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Everything posted by 15peaces

  1. Try this: - script npcdisabler -1,{ OnAgitStart: OnAgitStart2: disablenpc "poring"; disablenpc "PVP ROOM"; disablenpc "disguise"; end; OnAgitEnd: OnAgitEnd2: enablenpc "poring"; enablenpc "PVP ROOM"; enablenpc "disguise"; end; }
  2. You'll have to Run your Patcher as Administrator, then the Patcher will start your game-exe as Administrator, too.
  3. Hier findest die exe: http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Diff_Project/kRO/RagexeRE/2012/
  4. You're missing column "robe" inside your char- db Query inside your database: ALTER TABLE `char` ADD COLUMN `robe` INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
  5. query_sql "<your sql commandline>",<your output variable>; ...
  6. query a sql-command in your database: REPAIR TABLE `char`; ^^
  7. this file is inside your data-folder or grf: data/clientinfo.xml (since you're using eAthena: if you're using a old sak-exe it's the sclientinfo.xml, you'll find it on same location ^^)
  8. maybe using 3ceam and disable 3rd class related stuff? ^^
  9. i think you're wrong about this... there is a sprite-folder... or is my client THIS outdated?! xD
  10. Dito (2012-04-10 (with 3ceam... but I think it's client-sided...))
  11. I'd prefer an sql-table since configuration and administration (maybe using a webtool) is easier this way... (my oppinion since i'm scripting nearly everything with sql-support to configure it via my cp.. xD)
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