party_create "MyParty",getcharid. . . . . . //THIS ONE WILL ADD THE REMAINING PLAYERS INSIDE THE WAITINGROOM TO THE PARTY party_addmember $@party_create_id,<character id>; That's all o.o The variable $@party_create_id will be set by party_create function. There is nothing else to do to get the party id.
  15. @party id: Docs say: so the party_id you've to use is stored in $@party_create_id variable.
  16. Use Notepad++ and (if you want to) my UDL-File for syntax highlighting. ^^ http://15peaces.com/blog/index.php/sunshine-ro-script/
  17. here you go again. It was made for my own Emu-Project, but it's eAthena based. So it should work for you. ^^ bindatcmd.patch
  18. I don't have it, but I've ported bindatcommand to 3ceam. I could try to make a patch for you if you want.
  19. Schonmal versucht, einfach den client nochmal "frisch" zu laden? Manchmal ist ja auch einfach beim Download schon der Wurm drin. Wenn andere Spieler keine Probleme haben, kann es ja nur ein lokales Problem sein. Sind alle nötigen Treiber (Sound / GraKa) aktuell? Blockiert der Virenscanner (Sandbox-Modus?)? Wurde der Client beim patchen beschädigt? (Neu Patchen, neu laden + installieren/entpacken), usw...
  20. I'm using it on my server, so yes... but you can use NEMO to patch it.
  21. Here u go: http://15peaces.com/downloads/2013-12-23cRagexe_decrypted.zip
  22. And as said above, this is normal as long as the castle is unoccupied. These unoccupied castles can be taken no matter what WoE state. After someone taked the castle the emperium will disappear and will only be there when WoE is active. This is the official behavior, and there is no new/old WoE.
  23. It belongs to SC_MONSTER_TRANSFORM (as far as I know ^^)
  24. Warum macht das eigentlich immer jeder falsch? ^^ //quick option to disable all renewal option, used by ./configure //#define PRERE //#define PRERE uncommentieren, sonst NICHTS ändern. Damit sind ALLE RE-Features deaktiviert...
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