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Everything posted by IsabelaFernandez

  1. https://pastebin.com/3zpNV2yT hello everyone, does anyone know how to fix it? apparently the problem is on line 51. If possible I would like this script to have an NPC with the same functions as well. ?
  2. Olá amigo, sei que é um post de um certo tempo já mas estou com o mesmo problema para configura-lo, atualmente estou usando local host (hamachi) mas em breve estarei mudando para um host só que antes disso gostaria de dominar bem essa parte para não ficar com dificuldades em simples problemas de configuração, posso chamar no privado @luizragna?
  3. Please, can give me an example? Isabela"Fernandez ?
  4. Hello everyone, this script works correctly to some extent. - 1º It is not possible to search for players who have space in the nicknames. - 2º If the investigated player does not select "Yes" or "No", their build is automatically exposed. I wonder if it is possible to solve the problem searching for players with nick space and just reveal the build of the investigated player by selecting "Yes" or "No". https://pastebin.com/L4W2fkcQ
  5. Hello friends, I would like to edit the value of this skilll in this part: •If the target is above Job Lv70, each link has an 1% chance to erase its death record. 1% to 100%
  6. hello friends, I would like a simple script to make @night always active ?
  7. Hello friends, I would like to know where I may be changing the Super Novice Spirit bonus value from +10 to any other value. Thank you all.
  8. Thank you very much @Mabuhay you always fast and helpful to the whole community, thanks again and congratulations
  9. Hello everyone, I would like instead of the price to be zeny, I wanted item ID 7420 as price to be using the NPC service. Thanks! https://pastebin.com/tnPh7WyA
  10. I had already made a change in source to accumulate, which was actually quite simple but I do not remember specifically where it was but it was possible and would like some help to apply this change
  11. hello everyone, as the title already says the fixed cast bonus is not stacking, an example would be the Fenrir card (ID 4556) using 2 would give a total of -140% so there would be no fixed cast, however apparently there is only one effect card, I don't know if it's a bug or some configuration
  12. yes, I know this command but couldn't insert it into this script because of the reward https://pastebin.com/zd9QFzsx
  13. Hello guys, I would like this NPC to deliver the reward with the rentitem command, 7200 (time) for example and, if possible, prevent the reward with another char, only after 24h a single char and not several of the same account. https://pastebin.com/zd9QFzsx Thank you all ?
  14. Maybe it would be interesting to let the solution so that future people who have this problem know what to do too.
  15. Olá, case NJ_ISSEN: wd->damage = 40 * sstatus->str + sstatus->hp * 8 * skill_lv / 100; wd->damage2 = 0; Sobre a Memória de Thanatos é outra coisa porque o dano da skill já é baseada nisso e meio que a Memória de thanatos também faz esse papel sem falar que é servidor high então querendo ou não o dano será muito alto. Sugiro que reduza o dano pela battle.cp e boa sorte!
  16. both are exactly as I wanted, I don't have enough words, just thank you very much both of you ?
  17. Is working, but it has a 100% chance of success, I would like to put a success rate like 40% ~ 50% success to create or fail Thank you my friend!
  18. thanks for your time and the script you created (well done by the way), this NPC is a good base of what i was needing but i wanted to implement the craft system (.craft_rate = x;), is it possible to make this junction in this script?
  19. I always appreciate the knowledge sharing, but thanks anyway! ? I will research and give feedback on your suggestion, thanks
  20. opened some options, but how do I associate the option with the desired ID? Example: Option 1 = ID 5518 option 2 = ID 5374 thanks for helping
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