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Everything posted by darking123

  1. Works perfectly however if you are searching a card that is compounded to an item. It will return no results. Maybe you can help improve it. Thanks!
  2. May I request for the reward to be changed to #bgpoints instead of item rewards. //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Rune War - (from Ragnarok Event v2) //=============== by: ============================= //= pajodex //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project (pajodex) //===== Description: ========================================= /* Rune War (from Ragnarok Event v2) Battleground script that runs OnClockxxxx time on server. An npc will appear at prontera for registration. After some time RegistrationNPC will disappear. All registered players will be divided into 2 teams. Players have to eliminate the enemy to gain points. Team with the most points accumulated wins. A rune will be spawned at the center of the map. Runes similar to Dota 2. * disclaimer * this runs like the War Over Rune but it is my own version. Since this is free, i did not add any special features. Enjoy! */ //=====******** Note ********================================= //= if you find bugs or problem, please do tell DM me at //= Discord (pajodex#1328) or rAthena (pajodex) //= open for suggestions //===== Additional Comments: ================================= /* 1.0 - Initial release */ //============================================================= function script F_ShuffleNumbers { deletearray getarg(2); .@static = getarg(0); .@range = getarg(1) +1 - .@static; .@count = getarg(3, .@range); if (.@range <= 0 || .@count <= 0) return 0; if (.@count > .@range) .@count = .@range; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@range; ++.@i) .@temparray[.@i] = .@i; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@count; ++.@i) { .@rand = rand(.@range); set getelementofarray( getarg(2), .@i ), .@temparray[.@rand] + .@static; .@temparray[.@rand] = .@temparray[--.@range]; } return .@count; } prt_are01,150,150,0 script Rune#11 100,1,1,{ end; OnStart: .rune = rand(1,5); if(!checkre(0)) setnpcdisplay strnpcinfo(3), .npc_view_re[.rune]; else setnpcdisplay strnpcinfo(3), .npc_view_pre[.rune]; end; OnTouch: if( getvariableofnpc( .start, "runewar#main" ) == 1 ) { if(!.getrune) { if(.rune == 1) { skill "AS_CLOAKING",10,1; sc_start SC_CLOAKING, (.duration * 1000), 10; specialeffect2 120; } if(.rune == 2) { sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,(.duration * 1000),25; specialeffect2 507; } if(.rune == 3) { sc_start SC_INCATKRATE,(.duration * 1000), 100; sc_start SC_INCMATKRATE,(.duration * 1000), 100; specialeffect2 220; } if(.rune == 4) { getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,0,strcharinfo(0) ); clone .@map$,.@X,.@y,"",getcharid(0),getcharid(0),"",1,.duration; clone .@map$,.@X,.@y,"",getcharid(0),getcharid(0),"",1,.duration; specialeffect2 65; } if(.rune == 5) { sc_start4 SC_REGENERATION,(.duration * 1000),-10,1,0,0; percentheal 10, 0; specialeffect2 EF_HEAL; } mapannounce strnpcinfo(4), strcharinfo(0)+ " has picked up ["+.Rune$[.rune]+"] rune.", bc_blue; setnpcdisplay strnpcinfo(3), HIDDEN_WARP_NPC; .getrune = 1; attachnpctimer; initnpctimer; } } end; OnTimer6000: sc_end SC_CLOAKING; sc_end SC_REGENERATION; end; OnTimer60000: .countTimer++; if(.countTimer == .respawn_time) { stopnpctimer; detachnpctimer; .rune = rand(1,5); .countTimer = .getrune = 0; if(!checkre(0)) setnpcdisplay strnpcinfo(3), .npc_view_re[.rune]; else setnpcdisplay strnpcinfo(3), .npc_view_pre[.rune]; } setnpctimer 0; end; OnInit: // ============= // Rune Settings // ============= // Rune names (in-order) setarray .Rune$[1], "Invisibility", "Haste", "Double Damage", "Illusion", "Regeneration"; // NPC View ID if server in renewal mode setarray .npc_view_re[1], 2450, 2696, 2697, 2702, 2703; // NPC View ID if server in pre-renewal mode setarray .npc_view_pre[1], 1120, 1096, 1582, 1388, 1031; // Rune effect duration (seconds) .duration = 20; // Respawn time of rune after being pick-ed up (minutes) .respawn_time = 1; // disable npc on start of server disablenpc "Rune#11"; end; } prt_are01,0,0,0 script runewar#main 100,{ OnInit: // ============= // Game Settings // ============= // How many players to start? // default = 4 (2v2) .minplayers = 4; // How long, in mins, for players to register_time // default = 3 mins .register_time = 3; // How many mins before rune is spawned // default : 1 min .runespawn = 1; // Event duration in minutes.. // default : 10 mins .duration = 10; // Reward settings setarray .rwd[0], 501, 10, // win team reward 501, 5; // lose team reward disablenpc "rwr"; setwall strnpcinfo(4), 210, 151, 4, 4, 0, "RWarWall#1"; setwall strnpcinfo(4), 89, 151, 4, 4, 0, "RWarWall#2"; bindatcmd "startrune",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtCmd",0,60; end; // OnClock timers OnClock0000: OnClock0300: OnClock0600: OnClock0900: OnClock1200: OnClock1500: OnClock1800: OnClock2100: OnAtCmd: if( .start == 1 ) end; announce "[ Rune War ] : Registration will start in 3 mins.",0; sleep 6000; announce "[ Rune War ] : Registration will start in 2 mins.",0; sleep 6000; announce "[ Rune War ] : Registration will start in 1 min.",0; sleep 6000; announce "[ Rune War ] : You may now proceed to prontera if you want to join.",0; enablenpc "rwr"; announce "[ Rune War ] : Registration ends in "+ .register_time +" mins.",0; sleep .register_time * 60000; if( getvariableofnpc(.size, "rwr") < .minplayers ) { announce "[ Rune War ] : Too few players registered.",0; sleep 5000; announce "[ Rune War ] : Terminating event.",0; end; } else donpcevent "rwr::OnStart"; announce "[ Rune War ] : Rune War will start in a few moment.",0; end; OnStart: .start = 1; sleep 5000; disablenpc "rwr"; .red = bg_create ( strnpcinfo(4), 251, 149, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnRedQuit", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnRedDie" ); .blue = bg_create ( strnpcinfo(4), 47, 149, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBlueQuit", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBlueDie" ); callfunc "F_ShuffleNumbers", 0, getarraysize(.aid_)-1, .@r; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.aid_); ++.@i ) { attachrid .aid_[.@r[.@i]]; bg_join ( .@i % 2 )? .red : .blue; } detachrid; sleep 1000; announce "Kill as much enemy as you can to earn points.", bc_npc | bc_map | bc_blue; sleep 1000; announce "Team who gains most points until event ends wins.", bc_npc | bc_map | bc_blue; sleep 1000; announce "Start battle!", bc_npc | bc_map | bc_blue; bg_warp .red, strnpcinfo(4),200,150; bg_warp .blue, strnpcinfo(4),100,150; sleep .runespawn * 60000; enablenpc "Rune#11"; donpcevent "Rune#11::OnStart"; announce "A Power Rune has spawn at the center of the map.", bc_npc | bc_map | bc_blue; sleep ( .duration - .runespawn ) * 60000; if( .redpoints > .bluepoints ) callsub L_reward, .red, .blue, "Red"; else if( .bluepoints > .redpoints ) callsub L_reward, .blue, .red, "Blue"; else if( .bluepoints = .redpoints ) announce "Battle ended up with a tie!", bc_npc | bc_map | bc_blue; mapwarp strnpcinfo(4),"prontera",150,180,0; .redpoints = .bluepoints = .start = 0; bg_updatescore strnpcinfo(4), 0, 0; bg_destroy .red; bg_destroy .blue; disablenpc "Rune#11"; end; L_reward: announce getarg(2) +" team has won!", bc_npc | bc_map | bc_blue; bg_get_data getarg(0), 1; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@arenamemberscount; ++.@i ) getitem .rwd[0],.rwd[1], $@arenamembers[.@i]; sleep 1; bg_get_data getarg(1), 1; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@arenamemberscount; ++.@i ) getitem .rwd[2],.rwd[3], $@arenamembers[.@i]; return; OnRedQuit: callsub L_Quit, .red, "Red"; OnBlueQuit: callsub L_Quit, .blue, "Blue"; L_Quit: if ( bg_get_data( getarg(0), 0 ) ) end; announce "All "+ getarg(2) +" team members has Quit!", bc_npc | bc_map | bc_blue; sleep 1000; callsub L_reward, ( getarg(0) == .red ) ? .red : .blue, ( getarg(0) == .red ) ? .blue : .red, ( getarg(0) == .red ) ? "Red" : "Blue"; awake instance_npcname( strnpcinfo(0) ); end; OnRedDie: callsub L_die, "Red"; OnBlueDie: callsub L_die, "Blue"; L_die: if( getcharid(4) == .red) ++.bluepoints; else if( getcharid(4) == .blue) ++.redpoints; bg_updatescore strnpcinfo(4), .redpoints, .bluepoints; announce getarg(0) +" team member has died!", bc_npc | bc_map | bc_blue; sleep2 1250; percentheal 100, 100; sleep2 5000; warp strnpcinfo(4), ( getcharid(4) == .red ) ? 200 : 100, 150; end; } prontera,150,185,0 script Rune War Register::rwr 100,{ .@name$ = strcharinfo(0); .@start = getvariableofnpc(.start, "runewar#main"); if(.@start == 1) { mes "Sorry, event is on-going."; close; } mes "Do you want to join the queue?"; next; while ( .aid[.@i] != getcharid(3) && .@i < .size ) ++.@i; if ( .@i < .size ) { mes "You already join the queue."; close; } select "Join"; mes "You have to stay to this map"; close2; .aid[ .size++ ] = getcharid(3); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .size; ++.@i ) { if ( !isloggedin( .aid[.@i] ) ) { deletearray .aid[.@i], 1; --.@i; --.size; } else { attachrid .aid[.@i]; if ( strcharinfo(3) != strnpcinfo(4) ) { deletearray .aid[.@i], 1; --.@i; --.size; } } } detachrid; announce .@name$ +" has joined Rune War.", bc_npc | bc_area | bc_blue; end; OnStart: copyarray getvariableofnpc( .aid_, "runewar#main" ), .aid, .size; donpcevent "runewar#main::OnStart"; deletearray .aid; .size = 0; end; } prt_are01 mapflag battleground 2
  3. may I request for a source mod that will work on rAthena from the link below. Thank you! https://herc.ws/board/topic/16662-guild-skill-notification/
  4. confirmed this is an issue. devotion skill is not available in skill_nocast_db and no mapflag[gvg_noparty] set for guild_vs1. in the script or from the mapflag directory however when checking via @mapinfo. is still say that gvg_noparty is enabled.
  5. How to disable "send a mail". It is using rodex. Thank you! agree with this part. you may hide the button via diff. however rodex can still be used with the above screenshot. disregard above. just modified my mail.cpp instead
  6. 'DateDefaultTimezone' => 'UTC', check that part from your config/application.php
  7. have you checked your server time?
  8. please send here the diff you applied using nemo. and what client date are you using.
  9. Upon checking when a user warps or use flywing on the same map. the addtimer resets. Is there a way to check if the user already has addtimer attached already to prevent addtimer from triggering again? Thank you! OnPCLoadMapEvent: deltimer strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnCheat"; deltimer strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnTrig"; for (.@a = 0; .@a < getarraysize(.arrayt_maps1$); set .@a,.@a+1) { if ( strcharinfo(3) == .arrayt_maps1$[.@a]) { addtimer 900000, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnTrig"; end; } }
  10. please disregard above request. found it
  11. May I request for SRC that will make Arrow like the equipments which you just double click on it to equip it instead of drag and dropping it. Thank you!
  12. Removed those. However it seems that the skill still summons random monster.
  13. I tried to clean abra_db.yml and removed the SA_SUMMONMONSTER. However The abracadabra skill still summons a monster. I want to remove the functionality of the skill to spawn any monster. Thank you!
  14. cannot connect raw. possible wrong username/password.
  15. I am not sure, there are issue currently on that. It updates the logs file however it does it continue with the statement, so I end up modifying the query instead.
  16. I am not sure how to fix the portal that has no shadow if the /effect is off. upon checking my datainfo. It has shadowtable.lub already.
  17. thank you for your response however that is not working. It just teleport the player back to his original position. I think it is something to do with how SC_JAILED bahave. hmm.
  18. use search function ang daming NPC scripts jan need mo nalang edit hehe
  19. maybe it's here? it's from the year 2014. if not. then you can even go back. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/tree/e2e0a1818e6cacf93b75bbffb920344d48f8766b
  20. you have to test what @Emistry provided. just add your likings. here is an example. type commands @mall,@market,@turbo_room then it will warp you to turbo_room with the x and y coordinates 99,111 - script go_mall -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "mall",strnpcinfo(3)+"::Ongomallcom"; bindatcmd "market",strnpcinfo(3)+"::Ongomallcom"; bindatcmd "turbo_room",strnpcinfo(3)+"::Ongomallcom"; end; Ongomallcom: warp "turbo_room",99,111; end; }
  21. There are alot of hourly scripts around just add something like below to check if ( strcharinfo(3) == "prontera" ){ mes "here is your reward"; }
  22. webhost is hosted there. support is fast. planning to use their VPS ?
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