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Everything posted by Mael

  1. Here: https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/blob/master/Renewal/data/msgstringtable.txt#L697
  2. http://nemo.herc.ws/patches/RestoreSongsEffect/
  3. Mael

    Make a Wiki

  4. https://rathena.org/board/topic/103500-about-noks/#comment-291684
  5. Comparte la línea del item_db.
  6. Cuál es la fecha del exe client que estás utilizando?
  7. Try increasing the amount of Silver Arrows.
  8. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/846dfd9bb4f21dd4622d289223d8d0785f28e35b
  9. I think you mean 20180604, right? That client is the last most used for pre. Then you can use any 2020 or latest recommended by rathena 20211103 Translation project: https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE
  10. clientinfo.xml - It should be inside the grf of your project. and your project's grf should be at =1, like this: 1=YourCustomGRF.grf 2=data.grf 3=rdata.grf
  11. This script has this condition, do you have it? Requires SQL item and mob databases.
  12. You must include in your post the script you want to edit or fix.
  13. Add those from here. https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/tree/master/Pre-Renewal/data
  14. There is currently nothing for that.
  15. You can start here. https://github.com/sader1992/sader_scripts/blob/master/rAthena/etc/sader_s_enchant.txt
  16. En el emp breaker, debes agregar ese mapa a tu db de castillos. En el poring catcher, prueba cambiando la línea del warp por una de warp "SavePoint",0,0; En el error del símbolo es porque has traducido algo que no debías al español.
  17. Remove it from here: bookitemnametable.txt
  18. Your problem is on the client side, you should wait for updates from Nemo or Warp.
  19. You must add what you need from re/refine.yml to pre/ or import/.
  20. https://rathena.org/board/topic/122964-2018-06-20ragexere-remove-the-empty-part-below-the-the-remaining-icons/#comment-374355
  21. I don't think I read anything from iRO in your question... First download the one recommended by Akky and then, download the new Ai4rei updater and use it, it's just that.
  22. https://nn.ai4rei.net/dev/rsu/ -> RO Patcher Lite 4 (kRO) [2021-10-30] Release This release improves performance on x64 and WINE and removes kRO RE support, because the patch server is gone. You can still update kRO RE with the previous version for a limited time by using the "Always use mirrors" option from the window menu.
  23. https://github.com/cydh/rathena-wiki/blob/master/%40go.md https://github.com/cydh/rathena-wiki/pull/1/commits/7bba70fdfc1ff8ec4ccfb51860faeb5d88a7c948
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