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Everything posted by Royr

  1. I made this on a phone...Please give a try (based on your script and optimized it). I added some multiple items reward with chances added some flavor to your server. ? //Created Date: 04/07/2022 - script AEOUS_MVP_DROP FAKE_NPC,{ end; OnNPCKillEvent: .@rnd = rand(1,100); if( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,MOB_MVPEXP ) ) { for( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.item_arrays); .@i += 3 ) { if( .@rnd < .item_arrays[.@i+2] ) { getitem .item_arrays[.@i], .item_arrays[.@i+1]; announce "Congratulations! Player "+ strcharinfo(0) +" has obtained "+ getitemname( .item_arrays[.@i] ) +" ["+ .item_arrays[.@i+1] +"] from "+ getmonsterinfo(killedrid, 0) +" (chance: "+.item_arrays[.@i+2]+"%) MVP Drop(s).",bc_all,0x00FF00; } } end; } OnInit: // (<structure,<item_id>,<chances>) setarray .item_arrays[0], 675, 1, 10, 677, 1, 30, 7539, 1, 100; end; }
  2. Looks like a custom addition UI for Thailand RO Official? This thing doesn't exist in Official kRO.
  3. Means those monster doesn't exist. (Those are RENEWAL Monsters) that's why it's showing ~null hunting You don't to have TOUCHED those part. *getmonsterinfo(<mob ID>,<type>) MOB_NAME - monster's name, if there is no such monster "null" is returned
  4. You can also alternatively use XAMMP,WAMP,VertrigoServ and HeidiSQL (common tools)
  5. 1st Question: You just need to open those IP's (ask your Web Hosting Provider) 2nd Question: Yes it's possible to host a FluxCP under your VPS just like VPS+FluxCP. (Cheaper for Budget-Meal) Just don't forget to give permission(chmod -R 777) on your FluxCP this has been common problem installing FluxCP under VPS. logs/itemshop/tmp Incase if your using CentOS and have error access to FluxCP. Disable SELinux nano /etc/sysconfig/selinux SELinux=enforcing change to: SELinux=disabled
  6. Lack of INFORMATION and i don't see any ERROR, i assumed PACKETVER (define to your [YYYY/MM/DD]) you're missing the parts of athena.configuration (char,login,map).
  7. Hey there! i tried working this request last night of course made from scratch, but not sure if this is enough.. I could think of possibly abused in this bound feature(s). I made some PREVIEW if this what you wanted: https://streamable.com/zdx9fq This requires: delitemidx I added some Blacklist Features so you could block some item(s) you want.
  8. Try this one: export_deprecated_constant2("SI_VIPSTATE",1500); => Not Necessary src/map/status.cpp StatusIconChangeTable[SC_VIPSTATE] = EFST_VIPSTATE; StatusChangeFlagTable[SC_VIPSTATE] |= SCB_NONE;
  9. Royr


    using Screen method. Make sure you install the 'Screen' CentOS Command: yum install screen Note: You need to execute this 1 by 1. screen -S loginserver ./login-server & After that Press CTRL+AD screen -S charserver ./char-server & After that Press CTRL+AD screen -S mapserver ./map-server & After that Press CTRL+AD TO RETURN BACK TO WHICH server(map,login or char) would you like visit simply press : Note: Make sure you're in your rAthena Server or RO Folder. cd /home/winter/MyROServer screen -R mapserver - To check the mapserver-status screen -R charserver - To check the charserver-status screen -R loginserver - To check the loginserver-status To Exit: After that Press CTRL+AD If you want to confirm what apps are running: Simple Type: ps aux | grep server
  10. Means the client has been protected. I think you can found it on the NEMO i forgot what patched is that.
  11. Means you need to set the permission on that folder "Logs" Type: chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/cp/data/logs chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/cp/data/logs If this thing still shows up, just do the same thing. mostly this are the only 3 folders need to set a permission. logs, itemshop and tmp
  12. This has been talking years of years, that there's going to be 1 Person who will make a friendly STR Tool similar to the GRF Tool you've made. Finally it became true "Tokei". Thank you very much for sharing!
  13. Just install PHP 7.+ up. Then it should worked. some of the codes requires higher PHP. How to Install PHP 7+ Linux
  14. Disabled it from hexing your client "Disable Walk to Delay"
  15. When i get home i'll share this old sprite it was made by Cilindro from AbuRO (2007) eAthena back then.
  16. i assumed scriptings possibly, ? it led to cause consumed to much CPU % Usage. You should check your custom stuffs. You got 300+ Players and you got dedicated server? You had like 81.9% CPU Usage (that map-server will crash at anytime).
  17. Royr

    Pony VPS

    This kind of thing been answered in a decade since eAthena times. Self-Hosting is the only way you can fully secured your files. That's all. (Never rely on those shitty RO 1 Click-Setup). Unless if you're dumb then go for it. ?
  18. #TIMEPLAYPOINTS -= 20; // 20 - Deduction Points
  19. I successfully implemented this into my High-Rate server. You need someone who has knowledge in Client-Side (Hexing). That's all.
  20. Wrong Topic. Should be in client-side. You can find that into your data/or GRF. called: msgstringtable.txt
  21. It should finally worked now. #CASHPOINTS = #CASHPOINTS + .@amount * 5 ); mes .@name$; mes "You have successfully exchanged "+ .ItemName$ +" to Cash Points."; mes " "; mes "You have added your new balance "+ F_InsertComma(#CASHPOINTS) +" ^FF0000Cash Points^000000."; delitem .itemID, .@amount; dispbottom "Your new balance is now : "+ F_InsertComma(#CASHPOINTS) +" Cash Points"; close;
  22. Please try this: // Scripted by : Royr // Description : Simple Cash Converter // Topic: https://rathena.org/board/topic/127558-facing-problem-with-the-coin-to-cash-exchanger-npc/ prontera.gat, 155, 100, 4 script Cash Converter 4_M_01,{ mes .@name$ = "[ ^FF0000Cash Point Converter^000000 ]"; mes "Greetings! Player "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; mes " "; mes "Total Balance: ^FF0000"+F_InsertComma(#CASHPOINTS)+"^000000 Cash Points"; dispbottom "You have Total Balance of: ^FF0000"+F_InsertComma(#CASHPOINTS)+"^000000 Cash Points"; next; switch( select( implode(.menu_options$, ":") ) ) { case 1: mes .@name$; mes "^0000FF"+.ItemName$+"^000000 will ^ff0000NOT TO BE REFUND^000000 after converted to ^FF0000Cash Points^000000."; mes "How many Gold Coin do you want to exchange?"; mes " "; mes "^ff0000Note^000000: "+.qty+" x ^0000FF"+.ItemName$+"^000000 equivalent to 200 ^FF0000Cash Points^000000."; next; input .@amount; if( .@amount < .qty || .@amount > countitem(.itemID) ) { mes .@name$; mes "That's an Invalid amount."; mes "Please try again."; close; } mes .@name$; mes "Are you sure you want to exchange "+.@amount+" x ^0000FF"+.ItemName$+"^000000 to "+ .@amount * 5 +" ^FF0000Cash Points^000000?"; next; if( select(" - Yes: - No") == 2 ) close; #CASHPOINTS = #CASHPOINTS + .@amount * 5 ); mes .@name$; mes "You have successfully exchanged "+ .ItemName$ +" to Cash Points."; mes " "; mes "You have added your new balance "+ F_InsertComma(#CASHPOINTS) +" ^FF0000Cash Points^000000."; delitem .itemID, .@amount; dispbottom "Your new balance is now : "+ F_InsertComma(#CASHPOINTS) +" Cash Points"; close; case 2: mes .@name$; mes "Alrighth then! You can come back anytime."; close; } OnInit: .itemID = 7517; .qty = 40; .ItemName$ = getitemname(.itemID) +""; setarray .menu_options$[0], "- Exchange ^0000FF"+.ItemName$+"^000000 to ^FF0000Cash Points^000000", "- Cancel"; end; }
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