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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Simply check the server's IP and press "Windows Icon" + R Input the server's IP.
  2. Genius! I learned something from this. I have VS 2015 which costs almost 10GB including Updates. i didn't realize there was a method that can use lightweight compiler. Thank you!
  3. everything is in doc/item_bonus.txt TXT version: SQL Version: When Job_Champion equipped this card it won't work but other classes will worked on this effect. if you want some class that you don't like the effect to be worked. Just by adding ||
  4. So you want, also with amount right? okay here! version 2.0 http://immortalsro.com/rAScripts/lotti_girl_2.0.txt See OnInit: setarray .item_ID, 607,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509; // Item ID List setarray .item_Amnt, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9; // Item Amount setarray .item_Rate, 100,10,10,10,3,10,10,10,10; // Item ID Chances
  5. I already accepted your request but still you don't look at my script and pay attention.
  6. It's a mapflag. Your not allowed to request a topic in Script Released it should be in the Script Request instead.
  7. Hi, not sure if this would work on eAthena I assumed it would be in loopings that will caused errors. You can found this: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Loops prontera.gat, 143, 171, 4 script PvP Arena 4_M_REDSWORD,{ mes .n$; mes "Which PvP Areas would you like to be warped?"; next; switch(select( "- Donator Area ["+getmapusers(.pkmap_1$)+"]", "- Non-Donator Area ["+getmapusers(.pkmap_2$)+"]", "- Anyone ["+getmapusers(.pkmap_3$)+"]" )){ case 1: for( .@j = 0; .@j < .size; .@j++ ) { if( countitem(.Ban_Item_NonDonator[.@j]) ) { mes .n$; mes "Please put away your ^FF0000"+ getitemname( .Ban_Item_NonDonator[.@j] ) +"^000000 in storage before entering the PvP Area."; close; } } close2; warp ".pkmap_1$",0,0; break; case 2: for( .@j = 0; .@j < .size; .@j++ ) { if( countitem(.Ban_Item_Donator[.@j]) ) { mes .n$; mes "Please put away your ^FF0000"+ getitemname( .Ban_Item_Donator[.@j] ) +"^000000 in storage before entering the PvP Area."; close; } } close2; warp ".pkmap_2$",0,0; break; case 3: for( .@j = 0; .@j < .size; .@j++ ) { if( countitem(.Ban_Item_All[.@j]) ) { mes .n$; mes "Please put away your ^FF0000"+ getitemname( .Ban_Item_All[.@j] ) +"^000000 in storage before entering the PvP Area."; close; } } close2; warp ".pkmap_3$",0,0; break; } end; OnInit: .n$ = "[ PvP Arena ]"; setarray .Ban_Item_NonDonator,501,502,503; setarray .Ban_Item_Donator,501,502,503; setarray .Ban_Item_All,501,502,503; .pkmap_1$ = "guild_vs1"; .pkmap_2$ = "guild_vs2"; .pkmap_3$ = "guild_vs3"; .size = getarraysize(.Ban_Item_NonDonator); .size = getarraysize(.Ban_Item_Donator); .size = getarraysize(.Ban_Item_All); end; } Raw Link: http://immortalsro.com/rAScripts/pvp_options.txt
  8. 1. How i change to no delay after skill Answer: conf/battle/skill.conf I want to dex 200 and no casting time how I fix this Answer: conf/battle/skill.conf 3. How to change max level from 150 to 15,000 Answer: Unfortunately our current emulator only support up to 999 Base Level. src/map/map.h 4. How to change max HP / SP to 10,000,000 Answer: conf/battle/player.conf Nextime, please use Search Engine don't be lazy. this kind of questions is really common. "GOOGLE.com" will be your friendly tool. Goodluck!
  9. I might able to write ths however if we have an existing commmand like this. it's gonna be easy. But we can use an alternative way
  10. You can just put color same as doing script dialogues. Example:
  11. Hi, please give a try easy to read. prontera,157,180,4 script Lotti Girl 4_F_KAFRA7,{ function LinkItem_; .@name$ = strcharinfo(0); .@rand = rand(.chances); .@i = 0; if( countitem(.itm_p) < .itm_a ){ mes .n$; mes "You don't have any"; mes .itm_a+" x "+.itm_n$; mes "in your inventory."; mes " "; mes "Please come back to me if you have it already."; close; } mes .n$; mes rand(2) ? ""+callfunc("F_Hi")+" ^0000FFI'm Lotti Girl^000000, of Arlandria Rune-Midgard City." : ""+callfunc("F_Hi")+" ^0000FFI'm Lotti Girl^000000, of Arlandria Rune-Midgard City."; mes "Required Item: "+.itm_a+" x "+(.itm_n$)+""; mes " "; mes "Would you risk to play this game?"; next; if( select("- Play Game","- Cancel") == 2 ) { mes .n$; mes "Alright! "+ strcharinfo(0) +" come back anytime you want."; close; } while (( .@rand -= .item_Rate[.@i] ) >= 0 ) .@i++; progressbar "0x11CC99",.loading; specialeffect2 EF_REMOVETRAP; getitem .item_ID[.@i], 1; delitem .itm_p, 1; announce "[ Lotti Girl ]: Player "+ .@name$ +" obtained 1 x "+ getitemname(.item_ID[.@i]) +" with "+ .item_Rate[.@i] +"%.",0; mes .n$; mes "You have obtained 1 x ^FF3000"+ getitemname(.item_ID[.@i]) +"^000000 with "+ .item_Rate[.@i] +"%."; close; function LinkItem_ { .@id = getarg(0); .@showslot = getarg(1,0); .@slot = getitemslots(.@id); return "<ITEM>"+(.@slot&&.@showslot?getitemname(.@id)+" ["+.@slot+"]":getitemname(.@id))+"<INFO>"+.@id+"</INFO></ITEM>"; } OnInit: .n$ = "[ Lotti Girl ]"; .loading = 1; // 0 = No Delay .itm_p = 7608; // Required Item .itm_a = 1; // Required Amount .itm_n$ = LinkItem_(.itm_p); setarray .item_ID, 607,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509; // Item ID List setarray .item_Rate, 100,10,10,10,3,10,10,10,10; // Item ID Chances .@i = 0; while ( .item_ID[.@i] ) { .chances += .item_Rate[.@i]; .@i++; } end; } Raw Link: http://immortalsro.com/rAScripts/lotti_girl.txt
  12. It's possible, can you give me some more information? what are the payment to play the game? What are the items to be rewarded please LIST them? Structure:
  13. Thank you for the information! i'll check it out. I guess, i'll just sticked to 2015-11-04 while waiting for 2016. Thank you!
  14. Hi, everyone! please moved this topic if this isn't the appropriate topic i posted. i would like to ask since last year i didn't update my current emulator. Since i'm waiting for the stable release for 2016. i would like to ask again if what is the current stable client that rAthena suppot around 2016+ with no issues? Thank you and i appreciate one of your respond.
  15. Make sure you also checked those previous commits, not just the Clan System.
  16. Hi, please check the settings and you can modify what you want to achieve then. For Example: ID: 7227 (TCG CARD) = 1 Cash Point. prontera,155,181,5 script Cash Converter 4_F_OPERATION,{ .@name$ = strcharinfo(0); // Char Name .@item = 7227; // Item ID .@amount = 1; // Amount .@countitem = countitem( .@item ); // Countitem if( .@countitem < 1 ) { mes "[ Cash Converter ]"; mes "You don't have any ^0000FF"+ getitemname(.@item) +"^000000 in your Inventory to be exchanged for Cash Points."; mes "Please come back to me if you have it already."; close; } mes "[ Cash Converter ]"; mes rand(2) ? ""+callfunc("F_Hi")+" I'm Cash Converter, of Prontera Rune-Midgard City." : ""+callfunc("F_Hi")+" I can able to exchange your ^0000FF"+ getitemname(.@item) +"^000000 to Cash Points."; mes " "; mes "What would you like to do?"; next; mes "[ Cash Converter ]"; mes "^FF0000Information:^000000"; mes "^777777 -------------------- ^000000"; mes "Exchange Rate: "+ .@countitem +" x "+ getitemname( .@item ) +" to "+ ( .@countitem * .@amount ) +" Cash Point"+ (.@countitem * .@amount > 1 ? "s" : "") +""; next; if( select("- Convert","- Cancel") == 1 ) { progressbar "0x11CC99",1; specialeffect2 EF_REMOVETRAP; delitem .@item,.@countitem; #CASHPOINTS = #CASHPOINTS + ( .@countitem * .@amount ); message .@name$,"You have recieved "+ .@countitem * .@amount +" Cash Point"+ (#CASHPOINTS > 1 ? "s" : "") +" and a of Total: "+ #CASHPOINTS +" Cash Point"+ (#CASHPOINTS > 1 ? "s" : "") +""; mes "[ Cash Converter ]"; mes "You have successfully exchanged."; } close; } Raw Link: http://immortalsro.com/rAScripts/item_to_cash.txt
  17. Hi, please try this one. - script gm_autokick_ -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: .@size = getarraysize(.gm_List); for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ ) { if( getcharid(3) == .gm_List[.@i] ) { announce "[ System ]: You have been rejected by the Server.",bc_self; addtimer 500,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKick"; } } end; OnKick: atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); end; OnInit: setarray .gm_List, 2000000,2000001,2000002; end; } Raw Link: http://immortalsro.com/rAScripts/gm_autokick.txt
  18. Hi, sorry for the late respond, i was trying to work your request this morning however my boss call me at work so i couldn't finished it So here's the friendly script u can use, easy to manage please see OnInit: prontera,155,184,4 script Card Trader 871,{ mes .n$; mes rand(2) ? "How may i help you today?" : "Take a look maybe you can check something interesting?"; next; .@i = select("- Information:- Exchange Item:- Cancel"); switch(.@i) { case 1: mes .n$; mes "Normal Cards Rate: 100%"; mes "Mini-Boss Cards Rate: 30%"; mes "MvP Cards Rate: 1%"; close; case 2: if ( countitem(.itemRequired) < 15 ) {// Blank Card mes .n$; mes "I'm sorry you don't have the ^0000FF"+ getitemname(.itemRequired) +"^000000 to exchanged."; mes "Please come back to me if you have it already."; close; } mes .n$; mes "Would you like to exchange your ^0000FF"+ getitemname(.itemRequired) +"^000000?"; next; progressbar "0x11CC99",1; set .@size, getarraysize( .reward ); for( set .@i, 1; .@i < .@size; .@i += 2 ) { .@percent[.@i] = .@total + .reward[.@i]; .@total += .reward[.@i]; } .@r = rand( .@total +1 ); for( set .@i, 1; .@i < .@size; .@i += 2 ) if( .@percent[.@i] > .@r ) break; getitem .reward[ .@i-1 ], 1; delitem .itemRequired,15; // Blank Card announce "Player, "+ strcharinfo(0) +" recieved "+ getitemname(.reward[ .@i-1 ]) +" (1).",0; end; case 3: mes .n$; mes "Come back anytime you want."; close; } OnInit: .n$ = "[ Card Trader ]";// NPC Name .itemRequired = 6187; // Blank Card setarray .reward, // <item_id>,<chances rate%>; // Normal Cards: 100% 4001,100, // Poring Card 4002,100, // Fabre Card // Mini Boss Cards: 30% 4174,30, // Deviling Card 4054,30, // Angeling Card // MvP Cards: 1% 4399,1, // Thanatos Card 4302,1; // Tao Gunka Card end; } RAW Link: http://immortalsro.com/rAScripts/card_trader.txt Tested ingame.
  19. - script LuckyPlayer -1,{ OnInit: OnClock0000: set .LuckyTime,rand(24); OnMinute00: if( gettime(3) == .LuckyTime ){ set .DelayMin,rand(60); sleep ( rand(60) * 1000 ); while(1) { query_sql "select account_id from `char` where online = 1 order by rand() limit 1", .@aid; attachrid .@aid; if( CheckVending() ) { DetachRID(); continue; } announce strcharinfo(0) +" Get 1 Old Gift Box for Lucky Player of the day!", 0,0x00FF00; getitem F_Rand ( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7),1; // <item_id> dispbottom "you got 1 Old Gift Box"; break; } } end; } Didn't know Emistry got the respond first.
  20. 100% available why do you ask? do you have any problems regarding the link? It should be in here: https://rathena.org/board/files/file/3511-tic-tac-toe-minigame-script-and-map/
  21. Maybe something like this? if( questlevel == 1 ) goto questlevel_1; if( questlevel == 2 ) goto questlevel_2; if( questlevel == 3 ) goto questlevel_3; questlevel_1: mes "Your Quest"; close; } questlevel_2: mes "Your Quest"; close; } questlevel_3: mes "Your Quest"; close; }
  22. Your so ssssexy <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Najara


      Aw, what a shame! :(
      While my time there was short-lived-  it was one of the few servers I was impressed by. 

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Yes, I guess my server didn't go well and it's not popular :D
      Most of my server has heavy modifications that you can't find from any other HR servers.

      Well, maybe I will shut it down. since there's no reason to open the server, no players.
      If your willing to join let me know maybe I will open a door for you.

      Since this year I'm planning to compete for Men's Physique which really needs a lot of focus. at the same time i work 9 hours a day :P


    4. Najara


      Yeah, that's what attracted me. I like servers with heavy modifications, it shows that the admin is capable and creative; Coding creativity is equally (if not more) inspiring as graphical creativity. :) 

      Thank you for your offer! Unfortunately, I'm already working on a project so I wouldn't be able to help (there are only so many hours in a day, right?). I'd invite you to join ours, but I wouldn't ever want to encourage someone to quit on something that took months of effort to create. >.<

      Yikes, doing Men's Physique, running a server. and working 9 hours a day? You must be some sort of miracle worker!

  23. I would suggest read docs at rAthena.
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