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Everything posted by darking123

  1. when a player has been unjailed or the jailtime lapsed. The player returns to it's original position before it went to the prison. may I ask how to change it so that the player will return to his savepoint instead or specific map and coordinates? Thank you!
  2. Yes this is possible. You can just query back from your database table "cp_servicedesk". Just make sure that the script will check the player account_id before it checks the database ? or else you will retrieve all the tickets from the database
  3. check logs it may contain the issue there
  4. please go ask your web hosting provider to open the ports needed.
  5. Script works if command is issued via @warp prontera 123 123 However is I tried to warp with comma like @warp prontera,123,123 then an issue exist. may I ask to help fix the written script. Thanks! - script war_pay -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "warp",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnWarpCommand"; end; OnWarpCommand: .@command$ = strtolower(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]); dispbottom "It cost you 1,000 zeny to warp."; if(.@atcmd_numparameters == 1 || .@atcmd_numparameters == 3){ if ( Zeny > 1000 ){ set Zeny, Zeny - 1000; warp .@command$,atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[1]),atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[2]); end; } if ( Zeny < 1000 ){ dispbottom "Can't warp you. You don't have zeny."; end; } } } Error as seen below when using @warp with comma. [Warning]: (mapindex_normalize_name) Map name ' prontera,123,123' is too long! [Debug]: (buildin_warp) mapindex_name2id: Map "prontera,12" not found in index list! [Debug]: pc_setpos: Passed mapindex(0) is invalid! [Error]: buildin_warp: moving player 'awesome' to "prontera,123,123",0,0 failed.
  6. I am currently using the @costumeitem fromt eh link below. https://rathena.org/board/topic/119536-latest-costumeitem/ As per checking if the costumeitem made has an effect from item_combo_db.txt It will not be nullified. May I ask for a source code that I could add to ignore the effects from item_combo_db.txt if the item is already set as costumeitem. Thank you!
  7. OVH is good HOWEVER. Their ticket support system will take forever before they will provide a response.sometimes they just close your ticket without any valid reason and have not yet answered your inquiry/issue.
  8. I used vote option. I tried to vote upon checking cp_createlog. It appears to still be empty. that is why the NPC doesn't retrieve anything so what I need was I tried to insert values manually making sure to populate the accound_id then i tried to vote again using the account_id. After checking votepoints has been added. I think the issue maybe due to the lack of insert function for vote? I'm really not sure
  9. I found this thread and try to apply the diff. However, Boss MVP cannot attack the player already. also in WOE. I am looking for a diff to prevent aggressive monsters from attacking instead.
  10. nag run as admin kana? make sure hindi running client mo while using opensetup.txt
  11. you can use the advance_refiner npc from rAthena itself, advanced_refiner.txt then just add this part if (getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) >= 10) { mes "[Suhnbi]"; mes "Hmm... someone perfected this already. I don't think I can work on it further."; close; } + if( (countitem(<item_db>) >= 1 ){ + successrefitem .@part; + delitem <item_db>,1; + next; + mes "[Suhnbi]"; + mes "Wow, you have an item that can refine 100% success rate."; + mext; + emotion ET_BEST; + mes "[Suhnbi]"; + mes "There you go! It's done."; + mes "It's been a while since I've made such a fine "+((getequipweaponlv(.@part))?"weapon":"armor")+". You must be happy because it has become stronger!"; + close; + } .@refineitemid = getequipid(.@part); // save id of the item .@refinerycnt = getequiprefinerycnt(.@part); //save refinery count .@price = getequiprefinecost(.@part, REFINE_COST_ENRICHED, REFINE_ZENY_COST); .@material = getequiprefinecost(.@part, REFINE_COST_ENRICHED, REFINE_MATERIAL_ID); // Make sure you have the necessary items and Zeny to refine your items // Determines chance of failure and verifies that you want to continue. callsub S_RefineValidate,getequipweaponlv(.@part),.@material,.@price,.@part,.@refineitemid,.@refinerycnt; mes "[Suhnbi]"; mes "Clang! Clang! Clang!"; if (getequippercentrefinery(.@part, true) > rand(100)) { successrefitem .@part; next; emotion ET_BEST; mes "[Suhnbi]"; mes "There you go! It's done."; mes "It's been a while since I've made such a fine "+((getequipweaponlv(.@part))?"weapon":"armor")+". You must be happy because it has become stronger!"; close; }
  12. thank you for this. however I am requesting that if ever I enter the exact coordinates of the NPC via @warp. it won't directly warp me to the NPC, but beside only the NPC. any location will do but it must be beside the NPC. maybe a 1-3 cell apart from the NPC?
  13. Is there a source release to disable directly warping to an NPC? you may enter the exact coordinates when using @warp, however you will be warped beside it, not merging into it. Thank you!
  14. I duplicated a mob and configured it stats. then set a certain area in a map as cell_basilica. OnInit: setcell "ordeal_3-2",146,146,161,161,cell_basilica,1; end; See below duplicated mob with different ID and configuration. mob.txt 3001,ORK_WARRIOR,Gold Room Guardian,Gold Room Guardian,255,99999999,0,0,0,1,799999,99999999,0,5,400,255,255,255,500,999,10,12,1,0,22,201341061,180,1864,864,288,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1369,GRAND_PECO,Grand Peco,Grand Peco,58,8054,0,2387,1361,2,444,565,37,30,1,66,66,50,71,51,10,12,2,2,43,0x1089,165,1460,960,432,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7101,4850,522,300,992,1000,969,1,0,0,0,0,582,500,0,0,0,0,4161,1 The duplicated mob can still attack the player even inside the basilica. However the other mob like the Golden peco cannot attack(attack misses) when the player is inside the basilica set. ordeal_3-2,0,0,0,0 monster Peco Gold 1369,600,0,0,"gold_room_main::OnKill" ordeal_3-2,0,0,0,0 monster Guardian 3001,60,0,0,0 Is there a file that should be configured to make the basilica works on a custom/duplicated monster?
  15. fixed it. just need to modify the lines from import-tmpl
  16. I just noticed, Why novice job level exceeded from the set limit. Max JOB level should only be level 10. Also I notice that I cannot put any skill on merchant class. even if I use @allskills. Still not working, however if changed to blacksmith/alchemist, all merchants skills gets populated. other jobs works fine btw.
  17. It appears to be working, However just want to confirm how can I print or show the time left via dispbottom before it displays the "done!". maybe a countdown? ? thanks in advance master
  18. Tried the end; from the conditions. It didn't work. hmm. What else can we do. prontera,154,181,3 script testnpc::npctimerX0000 876,{ mes "Timer value" + getnpctimer(0); mes "State timer" + getnpctimer(1,"npctimerX0000"); mes "Number of events" + getnpctimer(2); switch(select("Initialization:Stop:Start:Settings")) { case 1: //initnpctimer; end; case 2: stopnpctimer; end; case 3: attachnpctimer strcharinfo(0); startnpctimer; end; case 4: input .@temp; setnpctimer .@temp; end; } OnTimer1000: dispbottom "After a second..."; message strcharinfo(0),"You have "+((getnpctimer(0))/1000)+" Seconds."; end; OnTimer5000: dispbottom "After 5 seconds..."; end; OnTimer10000: dispbottom "Times up! warping you to your home town"; stopnpctimer; end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if ( getnpctimer(0) == 0 ){ dispbottom " Why stop timer if it did not start yet"; end; } else { stopnpctimer; end; } OnPCLoginEvent: if ( getnpctimer(0) == 0 ){ dispbottom "no start countdown since it didn't start yet"; end; } else { startnpctimer; end; } }
  19. thanks!, However when I logout. the timer gets going. It should stop and will continue once I login again. prontera,154,181,3 script testnpc::npctimerX0000 876,{ mes "Timer value" + getnpctimer(0); mes "State timer" + getnpctimer(1,"npctimerX0000"); mes "Number of events" + getnpctimer(2); switch(select("Initialization:Stop:Start:Settings")) { case 1: //initnpctimer; close; case 2: stopnpctimer; close; case 3: attachnpctimer strcharinfo(0); startnpctimer; end; case 4: input .@temp; setnpctimer .@temp; close; } OnTimer1000: dispbottom "After a second..."; message strcharinfo(0),"You have "+((getnpctimer(0))/1000)+" Seconds."; end; OnTimer5000: dispbottom "After 5 seconds..."; end; OnTimer10000: dispbottom "Times up! warping you to your home town"; stopnpctimer; end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if ( getnpctimer(0) == 0 ){ dispbottom " Why stop timer if it did not start yet"; end; } else { stopnpctimer; end; } OnPCLoginEvent: if ( getnpctimer(0) == 0 ){ dispbottom "no start countdown since it didn't start yet"; end; } else { startnpctimer; end; } }
  20. May I ask how to attach a player who talks to the NPC to be able to receive the message only? I am trying to create an NPC that I can start the time when I talk to it, When I logout, the timer pause if ever i had started it, The timer will resume if I login and if I started it before logging out. prontera,154,181,3 script testnpc::npctimerX0000 876,{ mes "Timer value" + getnpctimer(0); mes "State timer" + getnpctimer(1,"npctimerX0000"); mes "Number of events" + getnpctimer(2); switch(select("Initialization:Stop:Start:Settings")) { case 1: //initnpctimer; close; case 2: stopnpctimer; close; case 3: startnpctimer; close; case 4: input .@temp; setnpctimer .@temp; close; } OnTimer1000: dispbottom "After a second..."; end; OnTimer5000: dispbottom "After 5 seconds..."; end; OnTimer10000: dispbottom "Times up! "; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; end; OnPCLogoutEvent: //ops attached player logout. pausing timer. stopnpctimer; end; OnPCLoginEvent: if ( getnpctimer(0) == 0 ){ dispbottom "no start countdown since it didn't start yet"; end; }else{ //resume timer startnpctimer; } end; }
  21. Thanks! if (@inventorylist_bound[.@i] ) { if (@inventorylist_id[.@i] == getequipid(.@part)){ mes "Your item ( ^FF0000"+ getitemname(getequipid(.@part)) + "^0000FF ) is bounded. I cannot convert this item"; mes""; close; } }
  22. Are you using nemo to diff your client? If not, Please try to use it and applying the recommended options first.
  23. check this part conf/login_athena.conf // Minimum account group id required to connect to server. // Will not function if group_id_to_connect config is enabled. // -1: disabled // 0 or more: group id min_group_id_to_connect: -1
  24. Try this. Credit to the owner of the script https://pastebin.com/raw/Np73y4pw
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