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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/11 in all areas

  1. More photo : http://goo.gl/2uPbh Introduction : maker,shop type,allow use Cash\Zeny\Item... and let you see what you look like when you wear it. PS : Only 1 (first) item what you choose will be done by functions. Download : Headdress Making and Trying.txt
    2 points
  2. I agree 100 percent with everything stated. As for which server to be used, I Think IRO should be used. I suggested this a couple time on EA boards and the commented would be ignored and/or go off-topic.
    1 point
  3. Name: Vincent NickName: KeyWorld Age: 21 (22 in ~one month) Location: Paris, France About RO: I started playing RO (in 2006) on FRO (a french pserver administrated by MagicalTux (you know the man who created GRF Builder)). I join officially eathena.ws on 2008 - even if I started working on eathena in 2007 on some projects. About me: I'm a web developer enthusiast with new (web) technologies and also a good designer when I'm inspired (yeah I'm not just a no-life coder with a white code in a black screen ! I love colors ). I'm someone who love open-source projects and release stuff for free; I'm here to have fun and contribute not to gain money and abusing people. I'm a bad guitarist since I was 9 year old (and I continue to make the noize 8D !) and also have a pretty girlfriend whom I am madly in love <3
    1 point
  4. I'm using this now on my server. Thanks a lot Calciumkid! <3 it!
    1 point
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