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Everything posted by FelipeMartins

  1. Hi guys, I want to configure some proxies to some login and char server coneccting to a map server 1 - is it possible to have multiples login and char server working with a map server? 2 - I want to know how to configure these subnets
  2. when i try to acess the map give a gravity error, cliente 20100730 Module Name: C:\cliente\cliente 1.0\ragnarok.exe Time Stamp: 0x4c52288f - Thu Jul 29 22:19:11 2010 Exception Type: 0xc0000005 0x00402564 C:\cliente\cliente 1.0\ragnarok.exe 0x0040190e C:\cliente\cliente 1.0\ragnarok.exe 0x0042ac41 C:\cliente\cliente 1.0\ragnarok.exe 0x0054a9d2 C:\cliente\cliente 1.0\ragnarok.exe 0x005263a2 C:\cliente\cliente 1.0\ragnarok.exe 0x7769fa29 C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL 0x77807a9e C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll 0x77807a6e C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll eax: 0x40ddd034 ebx: 0x26ad342c ecx: 0x00000005 edx: 0x00000008 esi: 0x40ddd034 edi: 0x00000014 ebp: 0x21f5ffec esp: 0x21f5ffe4 stack 21f5ffe4 - 21f603e4 21F5FFE4 : FF FF FF FF 22 8A 82 77 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 21F5FFF4 : 30 63 52 00 30 A6 07 21 00 00 00 00 FF 00 FF FF 21F60004 : FF 00 FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF 00 FF FF 21F60014 : FF 00 FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF 00 FF FF 21F60024 : FF 00 FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF 00 FF FF 21F60034 : FF 00 FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 21F60044 : FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 21F60054 : FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 21F60064 : D2 87 63 FF D2 87 63 FF D2 87 63 FF D2 87 63 FF 21F60074 : D2 87 63 FF D2 87 63 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 21F60084 : D2 87 63 FF D2 87 63 FF D2 87 63 FF D2 87 63 FF 21F60094 : D2 87 63 FF D2 87 63 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 21F600A4 : FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 21F600B4 : FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 FF FF 21F600C4 : FF 00 FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF 00 FF FF 21F600D4 : FF 00 FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF 00 FF FF Launch Info 019A 002F 002F 002F 00A4 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Job : Espadachim I had a same map working, and i edit and put some models and now it is not loading.
  3. Hello guys, I want to create a bustom book using this function into a item.
  4. Could you eplain where put the image exactly! please!
  5. This script is to disconect dual account when trying to participate the same event, live pvp o BG It's activating with anyone with differents accounts! - script catchDual -1,{ OnCatch: mes "[^010849===^000000 ^016B14Anti DC^000000 ^010849===^000000]"; atcommand "@battleignore"; sleep2 1000; mes "Catch you!"; sleep2 1000; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); close2; end; OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == strnpcinfo(4) ) { set .@safadaum, 0; set .@invokeid, getcharid(3); query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `login` where last_unique_id = (SELECT last_unique_id FROM `login` WHERE account_id = '"+getcharid(3)+"')",.@account_id); detachrid; for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@account_id); set .@i, .@i + 1) { if( .@account_id[.@i] && attachrid(.@account_id[.@i]) && .@account_id[.@i] != .@invokeid) if( strcharinfo(3) == strnpcinfo(4) ) { set .@safadaum, 1; detachrid; break; } } if( attachrid(.@invokeid) ) if( .@safadaum ) { attachrid(.@invokeid); goto OnCatch;} } end; OnInit: setmapflag strnpcinfo(4), mf_loadevent; // Active flag load event on map end; } /* Duplicates */ guild_vs3,0,0,1 duplicate(catchDual) catchDual#12 -1
  6. Remember that need other requiremets to work Fury A strange phenomenon when the Super Novice's experience reaches increments of 10% such as, at 10.0%, 20.0% - 80.0%, 90.0%. During these times, the Super Novice has been rumored to summon his Guardian Angel for help. If you change maps or relog, you have to repeat all the steps but otherwise you can just repeat the last 3 lines to get Fury status again. Type 7 lines of text (or you will be silenced) and then type the following phrase to get the Fury Status (CRIT +50): Dear angel, can you hear my voice? I am (your name) SuperNovice~ Help me out~ Please~ T_T & - OR - Guardian Angel, can you hear my voice? ^^; My name is (your name), and I'm a Super Novice~ Please help me~ T.T & & is random text. Sometimes you don't have write one more line after "Help me out" to make the effect activate. Another links https://forum.ratemyserver.net/rms-test-server/how-to-activate-super-novice-fury-state/ https://wiki.originsro.org/wiki/Super_Novice https://www.novaragnarok.com/wiki/Super_Novice
  7. What was the fix? @Edit I did it and worked!
  8. Guys I test it in the bro edit version 620 and 586... Same problem with a lot of textures... @edit Solved resolution settings in your ro.xml or wahtever your browedit is reading from. Make sure its a COMMON resolution. I put 1920x1080 and full screen
  9. Check this instructions, I did it and works!
  10. Could you send this file? I will make it work and show you how.
  11. Is it normal when you not using a mount?
  12. Bro i founded a web site with some modifications like that https://kawaii-rage.com/grfs/#bigcards Here is the result:
  13. It's for a creation of an instance, i just want to make simple clones of the same map, because i will create houses using this map. //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Sample: Instancing //===== By: ================================================== //= Euphy //===== Last Updated: ======================================== //= 20140129 //===== Description: ========================================= //= Contains elements of a basic instance script. //============================================================ // Before running this script, add the entry below to // 'db/(pre-)re/instance_db.txt': // 100,Abyss Lake Instance,3600,300,abyss_03,160,155 // Instance Creation //============================================================ prontera,150,170,6 script Sample Instance2 101,{ // id = 100 .@instance2$ = "Guild Point_01"; if (instance_id()) { // ignore the console debug message (harmless) mes "[Sample Instance]"; mes "You are already part of an instance."; next; switch(select("Enter Instance.:Cancel.")) { case 1: break; case 2: mes "[Sample Instance]"; mes "You don't want to try again?"; emotion ET_CRY; close; } } else { mes "[Sample Instance]"; mes "Would you like to try the sample instance in Abyss Lake 3?"; next; switch(select("Create Instance.:Cancel.")) { case 1: .@create2 = instance_create(.@instance2$); if (.@create2 < 0) { mes "[Sample Instance]"; switch (.@create2) { case -1: mes "ERROR: Invalid type."; break; case -2: mes "ERROR: Party not found."; break; case -3: mes "ERROR: Instance already exists."; break; case -4: mes "ERROR: No free instances."; break; } mes " "; mes "Instance creation ^FF0000failed^000000."; emotion ET_HUK; close; } mes "[Sample Instance]"; mes "Instance created."; mes " "; mes "Now entering the instance..."; next; break; case 2: mes "[Sample Instance]"; mes "Okay. Maybe next time!"; close; } } .@enter2 = instance_enter(.@instance2$); if (.@enter2 != 0) { mes "[Sample Instance]"; switch (.@enter2) { case 1: mes "ERROR: Party not found."; break; case 2: mes "ERROR: Party does not have an instance."; break; case 3: mes "ERROR: Unknown error."; break; } mes " "; mes "Instance entry ^FF0000failed^000000."; emotion ET_HUK; close; } close; } // Instance Scripts //============================================================ support,12,86,6 script Instance NPC#start2 101,{ mes "[Instance NPC]"; mes "Are you ready to begin?"; next; switch(select("Yes.:No.")) { case 1: mes "[Instance NPC]"; mes "Good luck."; close2; donpcevent instance_npcname("#ins_abyss03_mobs2")+"::OnEnable"; delwaitingroom; disablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; case 2: mes "[Instance NPC]"; mes "Take your time."; close; } end; OnInit: // hide the NPC on the normal map disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; OnInstanceInit: // initialize the NPC when the instance is created disablenpc instance_npcname("abysslakedunwarp004"); // disable original warp portal (currently buggy) waitingroom "Click here to start!",0; end; } support,0,0,0 script #ins_abyss03_mobs2 -1,{ end; OnEnable: initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1000: //strnpcinfo(4) will retrieve the instanced map name mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"Instance NPC: The Abyss Lake instance has begun.",bc_all; end; OnTimer4000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"Instance NPC: Smash the Treasure Chest in the center of the map for a prize.",bc_all; end; OnTimer5000: stopnpctimer; // spawn mobs .@map2$ = instance_mapname("support"); .@label2$ = instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0))+"::OnMyMobDead"; .@label_boss2$ = instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0))+"::OnMyBossDead"; monster .@map2$,0,0,"Huge Poring",1002,20,.@label2$,2; monster .@map2$,0,0,"Huge Drops",1113,15,.@label2$,2; monster .@map2$,0,0,"Huge Poporing",1031,10,.@label2$,2; monster .@map2$,0,0,"Huge Marin",1242,10,.@label2$,2; monster .@map2$,0,0,"Tiny Zombie",1015,30,.@label2$,1; monster .@map2$,0,0,"Huge Mime Monkey",1585,2,.@label2$,2; monster .@map2$,86,74,"Treasure Chest",1732,1,.@label_boss2$,2; end; OnMyMobDead: // normal mobs dispbottom "What am I doing? I should be attacking the Treasure Chest!"; viewpoint 0,97,102,0,0xFF0000; switch (rand(6)) { // for fun (: case 0: sc_start SC_STONE,5000,0; break; case 1: sc_start SC_FREEZE,5000,0; break; case 2: sc_start SC_STUN,5000,0; break; case 3: sc_start SC_SLEEP,5000,0; break; case 4: sc_start SC_CONFUSION,5000,0; break; case 5: sc_start SC_BLIND,5000,0; break; } end; OnMyBossDead: // treasure chest specialeffect2 EF_MVP; getitem 512,1; //Apple // trigger other events .@map2$ = instance_mapname("support"); .@label2$ = instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0))+"::OnMyMobDead"; killmonster .@map2$,.@label2$; mapannounce .@map2$,"Instance NPC: Good work! Please speak to me as soon as possible.",bc_all; donpcevent instance_npcname("Instance NPC#finish2")+"::OnEnable"; end; } support,67,78,4 script Instance NPC#finish2 101,{ mes "[Instance NPC]"; mes "Congratulations! You've finished the instance."; mes "I'll send you back to town now."; emotion ET_BEST; close2; warp "prontera",156,191; instance_destroy(); end; OnInit: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); specialeffect EF_HIDING; end; } support,66,86,0 script #ins_abyss03_warp2 45,5,5,{ end; OnTouch: mes "Are you sure you want to leave?"; next; switch(select("Leave.:Stay.")) { case 1: warp "prontera",156,191; break; case 2: warp strnpcinfo(4),160,155; break; } close; OnInit: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; } LET ME EXPLAIN, I NEED 109 maps cloned.
  14. Thanks man! Worked! My version is little old i think. //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Sample: Instancing //===== By: ================================================== //= Euphy //===== Last Updated: ======================================== //= 20140129 //===== Description: ========================================= //= Contains elements of a basic instance script. //============================================================ // Before running this script, add the entry below to // 'db/(pre-)re/instance_db.txt': // 100,Abyss Lake Instance,3600,300,abyss_03,160,155 // Instance Creation //============================================================ prontera,151,190,6 script Sample Instance 101,{ .@instance$ = "Abyss Lake Instance"; if (instance_id()) { // ignore the console debug message (harmless) mes "[Sample Instance]"; mes "You are already part of an instance."; next; switch(select("Enter Instance.:Cancel.")) { case 1: break; case 2: mes "[Sample Instance]"; mes "You don't want to try again?"; emotion ET_CRY; close; } } else { mes "[Sample Instance]"; mes "Would you like to try the sample instance in Abyss Lake 3?"; next; switch(select("Create Instance.:Cancel.")) { case 1: .@create = instance_create(.@instance$); if (.@create < 0) { mes "[Sample Instance]"; switch (.@create) { case -1: mes "ERROR: Invalid type."; break; case -2: mes "ERROR: Party not found."; break; case -3: mes "ERROR: Instance already exists."; break; case -4: mes "ERROR: No free instances."; break; } mes " "; mes "Instance creation ^FF0000failed^000000."; emotion ET_HUK; close; } mes "[Sample Instance]"; mes "Instance created."; mes " "; mes "Now entering the instance..."; next; break; case 2: mes "[Sample Instance]"; mes "Okay. Maybe next time!"; close; } } .@enter = instance_enter(.@instance$); if (.@enter != 0) { mes "[Sample Instance]"; switch (.@enter) { case 1: mes "ERROR: Party not found."; break; case 2: mes "ERROR: Party does not have an instance."; break; case 3: mes "ERROR: Unknown error."; break; } mes " "; mes "Instance entry ^FF0000failed^000000."; emotion ET_HUK; close; } close; } // Instance Scripts //============================================================ abyss_03,154,159,6 script Instance NPC#start 101,{ mes "[Instance NPC]"; mes "Are you ready to begin?"; next; switch(select("Yes.:No.")) { case 1: mes "[Instance NPC]"; mes "Good luck."; close2; donpcevent instance_npcname("#ins_abyss03_mobs")+"::OnEnable"; delwaitingroom; disablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; case 2: mes "[Instance NPC]"; mes "Take your time."; close; } end; OnInit: // hide the NPC on the normal map disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; OnInstanceInit: // initialize the NPC when the instance is created disablenpc instance_npcname("abysslakedunwarp004"); // disable original warp portal (currently buggy) waitingroom "Click here to start!",0; end; } abyss_03,0,0,0 script #ins_abyss03_mobs -1,{ end; OnEnable: initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1000: //strnpcinfo(4) will retrieve the instanced map name mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"Instance NPC: The Abyss Lake instance has begun.",bc_all; end; OnTimer4000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"Instance NPC: Smash the Treasure Chest in the center of the map for a prize.",bc_all; end; OnTimer5000: stopnpctimer; // spawn mobs .@map$ = instance_mapname("abyss_03"); .@label$ = instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0))+"::OnMyMobDead"; .@label_boss$ = instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0))+"::OnMyBossDead"; monster .@map$,0,0,"Huge Poring",1002,20,.@label$,2; monster .@map$,0,0,"Huge Drops",1113,15,.@label$,2; monster .@map$,0,0,"Huge Poporing",1031,10,.@label$,2; monster .@map$,0,0,"Huge Marin",1242,10,.@label$,2; monster .@map$,0,0,"Tiny Zombie",1015,30,.@label$,1; monster .@map$,0,0,"Huge Mime Monkey",1585,2,.@label$,2; monster .@map$,97,102,"Treasure Chest",1732,1,.@label_boss$,2; end; OnMyMobDead: // normal mobs dispbottom "What am I doing? I should be attacking the Treasure Chest!"; viewpoint 0,97,102,0,0xFF0000; switch (rand(6)) { // for fun (: case 0: sc_start SC_STONE,5000,0; break; case 1: sc_start SC_FREEZE,5000,0; break; case 2: sc_start SC_STUN,5000,0; break; case 3: sc_start SC_SLEEP,5000,0; break; case 4: sc_start SC_CONFUSION,5000,0; break; case 5: sc_start SC_BLIND,5000,0; break; } end; OnMyBossDead: // treasure chest specialeffect2 EF_MVP; getitem 512,1; //Apple // trigger other events .@map$ = instance_mapname("abyss_03"); .@label$ = instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0))+"::OnMyMobDead"; killmonster .@map$,.@label$; mapannounce .@map$,"Instance NPC: Good work! Please speak to me as soon as possible.",bc_all; donpcevent instance_npcname("Instance NPC#finish")+"::OnEnable"; end; } abyss_03,97,102,4 script Instance NPC#finish 101,{ mes "[Instance NPC]"; mes "Congratulations! You've finished the instance."; mes "I'll send you back to town now."; emotion ET_BEST; close2; warp "prontera",156,191; instance_destroy(); end; OnInit: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); specialeffect EF_HIDING; end; } abyss_03,115,26,0 script #ins_abyss03_warp 45,5,5,{ end; OnTouch: mes "Are you sure you want to leave?"; next; switch(select("Leave.:Stay.")) { case 1: warp "prontera",156,191; break; case 2: warp strnpcinfo(4),160,155; break; } close; OnInit: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; } BUT NOW, I JUST WANT TO CREATE COPIES OF A VIP Room. My NPC Vip will create a "new" map or "copy" when there is 10 or more players in the vip map... how to create new copies?
  15. I tried to use this example and the same kind of problem...
  16. how to do it? *instance_mapname("<map name>"{,<instance id>}) Returns the unique name of the instanced map. If no instance ID is specified, the instance the script is attached to is used. If the script is not attached to an instance, the instance of the currently attached player is used (if it is a character, party, guild or clan mode). If it is not owned by anyone, no player needs to be attached. If that fails, the command returns an empty string instead. I sow this command, but how to use it? There is no examples in the documentation.
  17. I want use the same map for many houses Is it possible instancing this like a "different" map, but using the same one.
  18. Use GRF Tools to save as .lua and rename it to .lub and done!
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