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    Ragnarok Online : Project Realm

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Marin (5/15)

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  1. Does anyone have a command that hides broadcast?
  2. Thank you guys how about warping everyone on savepoint during 30 minutes?
  3. Hello I would like just to ask if it's possible to do a script like this. Player 1 : Using Chain Macro Skill [ Storm Gust , Lord of Vermillion , Meteor Storm , Ganba ] When Player 1 uses Storm Gust skill both Lord of Vermillion , Meteor Storm and Ganba will have a cooldown also this is to prevent chain macro users?
  4. I need help i need these kind of cooldown anyone can help me
  5. Can someone help me to enable hateffects on /effect off
  6. Sir cder how did you fix this issue?
  7. Does anyone know how can i enable pre casting meteor storm on land protector like the old behavior of Meteor Storm
  8. I need this one also can anyone help me about this issue?
  9. Does anyone here have a hourly script that depends on the map? I would like to ask a help because i want a Hourly Item Rewarder but the player should stay at prontera and no idle time. Thanks in advance.
  10. Sir Sader can I request for a ASCII file name?
  11. I already fixed it thanks.
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