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  1. This is a warper I've made for my previous servers. The configuration is very similar Toasty's Warper. Features: Exploration - use an item on an avaiable map unlock it in the warper. Instant warps - Say the name of the map near the NPC to warp instantly Favorites Search by map name or title - No more looking trough a huge list to find a specific map! Remember recent maps Easy configuration The SQL tables in the beggining of the script are only neccessary for the exploration and favorites features. Configuration: $@__warper_name$ - NPC's name $@__warper_map_color$ - Default map name color in the manu $@__warper_locked_color$ - Locked maps color in the menu $@__warper_search_title - Enable search by map title $@__warper_search_name - Enable search by map name $@__warper_list_last_maps - Amount of recent warps displayed $@__warper_list_favorites - Maximum favorite maps $@__warper_exploration_enabled - Enable exploration $@__warper_ticket_id - Exploration item ID $@__warper_ticket_price - Exploration item price $@__warper_pattern$ - Array of regular expressions for instant warps. Example: setarray $@__warper_pattern$, "[wW]arp:?\s*([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)"; Warps players to maps available in the warper when they say "Warp: <mapName>". Functions: The NPC is already configured with all towns, a few dungeons and fields. To edit the menu use the following functions after "StartMenu()". StartNode("<name>") - Start a Submenu. EndNode() - End a submenu. AddMap("<title>", "<mapName>"{, <xCoordinate>, {<yCoordinate>}}) - Add a map to the current node. The players are warped to a random spot if the coordinates aren't specified. AddOption("<title>", "<functionName>") - Add a menu option to the current node. The function passed is called when the option is selected. SetPrice(<amount>) - Set the amount of zeny players must pay to warp to the current map. Applies to all maps when used after StartNode(). SetEaJob(<eaJob>) - Set a EA job requirement. Applies to all options when used after StartNode(). SetGMLevel(<level>) - Set a GM Level/Group ID requirement. Applies to all options when used after StartNode(). SetBaseLevel(<minimum>{, <maximum>})/SetJobLevel(<minimum>{, <maximum>}) - Set a base/job level requirement. Applies to all options when used after StartNode(). AddSkill(<skillID>, <skillLevel>) - Add a skill requirement, can be used multiple times for a single node. Applies to all options when used after StartNode(). AddCondition("<functionName>") - Add a function which is called before displaying the current node. The function should return: 1 - The menu item will be displayed and selectable. -1 - The menu item will not be displayed. 0 - The menu item will be displayed but locked. If the variable @reason$ is set, it'll be shown as the reason why the option isn't available. AddFunction("<functionName>") - Add a function which is called whenever the current node is selected. SetColor("<hex>") - Set the current node's menu color. ShowMapName(<1|0>) - Whether to show map names along with the title in the menu. Applies to all maps when used after StartNode(). Exploration(<2|1|0>) - Enable/disable exploration in the current map. Applies to all maps when used after StartNode(). 1 - Char bound 2 - Account bound Favorites(<1|0>) - Enable/disable adding the current map to the favorites. Applies to all maps when used after StartNode(). Example: StartMenu(); AddMap("Payon Dungeon - 1st Floor", "pay_dun01", 0, 0); AddCondition("chk_woe"); SetBaseLevel(10); EndMenu(); ... function script chk_woe { return (agitcheck() || agitcheck2() ? -1 : 1); } Won't display pay_dun01 when WoE is on or if the player's base level is lower than 10. Download: Version 1.0 - March 13, 2014
    3 points
  2. Since the start(I think) we have those dummy name values after every entry in skill_require_db. But it seems that the skills starting 1st Class up to the Transcendent classes have its dummy skill name values into japanese instead of english. Moving to the main point, should we translate it into english, or should we remove them? Since they're merely used for reference, and we already have its skill name. So I think there is no point on using skill_require_db.txt to refer for its japanese/english names. Not to mention that they're already in skill_db, which should be the main reference for skill information. I'm willing to do it, if this gets approved by the devs.
    3 points
  3. Hi guys, i'm Parcion, a professional brazilian pixel artist, who wanna see some sprites can see my deviantart. Well, i will make some NPCs free, only sample NPCs, in other words, 2 frames. It's very sample, only you tell how you wanna your npc and if possible send some images for reference. This sprites will be made free, but this is my work and who like the sprites and think fair make me a donation, independent of the value, it's welcome. Lets go try ;D
    2 points
  4. View Full Size Here: http://s1-lykos.com/projects/XeroxRO2.png
    1 point
  5. --------------------------------------- *rentitem2 <item id>,<time>,<identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>; *rentitem2 "<item name>",<time>,<identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>; Creates a rental item in the attached character's inventory. The item will expire in <time> seconds and be automatically deleted. See 'rentitem' for further details. See 'getitem2' for an explanation of the expanded parameters. --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- *getitem2 <item id>,<amount>,<identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>{,<account ID>}; *getitem2 "<item name>",<amount>,<identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>{,<account ID>}; This command will give an amount of specified items to the invoking character. If an optional account ID is specified, and the target character is currently online, items will be created in their inventory instead. If they are not online, nothing will happen. It works essentially the same as 'getitem' (it even works for negative ID numbers the same way) but is a lot more flexible. Those parameters that are different from 'getitem' are: identify - Whether you want the item to be identified (1) or not (0). refine - For how many pluses will it be refined. It will not let you refine an item higher than the max refine. attribute - Whether the item is broken (1) or not (0). card1,2,3,4 - If you want a card compound to it, place the card ID number into the specific card slot. Card1-card4 values are also used to store name information for named items, as well as the elemental property of weapons and armor. You can create a named item in this manner, however, if you just need a named piece of standard equipment, it is much easier to the 'getnameditem' function instead. You will need to keep these values if you want to destroy and then perfectly recreate a named item, for this see 'getinventorylist'. If you still want to try creating a named item with this command because 'getnameditem' won't do it for you cause it's too limited, you can do it like this. Careful, minor magic ahead. // First, let's get an ID of a character who's name will be on the item. // Only an existing character's name may be there. // Let's assume our character is 'Adam' and find his ID. @charid = getcharid(0,"Adam"); // Now we split the character ID number into two portions with a binary // shift operation. If you don't understand what this does, just copy it. @card3 = @charid & 65535; @card4 = @charid >> 16; // If you're inscribing non-equipment, @card1 must be 254. // Arrows are also not equipment. @card1 = 254; // For named equipment, card2 means the Star Crumbs and elemental // crystals used to make this equipment. For everything else, it's 0. @card2 = 0; // Now, let's give the character who invoked the script some // Adam's Apples: getitem2 512,1,1,0,0,@card1,@card2,@card3,@card4; This wasn't tested with all possible items, so I can't give any promises, experiment first before relying on it. To create equipment, continue this example it like this: // We've already have card3 and card4 loaded with correct // values so we'll just set up card1 and card2 with data // for an Ice Stiletto. // If you're inscribing equipment, @card1 must be 255. @card1 = 255; // That's the number of star crumbs in a weapon. @sc = 2; // That's the number of elemental property of the weapon. @ele = 1; // And that's the wacky formula that makes them into // a single number. @card2 = @ele+((@sc*5)<<8); // That will make us an Adam's +2 VVS Ice Stiletto: getitem2 1216,1,1,2,0,@card1,@card2,@card3,@card4; Experiment with the number of star crumbs - I'm not certain just how much will work most and what it depends on. The valid element numbers are: 1 - Ice, 2 - Earth 3 - Fire 4 - Wind. You can, apparently, even create duplicates of the same pet egg with this command, creating a pet which is the same, but simultaneously exists in two eggs, and may hatch from either, although, I'm not sure what kind of a mess will this really cause. ---------------------------------------
    1 point
  6. Did you actually read my reply? >_> rentitem2 2268,259200,1,7,1,0,0,0,0;
    1 point
  7. Woopsie, that's a source mod I made, I forgot to remove that. Link updated.
    1 point
  8. Did you remove the backslashes from the string? setitemscript($@__warper_ticket_id, "{ donpcevent \"_Warper::OnSaveMap\"; }", 0); Edit: Apparently it got removed by rAthena's pastebin. I'll add nother link.
    1 point
  9. random drop (including equipped) - script kjhfksjdf -1,{ OnPCDieEvent: if ( strcharinfo(3) != "prontera" ) end; // set your map if ( pkpoints < 100 ) end; // decide on the pk points getinventorylist; if ( !@inventorylist_count ) end; .@r = rand( @inventorylist_count ); delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@r], @inventorylist_amount[.@r], @inventorylist_identify[.@r], @inventorylist_refine[.@r], @inventorylist_attribute[.@r], @inventorylist_card1[.@r], @inventorylist_card2[.@r], @inventorylist_card3[.@r], @inventorylist_card4[.@r]; getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0; makeitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@r], @inventorylist_amount[.@r], .@map$, .@x, .@y, @inventorylist_identify[.@r], @inventorylist_refine[.@r], @inventorylist_attribute[.@r], @inventorylist_card1[.@r], @inventorylist_card2[.@r], @inventorylist_card3[.@r], @inventorylist_card4[.@r]; end; }random drop (don't drop equipped items) function script rand__ { .@range = getarg(0); .@count = getarg(2, 0); if ( !.@count || .@count > .@range ) .@count = .@range; else if ( .@count > 128 ) .@count = 128; while ( .@i < .@count ) { .@r = .@save = rand( .@i, .@range -1 ) ; if ( !getd( ".@tmp1_"+ .@i ) ) { .@r = ( getd(".@tmp1_"+ .@r ) )? getd( ".@tmp2_"+ .@r ) : .@r; setd ".@tmp2_"+ .@i, .@r; setd ".@tmp2_"+ .@save , .@i; setd ".@tmp1_"+ .@save , 1; set getelementofarray( getarg(1), .@i ), .@r; if ( .@save < .@count ) set getelementofarray( getarg(1), .@save ), .@i; } .@i++; } return .@count; } - script kjhfksjdf2 -1,{ OnPCDieEvent: if ( strcharinfo(3) != "prontera" ) end; // set your map if ( pkpoints < 100 ) end; // decide on the pk points getinventorylist; if ( !@inventorylist_count ) end; callfunc "rand__", @inventorylist_count, $@r; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++ ) if ( !@inventorylist_equip[ .@i[ $@r ] ] ) break; .@r = .@i[ $@r ]; delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@r], @inventorylist_amount[.@r], @inventorylist_identify[.@r], @inventorylist_refine[.@r], @inventorylist_attribute[.@r], @inventorylist_card1[.@r], @inventorylist_card2[.@r], @inventorylist_card3[.@r], @inventorylist_card4[.@r]; getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0; makeitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@r], @inventorylist_amount[.@r], .@map$, .@x, .@y, @inventorylist_identify[.@r], @inventorylist_refine[.@r], @inventorylist_attribute[.@r], @inventorylist_card1[.@r], @inventorylist_card2[.@r], @inventorylist_card3[.@r], @inventorylist_card4[.@r]; end; }
    1 point
  10. use NPP FIND "prt_in,38,104" or maybe "prt_in.gat,38,104" FIND IN FILES, choose the path/directory "your/rathena/directory/npc/" wait until it finds or ur device hang.
    1 point
  11. when map-server cannot item_db.txt in db/import, it will copies from db/import-tmpl/item_db.txt, and then there, our old item_db2.txt If it won't copies, just copy-paste that import-tmpl with new name 'import'
    1 point
  12. oo, nilagyan ko na yan 10 second cast time, pero d ko pa nababago ung delay, gano katagal mo gusto? kasi ung heal skill lvl na gingamit ng mga MVP ay 11, gagawin mong 12 para ung MvP mo lang ung makakagamit ng skill na mag ba-bypass sa formula. hindi mo makikita ung actual heal nya dahil sa client limitation, pwede mong i-test by casting 'monster property' or 'sense' skill dun sa monster kung nag heal ba tlga sya
    1 point
  13. If you're testing on an admin account, they have this permission on by default: can_trade_bounded: true
    1 point
  14. I believe you click this option: "Special BBCode" and then select Anchor 1 & 2 vThis will make the link that you choose to be named [goto='derp']Header 1[/goto] [anchor]derp[/anchor]^this is where it will jump to
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. cool o: gonna edit then here, take this as my apologiez Cookie
    1 point
  17. You should at least let us know what is your server woe time?
    1 point
  18. gm im mad this totally is a violation of my rights to sell mi work! Good job Maki. At least people won't be able to suck off rA without contributing back the project in some shape or form. More power, god bless. Xoxo, -Cookie
    1 point
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