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Everything posted by LOOLP - OFF

  1. Ta faltando essas sprites/imagens na sua data.grf .. Procura dentro da data do kRO atualizada ou usa a data.grf do bRO nova, baixa dnv e usa E não vem me dizer que já está atualizada, não está. Se não, não estaria assim. Baixa novamente e usa. __________________________________________________ These sprites / images are missing from your data.grf
  2. OnPCLoginEvent { sc start 9999999 time }
  3. Basic, inicially ? prontera,x,y,w<tab>script<tab>Missa<tab>NameSprite,{ if(already clicked today){ mes "good night,have a good mass."; close; } mes "good night, have a good mass."; set contDailly, contDailly+1; OnInit: set contDailly, 0; end; }
  4. Here's the tip. The primary NPC, he will generate the character record in the church. It can only be a simple .cont variable that will be increased 1 in 1 each day the NPC is used again to mark 'presence'. So just make this first NPC a counter per day that is spoken .. set count, count + 1; And when the final day arrives, if it's a Sunday seila .. he gives the reward based on the amount accumulated in the week and then resets to start again the next day. If you have to attend the whole mass to get the score, just talk to the NPC to enter, the entry variable and a check variable, when he enters the mass, the entry variable is fed to +1 ... when comes the end of the mass at 23 .. appears another npc, or the same, and the. And at the end of the week, the input value is compared with the verification value and that's it. It's quite simple actually;)
  5. Cria o mapa e todos os arquivos nele existente e joga na .grf do teu RAG Depois faz o processo de adição normal de mapa, que ele irá apenas ler o mapa. ... Adiciona nos arquivos de patch/data/ ... Adiciona em conf/maps ... Adiciona em db ... Faz o uso do weemapcache para gerar o novo .dat ... Recompila
  6. if x [id] dies, set variable, variable +1; if y [id] dies, set variable, variable +1; is easy! Good luck!
  7. Use a fake skill just to describe what the skill can be done for. Easily, just create a script with one variable per char, and as long as you want, in this case 5 minutes. And when the character dies, and has with team, is resurrected. That is, just die, do the validation tests and alive.
  8. just select your database in the table that is saving all the variables #
  9. @Bringer send me all code prontera,155,181,5 script Stats Mistress 757,{ mes "[ Stats Mistress ]"; mes "Hello! I sell ^FF00CC1 stats for 400,000z^000000 would you like to buy!"; .@index = select( .stat_menu$ ) - 1; input .@amount,0,( .max_stats - readparam( 13+.@index ) ); if ( .@amount > 0 ) { .@cost = ( .cost_per_stat * .@amount ); mes "Stats : "+.stat$[.@index]+" +"+F_InsertComma( .@amount ); mes "Price : "+F_InsertComma( .@cost )+"z"; mes "Do you wish to continue ?"; .@current_stat = readparam("b" + .@index); if (.@current_stat > .max_stats) { message strcharinfo(0), "You've reached the maximum "+.stat$[.@index]; } else if ((.@current_stat+ .@amount) > .max_stats) { message strcharinfo(0), "You can't exceed the maximum stats of "+.max_stats; } else if ( Zeny >= .@cost ) { if ( select( "Buy "+F_InsertComma( .@amount )+" ^FF00CC"+.stat$[.@index]+"^000000" ) ) { Zeny -= .@cost; statusup2 ("b" + .@index),.@amount; message strcharinfo(0), "Gained "+F_InsertComma( .@amount )+" "+.stat$[.@index]; } } } close; OnInit: .max_stats = 300; .cost_per_stat = 400000; setarray .stat$, "STR", "AGI", "VIT", "INT", "DEX", "LUK"; .@stat_size = getarraysize( .stat$ ); while ( .@i < .@stat_size ) { .stat_menu$ = .stat_menu$ + "^FF00CC"+.stat$[.@i]+"^000000" + ":"; .@i++; } end; } I can't teste now.. but, try this. you use "bSTR" all time .. i alter: .@current_stat = readparam("b" + .@index); received : readparam(bSTR or bDEX) etc etc
  10. Would monsters be spawned for a test room form?
  11. There is the difference between defense and resistance. Defense has 2 types: Light and heavy. x + y Light defense, x: It acts by subtracting the total damage taken from the enemy. Heavy defense, y: It acts by removing%. The closer to 1000, the higher your def, reaching 1000 hard def, you will not take damage. === Resistance, reaching 100% of it, you should not take damage, damage is totally reduced by% and then deflected. Check the server, fire armor and summon an Ifrit. You will not be damaged as you have become the property of your opponent.
  12. @Ahoy if u enabled VIP SYSTEM ... or conf/login_athena
  13. in src/commom/mmo.h this is current version.. look your version and alter.
  14. This kind of message can sometimes be buggy depending on your exe version. Why not use one .. mes "blablabla"; close; or dispbottom "blablabla"; I believe dispbottom will have a cleaner idea for the user.
  15. In versions that received this update on the boot screen, staying in parallel windows, I have not seen [even changing the hexed diff, as in source, more than 15 possibilities of character creation] The server root will have 20 30 char creation possibilities, with its configuration obviously, but visually only the 15 patterns can be used.
  16. This is simple syntax error when adding new maps. Just view the files and see which parts are corroding. conf/maps_athena db/map_index
  17. Find: if (.@current_stat >= .max_stats) { and else if ((.@current_stat+ .@amount) >= .max_stats) { UPDATE: if (.@current_stat > .max_stats) { and else if ((.@current_stat+ .@amount) > .max_stats) {
  18. Ok! I would think it would work perfectly. I have no way to test now, soon after I can and I try to send you again.
  19. Try: 402,9,6,1,0,0x1,0,5,1,no,0,0,0,magic,0,0x0, PF_MINDBREAKER,Mind Breaker or 402,9,6,16,0,0x1,0,5,1,no,0,0,0,magic,0,0x0, PF_MINDBREAKER,Mind Breaker i can test now.. use /noshift too "/ns"
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