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Everything posted by FelipeMartins

  1. Always the best answers. Thank you! How add a new item!?
  2. Hello guys, I was searching it, but without success. anyone can help me? thank! (I want to change the opening music, the music when you are loging)
  3. A friend sent me it pud.rar Now it is fixed, if someone needs
  4. i dont want erros, i dont have erros now, but can it cause a bug on my server?
  5. Hello guys, hor are you? I hope well. I had this error in my client, can you help me? Thank you for your help!
  6. I want it too, if you find this information let me know, thanks
  7. I am looking for it too, If you find somethig let me know My friend
  8. I want tô let the lord use it after make a Quest. How do i do it?
  10. when I try to confirm a new account by email the flux cp show UNAUTHORIZED. how can I fix it? <?php // This file should control all access to specified modules and actions. return array( // Module/action permissions. // These are handled during runtime by Flux. // '*' is a default that is checked for any action that has not been // specified an access level. 'modules' => array( 'main' => array( '*' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'admin_spawn' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'get' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, ), 'map' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'view' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, ), 'npcs' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'view' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, ), 'donate' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'notify' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'update' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'complete' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'history' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'trusted' => AccountLevel::NORMAL ), 'purchase' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'add' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'clear' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'cart' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'checkout' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'remove' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'pending' => AccountLevel::NORMAL ), 'itemshop' => array( 'add' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'edit' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'delete' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'imagedel' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'account' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, 'view' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'create' => AccountLevel::UNAUTH, 'login' => AccountLevel::UNAUTH, 'logout' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'transfer' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'xferlog' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'cart' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'changepass' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'edit' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'changesex' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'confirm' => AccountLevel::UNAUTH, 'resend' => AccountLevel::UNAUTH, 'resetpass' => AccountLevel::UNAUTH, 'resetpw' => AccountLevel::UNAUTH, 'changemail' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'confirmemail' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'prune' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'character' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, 'view' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'online' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'prefs' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'changeslot' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'resetlook' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'resetpos' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'mapstats' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'divorce' => AccountLevel::NORMAL ), 'guild' => array( 'emblem' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'index' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, 'export' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'view' => AccountLevel::NORMAL ), 'castle' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'economy' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::NORMAL ), 'auction' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::LOWGM ), 'ranking' => array( 'character' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'guild' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'zeny' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'death' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'homun' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'swordman' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'bowman' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'spearman' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, ), 'item' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'view' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'add' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'edit' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'copy' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'monster' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'view' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'server' => array( 'status' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'status-xml' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'info' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'logdata' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'char' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'inter' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'command' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'branch' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'chat' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'login' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'mvp' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'npc' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'pick' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'zeny' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'cplog' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'create' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'paypal' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'login' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'resetpass' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'changepass' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'changemail' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'ban' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'ipban' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'txnview' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'ipban' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'add' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'unban' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'edit' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'remove' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'service' => array( 'tos' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'captcha' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'install' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'reinstall' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'test' => array( '*' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'woe' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'mail' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'history' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'cplogin' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'gamelogin' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'emailchange' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'passchange' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'passreset' => AccountLevel::NORMAL ), 'contactform'=> array( 'index' => AccountLevel::NORMAL ), 'pages' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'add' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'delete' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'edit' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'content' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, ), 'news' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'manage' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'add' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'edit' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'delete' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, ), 'servicedesk'=> array( 'index' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'create' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'view' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'staffindex' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, 'staffview' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, 'staffviewclosed'=> AccountLevel::LOWGM, 'staffsettings' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, 'catcontrol' => AccountLevel::HIGHGM ), 'vending' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'viewshop' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, ), 'webcommands' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, ), ), // General feature permissions, handled by the modules themselves. 'features' => array( 'ViewAccount' => AccountLevel::HIGHGM, // View another person's account details. 'ViewAccountBanLog' => AccountLevel::HIGHGM, // View another person's account ban log. 'DeleteAccount' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // (not yet implemented) 'DeleteCharacter' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // (not yet implemented) 'SeeAccountPassword' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // If not using MD5, view another person's password in list. 'TempBanAccount' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Has ability to temporarily ban an account. 'TempUnbanAccount' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Has ability to remove a temporary ban on an account. 'PermBanAccount' => AccountLevel::HIGHGM, // Has ability to permanently ban an account. 'PermUnbanAccount' => AccountLevel::HIGHGM, // Has ability to remove a permanent ban on an account. 'SearchMD5Passwords' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Ability to search MD5'd passwords in list. 'ViewCharacter' => AccountLevel::HIGHGM, // View another person's character details. 'DivorceCharacter' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Divorce another character. 'AddShopItem' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to add an item to the shop. 'EditShopItem' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to modify a shop item's details. 'DeleteShopItem' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to remove an item for sale on the shop. 'ViewGuild' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to view another guild's details. 'SearchWhosOnline' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, // Ability to search the "Who's Online" page. 'ViewOnlinePosition' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Ability to see a character's current map on "Who's Online" page. 'EditAccountGroupID' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to edit another person's account group ID. 'EditAccountBalance' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to edit another person's account balance. 'ModifyAccountPrefs' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to modify another person's account preferences. 'ModifyCharPrefs' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to modify another person's character preferences. 'IgnoreHiddenPref' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Ability to see users on "Who's Online" page, hidden or not. 'IgnoreHiddenPref2' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Ability to see users on "Who's Online" page, hidden by app config or not. 'SeeHiddenMapStats' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Ability to see hidden map statistics. 'ChangeSlot' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Minimum group level required to change another character's slot. 'ModifyIpBan' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Minimum group level required to modify an existing IP ban. 'RemoveIpBan' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Minimum group level required to remove an existing IP ban. 'HideFromZenyRank' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, // Ability to set "Hide from zeny ranking" pref. 'SeeItemDbScripts' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, // Ability to see item_db scripts in view page. 'SeeItemDb2Scripts' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to see item_db2 scripts in view page. 'ViewRawTxnLogData' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Minimum group level required to view Raw Transaction Log in txnview page. 'ResetLook' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Minimum group level required to reset another character's look. 'ResetPosition' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Minimum group level required to reset another character's position. 'ViewWoeDisallowed' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Minimum group level required to bypass WoE-disabled page security check. 'SeeCpLoginLogPass' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Minimum group level required to see password in CP login log (also requires CpLoginLogShowPassword in application.php) 'SearchCpLoginLogPw' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Minimum group level required to search through passwords in the CP login log. 'SeeCpResetPass' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Minimum group level required to see passwords in CP log's "password resets" page. 'SearchCpResetPass' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Minimum group level required to search passwords in CP log's "password resets" page. 'SeeCpChangePass' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Minimum group level required to see passwords in CP log's "password changes" page. 'SearchCpChangePass' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Minimum group level required to search passwords in CP log's "password changes" page. 'SeeAccountID' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Minimum group level required to see Account ID on account view and character view pages. 'SeeUnknownItems' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Minimum group level required to see unidentified items as identified. 'AvoidSexChangeCost' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Avoid paying cost (if any) for sex changes. 'EditHigherPower' => AccountLevel::NOONE, 'BanHigherPower' => AccountLevel::NOONE ) ); ?>
  11. y si yo uso una magina fuera de la zona, puedo matar quien esta adentro de la zona?
  12. look here there is a lot of information, i am trying to fix it too.
  13. thank you for your help! but i am still heaving this problem. My host is amazon, can you help me? or someone?
  14. 2015-05-13 where can i edit this text?
  15. u want all jobs with Skill overchange ? you can set a paramets like, when you create a char you will begin with it.
  16. Hola amigo, estoy buscando eso tambien, si encontra decime porfavor. gracias
  17. There are very good web sites here. http://www.ea-dev.com/
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