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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/17 in Posts

  1. View File Third Job Costumes & New Classes: Corrected Third Job Costumes + New Classes The Correction With the advent of jRO releasing new Job Costumes, and also, the new classes from the Taekwon branch, many of server owners want to replace the vanilla sprites or even, implement the bodystyle system. But, there's a catch! Originally jRO, and now, even kRO spriters, have made it completely off of the default pattern of palette. In a classic example, you can notice the pattern of the RO palettes. What matters is the position of the colours, as an example, for all jobs, the white-ish tones will be always on the same row, so we can use it to create custom palettes. See how it works: But jRO didn't follow the classic pattern, making it incompatible with custom palettes (@Kamishi ones included). So, I edited frame by frame of each job sprite, of each gender, mounted or not, correcting them, converting them in a way so many of the previously created palettes will work. This package includes: Alternate Outfits: Alternate Royal Guard M/F + Gryffon Battlemount + Lion Mount Alternate Ranger M/F + Warg Battlemount + Ostrich Mount Alternate Minstrel/Wanderer + Ostrich Mount Alternate ArchBishop M/F + Alpaca Mount Alternate Warlock M/F + Fox Mount Alternate Mechanic M/F + Savage Mount Alternate Genetic M/F + Savage Mount Alternate Guillotine Cross M/F + Hyena Mount Alternate Shadow Chaser M/F + Hyena Mount Alternate Sorcerer M/F + Fox Mount Alternate Sura M/F + Alpaca Mount Alternate Rune Knight M/F + Dragon Battlemount + Lion Mount New Classes Star Emperor M/F + Wolf Mount Soul Reaper M/F + Wolf Mount As requested by @Emistry, I also added an extra, making it more compatible to default palettes: Kagerou/Oboro + Frog Mount Following the another @Emistry's request, all files are now already on GRFs. The previous version had no Cashmount palette included, this one fixes the issue. Only the already released costumes are supported at this moment. The Rune Knight seems to be the last of them, it's over a year from the first release! As a final part of the package, I'm including Classic Palettes for all Alternate Costumes. Enjoy the final product! Submitter Haziel Submitted 02/24/2016 Category Job Sprites Content Author Gravity Corp  
    1 point
  2. The topic has been removed because of rAthena staff double standards and hypocrisy things. (rA staff blame me that I made a money on this topic while it's not and never was) All that I did for the last 2.5 years with around ~1k answers from my side is help for free for newbies here, but to rA staff, my topic is a pain in the ass. Sorry guys, but the topic can't be maintained on such a community anymore because of its admins. Bye
    1 point
  3. Hi, zwar wollte ich bis zum Ende des Jahres mit jeglicher Werbung warten, jedoch finde ich das hier im rA jegliche Werbung eher dem Wunsch nahe kommt unter kritischen Augen bewertet zu werden. Daher schon bereits verfrüht die Info das ich seit wenigen Wochen wieder an einem RO Server bastele. Mein erstes Projekt fing 2009 an und endete mitte 2012 unter gleichem Namen, der ein oder andere kennt unter Umständen noch ExRO, wer nicht, hat nichts verpasst. Seit der Zeit hatte ich eigentlich nichts mehr mit Ragnarok zu tun. Da nun aus ein wenig basteln wieder eine online Geschichte wurde, (man möchte ja dennoch das andere gewisse Sachen live testen und nutzen) scheint es nun auf ein richtiges Server Projekt hinzulaufen. Zwar hörte ich bereits das der deutsche Markt so gut wie ausgestorben ist, und das mit einer zu großen Community nicht mehr zu rechnen ist, aber was soll's. Besser als wenn RO ausstirbt. UNd auch eine kleine Community kann seinen Charme haben. Bedenkt bei euren vll. teilweisen vernichtenden Kritiken das ich erst seit kurzem wirklich aktiv daran arbeite und an vielen Stellen noch Ausbauten nötig sind und für eure Meinungen/Anregungen bin ich immer offen. Best regards Innos™ www.ex-ro.de
    1 point
  4. // Copyright (c) rAthena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder #ifndef _CONFIG_PACKETS_H_ #define _CONFIG_PACKETS_H_ /** * rAthena configuration file (http://rathena.org) * For detailed guidance on these check http://rathena.org/wiki/SRC/config/ **/ #ifndef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20151104 #endif #ifndef PACKETVER_RE /// From this point on only kRO RE clients are supported #if PACKETVER > 20151104 #define PACKETVER_RE #endif #endif #if PACKETVER >= 20110817 /// Comment to disable the official packet obfuscation support. /// This requires PACKETVER 2011-08-17 or newer. #ifndef PACKET_OBFUSCATION //#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION // Define these inside src/custom/defines_pre.h or src/custom/defines_post.h //#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION_KEY1 <key1> 0x4C17382A //#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION_KEY2 <key2> 0x7ED174C9 //#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION_KEY3 <key3> 0x29961E4F /// Comment this to disable warnings for missing client side encryption //#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION_WARN #endif #else #if defined(PACKET_OBFUSCATION) #error You enabled packet obfuscation for a version which is too old. Minimum supported client is 2011-08-17. #endif #endif #ifndef DUMP_UNKNOWN_PACKET //#define DUMP_UNKNOWN_PACKET #endif #ifndef DUMP_INVALID_PACKET //#define DUMP_INVALID_PACKET #endif /** * No settings past this point **/ /// Check if the specified packetversion supports the pincode system #define PACKETVER_SUPPORTS_PINCODE PACKETVER >= 20110309 /// Check if the client needs delete_date as remaining time and not the actual delete_date (actually it was tested for clients since 2013) #define PACKETVER_CHAR_DELETEDATE (PACKETVER > 20130000 && PACKETVER <= 20141022) || PACKETVER >= 20150513 /// Check if the specified packetvresion supports the cashshop sale system #define PACKETVER_SUPPORTS_SALES PACKETVER >= 20131223 #endif // _CONFIG_PACKETS_H_ recompile
    1 point
  5. You can use @reloadatcommand to refresh the groups.conf without restarting the server.
    1 point
  6. Sorry to confuse you. kRO Files are just base file for your server game client. There'a a full tutorial in the Client Release section LINK: If you follow the link above, it will answer most of the question you have. Some answer to your question though: If i use a client from 2017-01-25 and someone uses another client version. Does this work? - No only one client date is allowed to connect. If they connect with different date there will be packet issues. Is there a config that specifically says only client version 2017-01-25 is allowed to connect? - Yes its on src/config/packet.h and its under #define PACKETVER
    1 point
  7. @Kidlatsv Im not a good scripter but tried optimized your script a bit. I haven't tried to run it in-game. I hope this solves your problem, good luck! mag_dun01,127,123,3 script Dancing Flame 802,{ if (!#10gallonstarted){ mes .npc$; mes "I am a fire elemental, and I have a proposal for you, "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; next; if (select("What is it?","I don't have for this, sorry.") != 1){ mes .npc$; mes "That's too bad, come back when you change your mind."; close; } mes .npc$; mes "I know of thy quest to save Midgard and I wish to help you on your journey."; next; mes .npc$; mes "In order to aid you I shall make a headgear imbued with some of my powers, which will surely be of great use to you."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+":]"; mes "What headgear would that be?"; next; mes .npc$; mes "...a ^00c000"+getitemname(.rewardid)+"^0000000."; next; mes .npc$; mes "It won't come for free though."; next; mes .npc$; mes "I will need you to collect items which I require in order to make the headgear for you."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+".]"; mes "What do you need?"; next; mes .npc$; mes "I need the following items:"; mes "^00FF00_______________________________^000000"; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.require); .@i += 2 ){ mes .require[.@i+1]+" "+getitemname(.require[.@i]); } mes "Bring me these items and I sh-all make the headgear for you, now go."; #10gallonstarted = 1; close; } mes .npc$; mes "You have returned, have you collected the items I require?"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+".]"; mes "Yes, I have!"; next; mes .npc$; mes "Very well then, let's check..."; next; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.require); .@i += 2 ){ if (countitem(.require[.@i]) < .require[.@i+1]){ .@count++; } } if (.@count){ mes "I'm sorry, but you need to collect more of the required items."; close; } for ( .@j = 0; .@j < getarraysize(.require); .@j += 2 ){ delitem .require[.@j], .require[.@j+1]; } mes .npc$; mes "Excellent, you have collected all that I require!"; mes "May it serve you well."; getitem .rewardid, 1; next; mes .npc$; mes "If you wish for me to make you another, all you have to do is bring me the required items again."; close; OnPCLoadMapEvent: showevent 1,0; end; OnInit: // CONFIGURATION // set this to your npc name .npc$ = "[Dancing Flame]"; // set this to your reward item id .rewardid = 18940; // item requirements syntax: <item id>, <item amount>, <item id>, <item amount>,... setarray .require[0], 2248, 1, 7098, 100, 7097, 85, 7122, 70, 7120, 55, 994, 40, 716, 25, 7426, 10; while(1){ npctalk "Greetings, hero, please approach."; sleep2 60000; } end; }
    1 point
  8. I assume you are using windows. And if yes, you can follow the guide provided by Wiki of rA. Link: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Install-on-Windows For a game client to work you need base file such as client files. By this, you need to download kRO files. (disregard the ragexe in the kRO clients since they are not unpacked). There's a guide that gives information about it and I think its on the Development News Section. To make your server public, you need to do some routing to the net. If you want to use your own desktop you need to open ports/NATS/port forwarding and etc. (Not familiar with this) or just rent a VPS.
    1 point
  9. because of that it doubles the exp rates of your server they can get multiple lvls not once but twice thats why they lvlup faster
    1 point
  10. Try that. You are missing 1 right curly brace before the permissions.
    1 point
  11. If you're going to use it for your own local server. Might as well try the 2017 client since its supported in rAthena. I prefer to use 2017-01-25 because its stable for me. The only thing that's not working for me in that client is the connect to twitter via settings option and the gstorage check in the guild. Other than that its working fine. Yes your git should be up to date but since rA always release updates you should always pull the updates to make sure you are on the updated copy of rA. Regards!
    1 point
  12. You get +1 internet points for calling it a "local server" instead of an "offline server". Most people wrongly use "offline server" to say they're using it locally. You get another +1 internet points for using git instead of a downloadable package from someone else. There are many many clients you can use, it's just upto you which features you want. I'd start by having a look at the diff'able clients here https://rathena.org/board/forum/99-client-releases/ first, or if you want to use an older one, they're attached to the "2015 clients" thread under Development News here
    1 point
  13. Oh, okay but could tell us which line it is about the syntax error, best would be an screenshot. Edit: I think I saw you're errors: L_option1 & 2 needs an : afterwards and l_noitems is an ; instead of : Edit 2: After checking again I saw that in most of your mes there is an ; missing at the end. Edit 3: Here is now the corrected script with some additional changes: If I didn't miss an missing ; for an mes myself, it should work.
    1 point
  14. i think you have 2 npc with the same name you can use like npc name#1 npc name#2 but you can't use npc name#1 npc name#1 even if they are not in the same map and when you do npc name#1 the #1 now is the npc name so you must not use it in any other npc at all so don't use npc name#1 make it like npc name#npc_doing_somthing1 etc the after # wont be showing for the players
    1 point
  15. 1. use isequippedcnt bonus bDelayRate,( -30 / isequippedcnt(4403) ); Please search the forum next time, similar questions has been asked and answered many times since the past. 2. custom source mod
    1 point
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