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Virtue last won the day on January 14

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  1. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commits/master or https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/6e0a5bfa83e39575a242fd7fcf2184e046fb1c04/doc/atcommands.txt#L38 ====================== | 1. System Commands | ====================== @version Displays SVN version of the server.
  2. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/bb8c4a03c8d3d9559637ab537babdd0733ecc041/doc/script_commands.txt#L8376 *item_enchant(<client side LUA index>{,<char ID>}); Opens the enchant UI for the attached character or the player given by the <char ID> parameter. If the player exceeds 70% weight the client will not open the enchant UI and will trigger an error message instead. This command requires packet version 2021-11-03 or newer. It's a script command. You'd also have to make sure the all the necessary info/items are updated on your lua files. https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/blob/master/Renewal/data/luafiles514/lua files/Enchant/EnchantList.lub
  3. That wasn't clear on your post. In any case, another option maybe is to create a command for your needs, or tweak the idea you've already gotten using the pclogin script. might work, might not.
  4. you're on the right track. instead of doing it on a login script, do it on the item script directly eg: - Id: 9999999 AegisName: Your_Item_Name Name: Your Item Name Type: Armor Buy: 10 Weight: 10000 Defense: 10000 Locations: Costume_Head_Low: true ArmorLevel: 1 Refineable: true Script: | if(BaseLevel < 200){ hateffect HAT_EF_arcane_aura_A,true; } if(BaseLevel < 150){ hateffect HAT_EF_arcane_aura_B,true; } UnEquipScript: | hateffect HAT_EF_arcane_aura_A,false; hateffect HAT_EF_arcane_aura_B,false; something along the one above.
  5. You can do that part when putting in the itemscript.
  6. Definitely. You can use the one below: *readparam(<parameter number>{,"<character name>"}) *readparam(<parameter number>{,<char_id>}) This function will return the specified stat of the invoking character, or, if a character name or character id is specified, of that player. The stat can either be a number or parameter name, defined in 'src/map/script_constants.hpp'. Some example parameters: StatusPoint, BaseLevel, SkillPoint, Class, Upper, Zeny, Sex, Weight, MaxWeight, JobLevel, BaseExp, JobExp, NextBaseExp, NextJobExp, Hp, MaxHp, Sp, MaxSp, BaseJob, Karma, Manner, bVit, bDex, bAgi, bStr, bInt, bLuk, Ap, MaxAp All of these also behave as variables, but don't expect to be able to just 'set' them - some will not work for various internal reasons. Example 1: // Returns how many status points you haven't spent yet. mes "Unused status points: " + readparam(9); Using this particular information as a function call is not required. Typing this will return the same result: mes "Unused status points: " + StatusPoint; Example 2: You can also use this command to get stat values. if (readparam(bVit) > 77) mes "Only people with over 77 Vit are reading this!"; https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/b56f11207c3cb5337dca07bb910ba85316c84939/doc/script_commands.txt#L2445
  7. You can create one based on the default one on rAthena -> https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/merchants/enchan_arm.txt Or Chris's enchant costume -> https://github.com/llchrisll/rAthena-Scripts/blob/master/requests/costume_enchant.txt Or if you want it to be a bit more expansive you can also check and base it from the ones on the re enhancement scripts. there are a lot of them. You just need to specify the costumes that you'd allow to be enchant, or if you want all costumes to be allowed on enchant you can put in a check like *getequipid({<equipment slot>,<char_id>}) This function returns the item ID of the item slot that calls the script on the invoking character or the specified equipment slot. If nothing is equipped there, it returns -1.
  8. check your sql tables that's what the error is about.
  9. have you tried switch(select(rand(1,x))?
  10. you can run it in your own desktop if you have rAthena compiled, or you may also run it in your hosted server. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/CSV2YAML
  11. Follow this, the instructions there should work. Keep in mind that anything above 25 hours would no longer show the timer if you'll be using timers on the status icon.
  12. check this > Git Hash: fe7cb5a33f4a8588f025fbd7f383feeea4b5ab19
  13. an idea for this maybe do some src modifications and utilize the channel system for the drop announcements then allow players to autojoin and leave whenever.
  14. Sorry for necroing this post, I was trying too see if anyone was able to make or implement something like this. ( setting an announcement a few minutes before a mob spawns )
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