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Wynn -

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Everything posted by Wynn -

  1. Fixed in the last commit.
  2. Does the server's SLQ user has the EVENT privilege and is your CP up to date?
  3. The status is determined by making a request to the servers. I'll add an option to subscribe to updates and comments on each post, send email notifications to admins when someone reports a comment and add the latest comments and reports to the admin dashboard. The online stats and who's online pages seem to be working, what's the value of your server's "Online Stats Interval" on the server settings page?
  4. You have to enable Mysql's event scheduler to log online players, run "SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = ON;" to enable it. Also check if the event exists (SHOW EVENTS IN `charmapdb`), in case it doesn't exist run the query in schema/charmap/ac_online_stats.sql in your server's database and change DISABLE to ENABLE. I've just tested the server status and it seems to be working, are you sure the servers' IPs and ports are correct?
  5. Does your item_db2_re have a atk:matk row? Is it a renewal server? Until CharGen is fixed you'll need a data folder with your char heads, bodies and hat sprites inside assets/client to display the sprites. I've updated the first post with links to the items, mobs, homunculus and map images downloads, just put the folders inside assets/images. The maps still need to be edited, most of them don't have a transparent background. I'll add a theme management page to the admin CP and it'll be up to the designers to add an option for menus. I'm working on the char/map server admin pages now so it's not my priority. You can still edit the default theme in application/themes/default or create a new folder in application/themes and change "default" in the 14th line of application/pages/main.php to the name of folder you've created, that file will likely not be edited (for a long time, anyway). In case you decide to edit the default theme, the menu is generated in the file partial/menu.php. \Aqua\UI\Menu isn't documented yet but that's all you'll need to know: $menu->append(<string:identifier>, <array:menu definition>) : Add a option to the end of the menu $menu->prepend(<string:identifier>, <array:menu definition>) : Add a option to the beginning of the menu $menu->add(<string:identifier>, <int:position>, <array:menu definition>) : Add a option to the position specified $menu->pos(<string:identifier>) : Get the numeric position of a menu option <menu definition> : "title" : Title displayed in the menu "url" : URL string "submenu" : Optional, another menu array Example: $menu->add("your-option-id", $menu->pos("donate"), array( 'title' => 'Download', 'url' => ac_build_url(array( 'path' => array( 'page', 'download' ) )) )); // Add a link to ?path=page.download before "donate"
  6. Alright, the second error have been fixed and it's safe to use multiple servers now, everything's working and the menu is doesn't look weird anymore. In the latest version of rAThena the item_db2_re has an "attack" row but no "mattack" nor atk:matk", I'm not sure if that's right. Just saw upgrade_12131231.sql. I'm working on a fix for CharGen. You can use a data folder, it works just fine.
  7. Have you edited the data.ini to load your grf files? The mkdir error is an issue with the default permissions which I've changed to 775 (public) and 770 (private), if you run into this error you should change the folder's permission and define the values of Aqua\x_y_PERMISSION inside options.php. The issue with the "description" column is already fixed, you must have added your server before that. All you have to do is add the description column to your item_db_re table, the query can be found in schema/charmap/item_db_re.description.sql. The last one might be misconfiguration in the .htaccess or permissions, I suggest checking your access log for anything on js files inside the tpl folder. I'll fix the 3rd and 4th errors as soon as I can. The 4th one is really the CP, thank you for reporting it. Edit: All fixed, including the 403 error.
  8. You need to put your grf file or sprites folder inside /assets/client for the sprites to show up. All item, homunculus and mob icons will be available for download separately, it's the same structure as flux's. Can you send me your last error messages regarding the item shop and DB errors? I suspect it's the item_db name, if you've checked Renewal in the server settings the table name should be "item_db_re". Table names can be mapped in settings/ragnarok.php, just edit the "tables" array in your server's confs ( <login key> => array( .... <sub-server key> => array() ).
  9. The main site should be working correctly. The default theme only displays one server in the menu (bad design). Can you post the urls you're using to access those pages (Who's online, Monster DB, etc) and send your error logs? Edit: I just fixed the errors. The server menu looks weird when there are more than 1 sub-servers though, I'll have to fix too.
  10. The admin CP isn't complete. The character, guild, party, most char/map logs and settings pages aren't done yet, that's why you're getting 404 errors when you access these pages. I'm working on the admin server pages, for now the char/map page is just a var_dump of the server class (The long string starting with object(Aqua\Ragnarok\Server\CharMap)). I'll be pushing a commit soon with new settings and log pages. You can edit the rates in admin/?path=r.<login server key>.<char/map server key>&action=rates
  11. You can change the permissions set to new files and folders by defining the values of "Aqua\PRIVATE_FILE_PERMISSION", "Aqua\PUBLIC_FILE_PERMISSION", "Aqua\PRIVATE_DIRECTORY_PERMISSION" and "Aqua\PUBLIC_DIRECTORY_PERMISSION" in the options.php file. Regarding the password hashing, all of the installation options are for the CP, that's the encryption used for the site accounts. When you add a server to the site in the admin CP you can choose whether to use MD5. You'll get a 404 in some pages if you've added a login server but no char/map servers. You can't view your characters if there's only a login server. I've fixed that error in the last commits, added the cache folder and changed the default permissions. Thanks
  12. Yes, you can add as many login and char/map server as you want in the admin CP but you can't set a default server yet. Each server has separate pages in the admin CP and the main site.
  13. Yah, I've exceeded my quota on openshift, so the site is down. I'll setup another demo on a vps and replace the link as soon as I can. Edit: The new demo is up, you can login as admin or a regular user. http://aquacore.org/
  14. Have you tried changing session.gc_maxlifetime in your php.ini file? From the documentation: So if your session is idle for the specified amount of seconds it may be deleted.
  15. Woopsie, that's a source mod I made, I forgot to remove that. Link updated.
  16. Did you remove the backslashes from the string? setitemscript($@__warper_ticket_id, "{ donpcevent \"_Warper::OnSaveMap\"; }", 0); Edit: Apparently it got removed by rAthena's pastebin. I'll add nother link.
  17. This is a warper I've made for my previous servers. The configuration is very similar Toasty's Warper. Features: Exploration - use an item on an avaiable map unlock it in the warper. Instant warps - Say the name of the map near the NPC to warp instantly Favorites Search by map name or title - No more looking trough a huge list to find a specific map! Remember recent maps Easy configuration The SQL tables in the beggining of the script are only neccessary for the exploration and favorites features. Configuration: $@__warper_name$ - NPC's name $@__warper_map_color$ - Default map name color in the manu $@__warper_locked_color$ - Locked maps color in the menu $@__warper_search_title - Enable search by map title $@__warper_search_name - Enable search by map name $@__warper_list_last_maps - Amount of recent warps displayed $@__warper_list_favorites - Maximum favorite maps $@__warper_exploration_enabled - Enable exploration $@__warper_ticket_id - Exploration item ID $@__warper_ticket_price - Exploration item price $@__warper_pattern$ - Array of regular expressions for instant warps. Example: setarray $@__warper_pattern$, "[wW]arp:?\s*([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)"; Warps players to maps available in the warper when they say "Warp: <mapName>". Functions: The NPC is already configured with all towns, a few dungeons and fields. To edit the menu use the following functions after "StartMenu()". StartNode("<name>") - Start a Submenu. EndNode() - End a submenu. AddMap("<title>", "<mapName>"{, <xCoordinate>, {<yCoordinate>}}) - Add a map to the current node. The players are warped to a random spot if the coordinates aren't specified. AddOption("<title>", "<functionName>") - Add a menu option to the current node. The function passed is called when the option is selected. SetPrice(<amount>) - Set the amount of zeny players must pay to warp to the current map. Applies to all maps when used after StartNode(). SetEaJob(<eaJob>) - Set a EA job requirement. Applies to all options when used after StartNode(). SetGMLevel(<level>) - Set a GM Level/Group ID requirement. Applies to all options when used after StartNode(). SetBaseLevel(<minimum>{, <maximum>})/SetJobLevel(<minimum>{, <maximum>}) - Set a base/job level requirement. Applies to all options when used after StartNode(). AddSkill(<skillID>, <skillLevel>) - Add a skill requirement, can be used multiple times for a single node. Applies to all options when used after StartNode(). AddCondition("<functionName>") - Add a function which is called before displaying the current node. The function should return: 1 - The menu item will be displayed and selectable. -1 - The menu item will not be displayed. 0 - The menu item will be displayed but locked. If the variable @reason$ is set, it'll be shown as the reason why the option isn't available. AddFunction("<functionName>") - Add a function which is called whenever the current node is selected. SetColor("<hex>") - Set the current node's menu color. ShowMapName(<1|0>) - Whether to show map names along with the title in the menu. Applies to all maps when used after StartNode(). Exploration(<2|1|0>) - Enable/disable exploration in the current map. Applies to all maps when used after StartNode(). 1 - Char bound 2 - Account bound Favorites(<1|0>) - Enable/disable adding the current map to the favorites. Applies to all maps when used after StartNode(). Example: StartMenu(); AddMap("Payon Dungeon - 1st Floor", "pay_dun01", 0, 0); AddCondition("chk_woe"); SetBaseLevel(10); EndMenu(); ... function script chk_woe { return (agitcheck() || agitcheck2() ? -1 : 1); } Won't display pay_dun01 when WoE is on or if the player's base level is lower than 10. Download: Version 1.0 - March 13, 2014
  18. Added a link to the github repository. Please don't use it for production as the admin CP is not complete, you won't be able to edit most char/map server related settings.
  19. Of course. I've made a vote for points plugin, you can see it working here. Once I finish the admin CP and release the first version I'll start working on forum integration, patcher management, image gallery and vending plugins.
  20. Thanks . The demo is up. http://aquacore-wynn.rhcloud.com/
  21. Thank you, the CP is still under development. I've added screenshots of some RO related pages to the gallery and I'll post a link to the demo site soon.
  22. Demo: http://aquacore.org/ Repository: https://github.com/AquaCore/AquaCore Overview AquaCore is a free open source control panel written from scratch in PHP. it works with the latest versions of rAthena and Hercules. I've started this project with the intention of making a responsive, easy to use control panel for both users and administrators. It has a CMS, with tags, categories, rating system, comments, content hierarchy, scheduling and multiple pages. Most settings can be edited and multiple login and char/map servers can be added in the admin CP. Key features Easy installation One account to register and manage multiple game accounts Comments Rich text editor for content (HTML) and comments (BBCode) Optional rating system for content and comments Automatic RSS feed Roles and permissions Map marker Birthday, pincode and account slots support Display character sprites (using ROChargen) Features under consideration Content versioning Multi-language support Analytics (Maybe integration with Piwik or Google Analytics) Admin dashboard personalization Screenshots Server Info: Admin CP: Post creation: Main page: A post: Full gallery. This control panel is currenty under development, I am looking for OOP PHP and javascript developers. Please contact me if you're interested in joining this project. Downloads: Homunculus Images: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9nam9iv269yq2vs/homunculus.tar.gz Item Images: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tdhs1f0sbkdtbdo/item.tar.gz Monster Images: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j3jptuir7ofby4r/mob.tar.gz Map Images: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n8v25a06jpfhtvn/map.tar.gz (Need Editing) Smileys: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gq8v9hgeapdbgez/smiley.tar.gz
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