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Everything posted by cook1e

  1. # Trade: Trade restrictions. (Default: null) # Override Group level to override these conditions. # NoDrop If the item can not be dropped. (Default: false) # NoTrade If the item can not be traded. (Default: false) # TradePartner If the item can not be traded to the player's partner. (Default: false) # NoSell If the item can not be sold. (Default: false) # NoCart If the item can not be put in a cart. (Default: false) # NoStorage If the item can not be put in a storage. (Default: false) # NoGuildStorage If the item can not be put in a guild storage. (Default: false) # NoMail If the item can not be put in a mail. (Default: false) # NoAuction If the item can not be put in an auction. (Default: false) example. - Id: ID AegisName: ITEM_NAME Name: ITEM_NAME Type: TYPE Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true
  2. VPS > https://www.ovhcloud.com/es/vps/ (Recomendable Ubuntu 18.04+) Web Hosting > https://www.a2hosting.com/web-hosting
  3. You have a shop NPC that is using Item ID 80 and this ID don't exist.
  4. https://www.ovhcloud.com/en/vps/
  5. - Id: 31400 AegisName: bone_xadrez Name: Chapéu Xadrez Type: Armor Buy: 20 Weight: 1 Slots: 2 Locations: Head_Top: true Refineable: true View: 3061 Script: | bonus2 bSkillAtk,"AC_DOUBLE",10; seems correct.
  6. Update your map_cache.dat with your current prontera.gat in your GRF file and restart your server.
  7. - Id: 30020 AegisName: afro_hat Name: Afro Hat Type: Armor Buy: 20 Weight: 1 Slots: 2 Locations: Head_Top: true Refineable: true View: 3020 Script: | bonus bStr,20; bonus bVit,10; bonus bLuk,15; sc_start4 "SC_ENDURE",60000,10,0,0,1; UnEquipScript: | sc_end SC_ENDURE;
  8. rAthena doesn't have an option to choose episode. You have to change mobs/db/npc, etc... on your own The only thing that can help you is looking for the changelogs in the official servers and wiki and make those changes manually.
  9. Make sure you have lines #define RENEWAL uncommented if they have // remove the // https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/config/renewal.hpp#L24
  10. Let me know how it went. /npc/custom/custom_mob.txt // create custom_mob.txt as a clean .txt file // format "map",x,y%TAB%monster%TAB%Monster Name%TAB%,MonsterID,amount custom_map,0,0 monster Poring 1002,30 and /npc/scripts_custom.conf npc: npc/custom/custom_mob.txt add this line
  11. Only Blacksmith/Whitesmith can open this shop, working for me. - shop fame_shop -1,501:-1,502:-1,503:-1,504:-1 prontera,156,168,5 script fame shop 123,{ query_sql "SELECT `fame` FROM `char` WHERE `fame`>0 AND (`class`='10' OR `class`='4011') ORDER BY `fame` DESC LIMIT 10", .@fame; if (.@fame) { callshop "fame_shop"; }else{ dispbottom "you don't have fame points."; } end; }
  12. Cap limit seems to be 25 https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/map/path.cpp#L87 Increase it.
  13. I have edited the post above, try
  14. .unique_id$ = get_unique_id(); to .@freebies_unique_id$ = get_unique_id();
  15. Try this one. - shop fame_shop -1,501:-1,502:-1,503:-1,504 prontera,156,168,5 script fame shop 123,{ query_sql "SELECT `fame` FROM `char` WHERE `fame`>0", .@fame; if (.@fame) { callshop "fame_shop"; }else{ dispbottom "you don't have fame points."; } end; }
  16. //new_1-4,145,179,4 script Freebies Reward 691,{ .@freebies_unique_id$ = get_unique_id(); if(getd("$ID_" + .@freebies_unique_id$) > 0 || #N > 0){ mes "[ Reward NPC ]"; mes "You have already claimed your reward."; close; } mes "[ Reward NPC ]"; mes "Here's your reward. Have a nice day!"; setd "$ID_" + .@freebies_unique_id$,1; #N = 1; $reward_count -= 1; for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.rewards); .@i += 2) getitem .rewards[.@i],.rewards[.@i+1]; if($reward_count == 0) $reward_status = 1; end; OnInit: setarray .rewards,50000,1,12535,20,12534,20,13550,20,3100,100,13758,1; while (1) { showscript "Freebies Rental NPC!"; sleep 1000; } end; } I think changing the unique_id variable can solve your problem, try it.
  17. You can change in your msgstringtable.txt https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/blob/master/Client Support/Renewal/2020-09-02/data/msgstringtable.txt#L3458 Line #3458 replace it for a #
  18. Made by @crazyarashi https://github.com/crazy-arashi/Rathena-Script-Collection
  19. When I try to attack an enemy from the other team, I can't do it without pressing the SHIFT key, sometimes it lets me attack. the moment he lets me attack the enemy emblem starts to appear / disappear repeatedly. Only problem I have seen so far (Using the latest revision June 22, 2021) Second bug, when a player get disconnected for being AFK in Battleground map-server crash It has to be something related to the emblem, any fixes?
  20. prontera,170,181,3 script Lotti Girl 714,{ mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Hello Sir! Are you out"; mes "shopping in the city?!"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "I'm Lotti! I'll exchange cool"; mes "random prizes for every"; if(.LottoID && .LottoAmt) mes "^ff0000"+.LottoAmt+" "+getitemname(.LottoID)+"^000000."; if(.ZenyPay) mes "^ff0000"+callfunc("F_InsertComma",.ZenyPay)+"z"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; if(getarraysize(.P1)<4){ mes "Our Grand prize is:"; mes "^ff0000"+.P1[2]+" "+getitemname(.P1[1])+"^000000"; } else { mes "Random Grand prize:"; for(.@i=1;.@i<getarraysize(.P1);.@i+=2) mes "^ff0000"+.P1[.@i+1]+" "+getitemname(.P1[.@i])+"^000000"; } if(getarraysize(.P2)<4){ mes "Special prize is:"; mes "^ff0000"+.P2[2]+" "+getitemname(.P2[1])+"^000000"; } else { mes "Random Special prize:"; for(.@i=1;.@i<getarraysize(.P2);.@i+=2) mes "^ff0000"+.P2[.@i+1]+" "+getitemname(.P2[.@i])+"^000000"; } next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "You can still get random item"; mes "if you failed to get the grand"; mes "prize and special prizes."; if(.LottoID && .LottoAmt && (countitem(.LottoID) < .LottoAmt)) close; if(.Zeny && Zeny < .Zeny) close; next; if(select("Deal me in!:No way...")==2) close; L_Roll: if (Zeny < .ZenyPay) { mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "You don't have enough zeny."; close; } mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Here we go..."; if(.LottoID && .LottoAmt) delitem .LottoID,.LottoAmt; if(.ZenyPay) Zeny -= .ZenyPay; set .@i, rand(1,.Total); set .@rand,rand(10000); for(.@j=.Total;.@j>=1;.@j--) if( getd(".P"+.@j+"[0]") >= .@rand) .@i = .@j; next; if ( .@rand > getd(".P"+.@i+"[0]")){ .@iid = rand(getarraysize(.Default)/2); setarray .@get,.Default[(.@iid*2)],.Default[((.@iid*2)+1)]; } else { .@iid = rand(getarraysize(getd(".P"+.@i))/2); setarray .@get,getd(".P"+.@i+"["+((.@iid*2)+1)+"]"),getd(".P"+.@i+"["+((.@iid*2)+2)+"]"); } close2; getitem .@get[0],.@get[1]; if(inarray(.AnnouncedID,.@get) >=0 ) announce "Congratulations! "+strcharinfo(0)+" just received "+getitemname(.@get[0])+" x "+.@get[1]+" from Lotti Girl ("+.map$+" "+.x+" "+.y+")!",0; specialeffect2 248; if(.LottoID && .LottoAmt && (countitem(.LottoID) < .LottoAmt)) close; if(.Zeny && Zeny < .Zeny) close; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Want to roll again?"; if(select("Roll again:Nope, No luck!")==1){ clear(); goto L_Roll; } close; OnInit: //No need to edit the main script. all editable are here. .ZenyPay = 100000; //Zeny to Pay [0 = Disable] .LottoID = 0; //ItemID to Roll [0 = Disable] .LottoAmt = 0; //Amount of LottoID Per Roll[0 = Disable] set .Total,4; setarray .AnnouncedID,501,502,512,513; //To reduce announcement. let's not announce common items. //setarray .P#[0],<% chance(1-10000)>,<ItemID>,<Amount> setarray .P1[0],100,501,1; //Grand Prize setarray .P2[0],1000,502,1,512,2,513,3; //Special Prizes setarray .P3[0],5000,503,1; setarray .P4[0],7500,504,1,514,4; setarray .Default[0],505,5,506,1; getmapxy(.map$,.x,.y,BL_NPC); end; }
  21. Cualquier problema no dudes en mandarme un mensaje.
  22. sp_cor,113,130,3 script Rebellion#cor_02 4_M_REBELLION3,{ if(ep_illusion < 47){ mes "[ Rebellion ]"; mes "Oh, you're the adventurer? It's been a too long. Did you come to see me?"; next; select("Do you know me?:No..."); mes "[ Rebellion ]"; mes "Oh, it's cold adventurer. Too cold. I don't like the cold."; mes "I'm in charge here, but I don't know anyone."; next; mes "[ Rebellion ]"; mes "But the adventurer knows me well, thank you for passing by!"; mes "I also brought the right weapons and armor for the job, I'm wearing warm clothes~!"; close; } switch(checkquest(16377,PLAYTIME)){ case -1: break; case 0: case 1: mes "[ Rebellion ]"; mes "Mina is feeling more relaxed."; mes "Mina's lovely children are resting?"; next; classchange(4_EP17_ELYUMINA,"Elyumina#os_merchant",bc_self); cutin "ep171_elyumina03",0; mes "[ Elyumina ]"; mes "... the security devices that summon monsters are still at lower power. Don't touch them the can overheat."; npctalk "Elyumina : Argh.. please, despicable title, don't call me that, don't!","Elyumina#os_merchant",bc_self; next; cutin "",255; mes "[ Rebellion ]"; mes "If Mina's children needs to rest, you can come back in the morning after dawn!"; next; cutin "ep171_elyumina02",0; mes "[ Elyumina ]"; mes "After dawn, they will have charged up enough so that you can go back!"; unittalk getcharid(3),strcharinfo(0) + " : She handles this surprisingly well...",bc_self; close3; case 2: erasequest 16377; break; } switch(checkquest(16376)){ case -1: mes "[ Rebellion ]"; mes "Oh, adventurer. I haven't seen you in a while! I wanted to ask you something. It's about Mina..."; unittalk getcharid(3),strcharinfo(0)+ " : Mina?",bc_self; next; classchange(4_EP17_ELYUMINA,"Elyumina#os_merchant",bc_self); cutin "ep171_elyumina03",0; mes "[ Elyumina ]"; mes "Here, I'll explain. My children who attacked you the last time you followed me..."; npctalk "Elyumina : Hey, don't call me that. It's such a terrible nickname!","Elyumina#os_merchant",bc_self; unittalk getcharid(3),strcharinfo(0)+ " : Oh, he meant you.",bc_self; next; cutin "",255; mes "[ Rebellion ]"; mes "Yep, remember Mina's kids you catched last time? They were sleeping."; next; cutin "ep171_elyumina02",0; mes "[ Elyumina ]"; mes "Mine! Machines and traps! In emergencies, they go in stealth mode and low power mode. And they stay like that for a while. I'll be back soon and see them."; next; cutin "",255; mes "[ Rebellion ]"; mes "That's right, Mina..."; unittalk getcharid(3),strcharinfo(0)+ " : ... you made them, you can just turn them off.",bc_self; next; cutin "ep171_elyumina02",0; mes "[ Elyumina ]"; mes "No! I can't. They have a state of the art machine learning module."; mes "You guys on that day were the strongest data they had ever seen."; next; cutin "ep171_elyumina03",0; mes "[ Elyumina ]"; mes "Well...! They don't recognize me as their master now. Just as I expected..."; mes "The best way is to slowly consume their energy, weaken them slowly and neutralize them."; npctalk "Rebellion : So we should go with Mina...","",bc_self; next; mes "[ Elyumina ]"; mes "That's all I can do... for now, you are the only one who can defeat EL1-A17T. Of course, I'm coming too, but I'm just going to collect more data on my children."; next; cutin "",255; mes "[ Rebellion ]"; mes "I want to follow along, but somehow Mina is stubborn. Is she worried I will be in danger?"; next; cutin "ep171_elyumina03",0; mes "[ Elyumina ]"; mes "Anyway, it may be best for you to bring friends along."; mes "It will be a hard journey and I'm still a detainee."; npctalk "Elyumina : Absolutely not!!!","Elyumina#os_merchant",bc_self; next; cutin "",255; mes "[ Rebellion ]"; mes "So there will be me and Mina, along with you and..."; next; cutin "ep171_elyumina02",0; mes "[ Elyumina ]"; mes "I will give you detailed explanation inside!!! Come on, tell me you're going!!!"; mes "Please do it before he kills me!"; setquest 16376; completequest 16376; next; cutin "",255; break; case 2: mes "[ Rebellion ]"; mes "It's time for Mina's children to wake up, adventurer!"; mes "Will they patiently wait this time around?"; next; classchange(4_EP17_ELYUMINA,"Elyumina#os_merchant",bc_self); cutin "ep171_elyumina03",0; mes "[ Elyumina ]"; mes "... they're no longer on low power and the security devices are operation again."; next; cutin "ep171_elyumina02",0; mes "[ Elyumina ]"; mes "Will you meet with Cor again and will you collect more data?"; mes "Let me know please, I want to get away from this guy."; next; cutin "",255; break; } .@md_name$ = "Cor Mission"; .@party_id = getcharid(1); .@party_name$ = getpartyname(.@party_id); mes "[ Rebellion ]"; mes "That's too bad, adventurer. To participate in the operation, you must prepare a party."; next; mes "[ Rebellion ]"; mes "After the memorial dungeon is created, once all the party members enter the operation, the adventurer can start sending the signal~"; next; .@s = select((!instance_id(IM_PARTY)?"Create operation.":""),(!instance_id(IM_PARTY)?"":"Enter operation.")); switch(.@s){ case 1: switch(instance_create(.@md_name$,IM_PARTY)){ case -1: mes "^0000ff"+.@md_name$+" ^000000 - Reservation Failed!"; mes "Unknown Error Has Occurred."; end; case -2: mes "[ Rebellion ]"; mes "Well? Mina says it will be difficult on her own. Come back with a party, adventurer."; close; case -3: mes "[ Rebellion ]"; mes "You already have an instance active. Please cancel it before proceeding."; close; case -4: mes "^0000ff"+.@md_name$+" ^000000 - Reservation Failed!"; mes "^0000ff"+.@md_name$+" ^000000 is currently full."; end; default: mes "[ Rebellion ]"; mes "Okay, when everyone is ready. Please talk to me again and choose 'Enter'"; npctalk "Eheh, I'm not afraid of you.","",bc_self; end; } case 2: switch(instance_enter(.@md_name$)){ case 3: mes "An unknown error has occurred."; end; case 2: case 1: mes "^ff0000Character doesn't have an instance reserved.^000000"; end; case 0: mapannounce "sp_cor", strcharinfo(0) + " of the party, "+ .@party_name$ +", is entering the " + .@md_name$ + ".", bc_map, "0x00FF99"; setquest 16363; setquest 16377; @mission_type = 1; end; } } end; } sp_cor,180,169,3 script Elena Bolkova#cor_op 4_F_ELENA,{ switch(ep_illusion){ case 41: cutin "162elena_01",2; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "You're a little late. Well, we're all late."; mes "Elyumina is missing. The battle was very quick and we got knocked out."; mes "Damn it!"; next; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "I won't stop until we catch her, although we should probably rest first."; next; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "After discussing this with the Rebellion captains, we decided to search the area by bringing an entire troop of elites."; next; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "The president and Kaya have also agreed with our plan."; next; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "Among the USU and the Rebellion only the elite members have been chosen, and I'm in command. The rest of the Rebellion will block and surround the entrance and other nearby areas."; next; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "This operation, of course, also includes your support adventurer. I strongly recommend that you prepare first. Will you join us?"; next; select("Of course."); mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "Okay!"; mes "For now, I have selected those who can act alone, including myself."; mes "You will need to make a ^0000FFparty of 1^000000 and come back to me."; ep_illusion = 42; completequest 16353; setquest 16354; questinfo_refresh(); close3; case 42: .@party_id = getcharid(1); .@md_name$ = "Cor Mission"; .@party_name$ = getpartyname(.@party_id); if(!.@party_id){ cutin "162elena_01",2; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "For now, I have selected those who can act alone, including myself."; mes "You will need to make a ^0000FFparty of 1^000000 and come back to me."; close3; } classchange 4_M_REBELLION3,"Rebellion#cor_ms_0",bc_self; classchange 4_M_GONY,"Rebellion#cor_ms_1",bc_self; classchange 4_F_REBELLION3,"Rebellion#cor_ms_2",bc_self; classchange 4_F_ANYA,"Rebellion#cor_ms_3",bc_self; classchange 4_M_ILYA,"Rebellion#cor_ms_4",bc_self; classchange 4_F_REBELLION2,"Rebellion#cor_ms_5",bc_self; cutin "162elena_01",2; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "The blockage of the area is over."; mes "Let's start the mission!"; mes "It's not too late. Gentlemen, get ready!"; next; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "Good, among the elite of the brave Rebellion, your specific goal will be to capture the researcher."; npctalk "Elena Bolkova : She's the one who holds all the key information, we have to capture her.","",bc_self; npctalk "I'm ready!","Rebellion#cor_ms_0",bc_self; npctalk ".....","Rebellion#cor_ms_1",bc_self; npctalk "I'm ready!","Rebellion#cor_ms_2",bc_self; npctalk "I'm ready!","Rebellion#cor_ms_3",bc_self; npctalk "I'm ready!","Rebellion#cor_ms_4",bc_self; npctalk "I'm ready!","Rebellion#cor_ms_5",bc_self; next; cutin "162elena_02",2; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "Adventurer, choose 'Create' and wait a moment when you want to go."; mes "Choose 'Enter' after."; npctalk "Elena Bolkova : Alright, ready? These bastards will face us.","",bc_self; npctalk "If they don't mind...","Rebellion#cor_ms_0",bc_self; npctalk ".....","Rebellion#cor_ms_1",bc_self; npctalk "It won't be easy, will it?","Rebellion#cor_ms_2",bc_self; npctalk "The time has come for us to show off!","Rebellion#cor_ms_3",bc_self; npctalk "Time for us to go!","Rebellion#cor_ms_4",bc_self; npctalk "Why are you smiling?","Rebellion#cor_ms_5",bc_self; next; .@s = select((!instance_id(IM_PARTY)?"Create 'Cor Mission'.":""),(!instance_id(IM_PARTY)?"":"Enter 'Cor Mission'.")); switch(.@s){ case 1: switch(instance_create(.@md_name$)){ case -1: mes "^0000ff"+.@md_name$+" ^000000 - Reservation Failed!"; mes "Unknown Error Has Occurred."; end; case -2: mes "^0000ff"+.@md_name$+" ^000000 - Reservation Failed!"; mes "Party Is Non-Existent."; end; case -3: mes "^0000ff"+.@md_name$+" ^000000 - Reservation Failed!"; mes "Player already have instance."; end; case -4: mes "^0000ff"+.@md_name$+" ^000000 - Reservation Failed!"; mes "^0000ff"+.@md_name$+" ^000000 is currently full."; end; default: mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "Talk to me again when you're ready. The operation is going to start soon."; end; } end; case 2: getpartymember .@party_id,3; if($@partymembercount != 1){ cutin "162elena_01",2; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "For now, I have selected those who can act alone, including myself."; mes "You will need to make a ^0000FFparty of 1^000000 and come back to me."; close3; } switch(instance_enter(.@md_name$)){ case 3: mes "An unknown error has occurred."; end; case 2: case 1: mes "^ff0000Character doesn't have an instance reserved.^000000"; end; case 0: mapannounce "sp_cor", strcharinfo(0) + " of the party, "+ .@party_name$ +", is entering the " + .@md_name$ + ".", bc_map, "0x00FF99"; end; } } end; case 43: cutin "162elena_02",2; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "So much trouble! Aha, these guys are all so trustworthy."; mes "Of course, the adventurer is too!"; next; cutin "162elena_01",2; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "Elyumina was captured safely. Now that the attacks have stopped, this should be a safe place."; next; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "The Secret Wings and Lucky are ready to interrogate her."; mes "It looks like they're organizing a meeting place where we defeated the scrap metal machine."; next; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "I'm not getting involved there because I'd squeeze my target rather than listening to what they're saying.."; mes "Gonie will also observe the interrogation."; next; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "Join them on that <NAVI>[side]<INFO>sp_cor,136,210,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI>."; mes "Lucky will be asking the questions."; ep_illusion = 44; completequest 16357; setquest 16358; getitem 25723,5; getitem 25668,1; questinfo_refresh(); close3; case 44: case 45: cutin "162elena_01",2; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "Join them on that <NAVI>[side]<INFO>sp_cor,136,210,0,101,0</INFO></NAVI>."; mes "Lucky will be asking the questions."; close3; case 46: case 47: cutin "162elena_01",2; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "Hey. Are you busy?"; mes "I'll have to go through a lot of things and then the Rebellion will be going back home."; next; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "It's quite hard to manage the Rebellion, especially in places like these."; next; cutin "162elena_01",2; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "When things have calmed down, come to Clana Nemieri and let's have a drink."; mes "I'd rather fight you than this machines."; emotion ET_KIK; close3; default: cutin "162elena_01",2; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "Well? Adventurer. Don't go too far alone. I know you're skilled, but the others are nervous."; next; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "There may be other equipments or evidence left behind from the people who ran away in a hurry."; next; cutin "162elena_02",2; mes "[ Elena Bolkova ]"; mes "Me? Why am I alone? Are you worried about me? Ahahaha!"; close3; } end; OnInit: questinfo QTYPE_QUEST,QMARK_YELLOW,"ep_illusion == 41"; questinfo QTYPE_QUEST,QMARK_YELLOW,"ep_illusion == 42"; questinfo QTYPE_QUEST,QMARK_YELLOW,"ep_illusion == 43"; end; } sp_cor,177,165,1 script Rebellion#cor_ms_0 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,{ end; } sp_cor,180,165,1 script Rebellion#cor_ms_1 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,{ end; } sp_cor,183,165,1 script Rebellion#cor_ms_2 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,{ end; } sp_cor,177,163,1 script Rebellion#cor_ms_3 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,{ end; } sp_cor,180,163,1 script Rebellion#cor_ms_4 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,{ end; } sp_cor,183,163,1 script Rebellion#cor_ms_5 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,{ end; } // Funciones function script instance_hide { if(getarg(1)) hideonnpc instance_npcname(getarg(0)); else hideoffnpc instance_npcname(getarg(0)); return; } function script instance_enable { if(getarg(1)) enablenpc instance_npcname(getarg(0)); else disablenpc instance_npcname(getarg(0)); return; }
  23. Podrias compartir tu script por aqui? Si lo compartes asegurate de enviarlo dentro de codebox.
  24. No debes cambiar instance_hide por hideonnpc Solo debes agregar esas funciones a tu servidor como un NPC normal y listo.
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