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  1. Jap, hab ihm das ganze auf MySQL Community Server Basis auf port 3306 (ergo so wies im wiki steht) hergerichtet gehabt. Das problem dann war dann allerdings der client , aber da konnte ich nicht so gut helfen (meine eigene exe für meinen server hatte nix gebracht nach umstellung der packetver ). Ich würde allerdings auf irgendwas relativ banales tippen warum das mit dem client nicht so wollte.
  2. die mysql db hast du dann auch über port 80 eingespeist? wamp kenn ich jetzt ehrlichgesagt nicht soweit ich mich errinern kann aber wie gesagt mein angebot stünde das ich per teamviewer mal drüber gucke. rAsql ist aber nichtmehr in den aktuellen versionen enthalten oder? mein server ist noch irgendwo in rev 17xxx aufgesetzt und glaube sogar lange bevor zu github gewechselt wurde... da war das noch für lokale testzwecke gut zu gebrauchen - kann man auch drüber spielen wenn niemand ausser einem selber auf den server will. wenn du magst das ich rüber gucke, adde mich doch einfach mal in skype -rausgenommen weil nichtmehr benötigt- kriegt man auf wunsch per PM wieder. und wie gesagt die frage steht immernoch meinerseits : Hast du re-compiled nachdem du die packetver gesetzt hast in mmo.h ? wenn nicht wäre das ein grund das der mapserver crasht soweit ich weiß. und ganz simpler lösungsversuch wäre noch: Firewall aus zum testen. lässt du den server über localhost laufen kannst du dafür ja auch wlan ausmachen/LAN kabel ziehen für die zeit. hatte gelesen das das bei dem fehlercode 10061 wohl helfen könnte bzw ursache war.
  3. in der login tabelle steht s1/p1 aber in der map conf steht admin/admin schonmal geändert? ansonsten ähm, warum stehen die ports in inter_athena.conf alle auf 80? wenn du in mysql workbench bist muss der port mit denen die dort auf 80 stehen übereinstimmen (normalfall halt 3306) zumal port 80 wird zb von skype genutzt und ist dann nicht mehr für server frei hoffe das hilft ein wenig weiter. ansonsten kann ich auch mal per Teamviewer gucken wenn du magst, ob ich das problem lösen kann weiß ich aber nicht xD e: du hast aber auch neu compiled nachdem du den sourcecode geändert hast oder?
  4. Nah I dont want to do it via such level up boosts , that would be the last resort , and I highly doubt I want to do it that way. I'd like to change the aspd formula . I don't want to use the kRO one , so I am trying to modify it to the fRO (european server) formula ... IF I can find the corresponding parts that I need to change in the source ._. being clueless when it comes to programming languages like C doesn't help though and I might be aiming too high...but I want to succeed ...:/ thanks for the suggestion jasc I'll try to keep it in mind before I grow old and still haven't figured out something .
  5. Thanks Chowking ! It looks kind of right to look there but its just so confusing and I don't know what I'm looking for exactly ._. would anyone then happen to know how to change it or what bits define the aspd ?im trying to find it in status.c and it looks just so confusing and i don't know what to look for really X_X I'd appreciate help regarding this very much, thank you ! guessing its somewhere around or in this section ?x_X #ifdef RENEWAL_ASPD // flag&1 - fixed value [malufett] // flag&2 - percentage value static short status_calc_aspd(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, short flag) { int i, pots = 0, skills1 = 0, skills2 = 0; if(!sc || !sc->count) return 0;
  6. yes because patching kRO means that kRO files will be downloaded and overwriting what you already have . thats why you patch and THEN setup the clientstuff i use that svn too , but it would always pop this msg when starting , so I used the luafiles514 folder shakto provided and boom it works , just like Jasc says !
  7. try to use the system and lua514 folder that shakto provided in this topic http://rathena.org/board/topic/83750-2013-ragexe-support-main-topic/ I had the same issue and did that , and now its fine just delete the system folder and the luafiles514 folder before you put shaktos in .
  8. if you use an Exe that has diffed in read data folder first you can just put a clientinfo.xml into the \data folder and edit when needed. other than that ,I know that grf-tool can filter the contents of the grf file and extract only what you filtered to, so that might be another option to extract . not to repack though , you'd need something like gryff for that
  9. i just extracted my grf and google translated the item names , and that's what came out ^^; probably nothing new though ...
  10. yes I've looked into that topic , I just didnt find what I was looking for ( I am looking at battle.c and battle.h right now again,trying to find the bit where the formula is , but i can't find anything so far x_x) I was asking where the source would be located that I needed to change the aspd formula and the topic doesnt really have anything to do with that,since i want to make my own formula and not use the korean one wich is goddamned low compared to the official server I play on ,hence i want to change it). or what were you trying to get at with pointing me at that thread , please sir?^^; Sorry if I dont get what you may have tried to imply on , but I'm just such a noob when it comes to coding
  11. well hello there. I am relatively new in the rA scene but I've wondered about the aspd a lot. I have seen that the RE aspd is taken from kRO but I come from the french/european server , where the aspd formula seems to differ (a lot, actually). I first noticed this on a server I was playing a while ago and I've just recently setup my own server for me and friends too ... So I may ask a stupid question now but .. how is the aspd calculated on rA ?(like where are the - I am only guessing - formula calculations located at ?) And where could I change it ? I don't want the #define RenewalASPD bit (if possible), I want like , make my own formula (that will hopefully be oriented on iRO/fRO xD) instead. I've got not much clue about the C language and these things , but I am willing to learn , and I hope that someone can help me with this. thank you very much for any help , I'll go to bed now and be back later, have a nice night !
  12. yeah that would be right i had the idea that I could revert the clif.c to trunk 17429/17428 myself (and did that for the 29 rev) but i am just so utterly confused what to use with what client now ...i have my server running on 14440 atm but i just realized storage is not being saved for the weapon and equip part (or not shown) so i've gotta sort that out first i guess...since i'm playing by myself anyway . but thanks for the answers and helping ! okay i downgraded to trunk rev 17428 now , with 20130320 ragexe (diffed myself) and read datafolder first it works and i can buy from the cash shop now ! Yay
  13. i dont get what to do and how to do , sorry...x_x (im using tortoisesvn and i just dont get how to rollback and what to rollback...o.O)
  14. i have the same problem only with a 20130320 client . (svn trunk rev17440 ,too) reigneil , may i ask what you mean with revert the red and delete the green? isnt the green stuff the fix ?o_O I'm not entirely new to rAthena but to the compile and editing stuff I am . I am confused now
  15. to the people (zhaosin in particular?) who have an issue with Can't connect to server after they have 'everything' set up as it should (judging from the wiki entries) : check your subnet_athena.conf and change the two IPs to WAN ip for me that was subnet: HTH ! And thanks , finally got it to work after starting from scratch with 2013-03-20 (because i dont know what packetver 2013-7-17 would and what i would need to put into packet_db.txt ) sorry if this should be in the support topic ...i am really sleepy right now and just wanted to share my solution before i fall into bed X,X
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