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About Ehcloprom

  • Birthday 01/18/1993

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Community Answers

  1. core.h #define PACKET_OBFUSCATION
  2. this works when i logged in my gm account it gives me the items, but when i logged in my test account and create a new character it does not give me the items. thanks man. After reading this I decided to test my script on 4 different accounts and it worked on each one. I do use Hercules but I don't think that matters. Try reloading server maybe it's just some fluke? i dont know why it works for you, i tried preloading the server, restarting server, reloading scripts, and stil doesnt work on any new player characters/accounts Are you sure it even actually loaded and worked on your GM account as you said? did you use the scripts_custom.conf? or your "gmh_freenpc.conf" and if you did is it set to load in the scripts_main.conf? Besides this I have no clue why it would work for only your GM account one single time. Maybe someone else can help or you can use the search feature I'm sure someone else made another script.
  3. this works when i logged in my gm account it gives me the items, but when i logged in my test account and create a new character it does not give me the items. thanks man. After reading this I decided to test my script on 4 different accounts and it worked on each one. I do use Hercules but I don't think that matters. Try reloading server maybe it's just some fluke?
  4. I'm not sure why you would make a new .conf for 1 script Just put freebies.txt inside of the folder named "custom" Then edit scripts_custom.conf and add this line npc: npc/custom/freebies.txt Also try this as that script isn't going to work I haven't tested it but it should work. freebies.txt
  5. I don't quite understand what's so difficult about finding this page you can also go to Category: Customization I think the problem here is simply that you don't know how to use the wiki. Anyways I wish the best of luck with your wikia but without a large amount of contributors it will go nowhere (no offence) I just hate to see your hard work be unused. but hey I may be wrong but that's just my opinion.
  6. For starters: One thing I can agree is that the current wiki does indeed need to to be reorganized. But as far as actually having to create an entire new wiki is an aweful idea all that does is spread information throughout multiple websites the whole point of the wiki is to be able to aquire information quickly and all in one place. And also how much have you actually contributed to the rA wiki? (0) Yeah it's not perfect but it's far better then having to forum search thoughout rA. sietse I'm not trying to bash down you in anyway I'm glad to see someone trying to make things easier but I think your going in the wrong direction why not try to improve the current wiki?
  7. I never thought about FTP at all even though I use it daily thanks.
  8. I have never ran rAthena/eAthena on any operating system other then windows therefore I'm left with a few questions. For starters from what I read compiling the server is done via SSH but as far as uploading my own files to my didicated server and editing current files I have no idea how that would be done or if it would be a "pain in the ass" therefore am I left with no other choice then paying an extra 15$ - 20$ a month for Direct Admin or Cpanel/WHM. (or something like that - Any recommendations?) It's not that huge of a deal getting something like the two above CPs if it would make it that much easier to edit files (especially since my server is currently closed beta and will obviously require constant editing.) Any recommendations for me before I go head and order my didicated server? Here's an list of Control Panels offered by the host I'll be using OpenVZ /w HyperVM Webmin SolusVM - Master (OpenVZ) DirectAdmin Parallels Plesk Panel 11 cPanel/WHM v11
  9. I would like to thank you for your contributions.
  10. Did some searching. http://rathena.org/board/topic/62107-getting-me-frustratedrediffingrecompiling/#entry94662
  11. I would suggest you read this: http://rathena.org/wiki/SVN_Checkout/ Also the above user meant to link this not the trac. https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/ Also try using @reset or making a new character because the changes in stats just might not be going through I know it's like that with Attack Speed but not sure with Stats.
  12. You need to provide more information, how about you actually post the script.
  13. I'm pretty sure giving it another name would be difficult you would probably have to duplicate the skill in the source . Each skill get's it's name from skillnametable.txt Such as: // Lord_Knight Skills \\ LK_AURABLADE#Aura_Blade# LK_BERSERK#Berserk# LK_CONCENTRATION#Concentration# Changing that would change the name of the entire skill so it change it for LK as well. So I guess the only way would to too make a duplicate then make a entire new skill via rA's source. With a different ID and such then add another line in skillnametable.txt But you can give concentration to another class easily: JOB_ID_HERE,357,5,4,5,55,5,63,1,0,0,0,0 //LK_CONCENTRATION#Concentration# under another job in skill_tree For example let's give Concentration to High Priests. //HighPriest 4009,357,5,4,5,55,5,63,1,0,0,0,0 //LK_CONCENTRATION#Concentration# 4009,1,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //NV_BASIC#Basic Skill# ... ... ...
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