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Everything posted by IsabelaFernandez

  1. Hello everyone, I would like to add options to this script. Currently it is only used to craft a single item, I would like to add others. prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ for( .@i = 0; .@i < .item_id_size; .@i++ ){ mes .item_amount[.@i]+" x "+getitemname( .item_id[.@i] ); if( countitem( .item_id[.@i] ) < .item_amount[.@i] ) .@failed = 1; } if( !.@failed ){ mes "Please wait..."; progressbar "FFFFFF",10; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .item_id_size; .@i++ ) delitem .item_id[.@i],.item_amount[.@i]; if( rand( 100 ) < .craft_rate ){ mes "Gained 1 items."; getnameditem( .craft_gain,strcharinfo(0) ); }else{ mes "Failed"; } } close; OnInit: // craft settings .craft_rate = 50; setarray .item_id,607,608; setarray .item_amount,1,2; .item_id_size = getarraysize( .item_id ); // item gain .craft_gain = 5518; end; } In this part I would like to add the option to choose between ID 5518 (current) and below the item ID 5374 as the desired item to create.
  2. Hello friends, as the title itself says I would like a script to make the player disconnect on a specific map when dying. For example the map: bossnia_01, bossnia_02 thank you all for your support
  3. I do not understand very well but I will try with the GRF editor. thank you my friend, helped me a lot! ?
  4. http://prntscr.com/peydl0 Always gives error when trying to open the ItemInfo file from the system folder ... I would like to decompile this iteminfo: iteminfo_sak.lub iteminfo_sak.lub
  5. Hello everyone, I researched a lot and found nothing updated about decompile, I know many will suggest to use: zackdreaver / ROenglishRE But this one is not for me, I wonder if there is still any tool capable of decompiling an ItemInfo bRO for example ... (I had the tool to decompile but I don't have it anymore)
  6. To be honest I did not test on player account but they were getting bypass the script, however it is a command available for VIP Players to use. However I will test before the modifications you made and see if it is indeed a bug for me to be reporting, thanks.
  7. For sure, I was using alt + m on all of them. With the command "isequipped" even with the constraint the dialog box was opening. After using "isequippedcnt" everything worked.
  8. Perfect! The command simply solved both problems (spam and the converter) thank you very much!
  9. Thanks but the script stopped working with the one you sent
  10. Yes, I had changed before creating the topic Thanks, your script has solved the problem of changing equips during the dialog but it is still possible to open the dialog with (lots of spam) equipped with item 4263 ID
  11. The problem is that I had already removed but the effect is still working: 12117,Elemental_Wind,Elemental Converter,11,2,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ if (!isequipped (4263)) { itemskill "ITEM_ENCHANTARMS",5; } },{},{} The idea of the script is to block the use of converters if using card ID 4263, even blocking spam, the script dialog still opens / works, and if you change the item during the dialog the effect also works...
  12. The script is already done, however there are ways to bypass it (spam command), any ideas to block spam or even cancel the element converter if using item 4263 of script? - script buffs2 -1,{ end; OnBuffs: if(getgroupid() <= 4) { message strcharinfo(0),"Falha, você não possui VIP."; end; } if(isequipped(4263)) { message strcharinfo(0),"Won't work with Samurai Incantation."; end; } .@size = getarraysize(.buffs$); for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++){ .@menu$ = .@menu$ + ""+.buffs$[.@i]+"" + ":"; } .@i = select(.@menu$) -1; sc_start .elements[.@i],180000,5; //atcommand "@refresh "+strcharinfo(0); end; OnInit: setarray .buffs$, "^800080Envenenar Arma^000000", "^40E0D0Aspersio^000000", "^000000Sombrio^000000", "^FFD700Encantar com Ventania^000000", "^0000FFEncantar com Geada^000000", "^FF0000Encantar com Chama^000000", "^B8860BEncantar com Terremoto^000000"; setarray .elements, 26, 37, "144", "98", "97", "96", "99"; bindatcmd "encantar","paytowinbuffs::OnBuffs",0,99; end; }
  13. hello community, i'm having a problem with fixed casting, no skills are being affected by her just the standard fixed casting time. (variable it's ok!) skill_cast_db.txt: http://prntscr.com/p9dlq0
  14. Hello friends, I have a problem after making changes to source. When I hit a mob, or a mob hits me, the map.server generates an error and shuts down the emulator. I don't know which changes may have caused this, so I will list all the changes made: battle.cpp Change: // Affected by target DEF bonuses if( tsd && !(nk&NK_NO_CARDFIX_DEF) ) { cardfix = 1000; // reset var for target to: // Affected by target DEF bonuses if( tsd && !(nk&NK_NO_CARDFIX_DEF) && !sd->special_state.ignore_resistances ) { cardfix = 1000; // reset var for target Change: // Affected by target DEF bonuses else if( tsd && !(nk&NK_NO_CARDFIX_DEF) && !(left&2) ) { if( !(nk&NK_NO_ELEFIX) ) { // Affected by Element modifier bonuses to: // Affected by target DEF bonuses else if( tsd && !(nk&NK_NO_CARDFIX_DEF) && !(left&2) && !sd->special_state.ignore_resistances ) { if( !(nk&NK_NO_ELEFIX) ) { // Affected by Element modifier bonuses Change: // Affected by target DEF bonuses if( tsd && !(nk&NK_NO_CARDFIX_DEF) ) { if( !(nk&NK_NO_ELEFIX) ) { // Affected by Element modifier bonuses to: // Affected by target DEF bonuses if( tsd && !(nk&NK_NO_CARDFIX_DEF) && !sd->special_state.ignore_resistances ) { if( !(nk&NK_NO_ELEFIX) ) { // Affected by Element modifier bonuses map.hpp Change: SP_IGNORE_DEF_CLASS_RATE, SP_REGEN_PERCENT_HP, SP_REGEN_PERCENT_SP, SP_SKILL_DELAY //2088-2092 to: SP_IGNORE_DEF_CLASS_RATE, SP_REGEN_PERCENT_HP, SP_REGEN_PERCENT_SP, SP_SKILL_DELAY, //2088-2092 SP_IGNORE_RESISTANCES //2093 pc.cpp case SP_NO_MADO_FUEL: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->special_state.no_mado_fuel = 1; break; Add below: case SP_IGNORE_RESISTANCES: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->special_state.ignore_resistances = 1; break; pc.hpp unsigned int no_mado_fuel : 1; // Disable Magic_Gear_Fuel consumption [Secret] Add below: unsigned int ignore_resistances : 1; // Disable Magic_Gear_Fuel consumption [Secret] script_constants.hpp export_constant2("bSkillDelay",SP_SKILL_DELAY); Add below: export_constant2("bIgnoreResistances",SP_IGNORE_RESISTANCES); If possible, I would like to continue with the added changes, just solve the crash problem with mobs ... Thank you guys!
  15. Hello friends, I am having problems with some original data.grf items, some have no image and generate errors List prints: 1º https://prnt.sc/p8scer 2º https://prnt.sc/p8sd9a 3º https://prnt.sc/p8sdes could someone help me solve? DATA.INI already tested: 0 = data.grf 1 = rdata.grf
  16. Hello friends, I'm back and would like some suggestion of which server version to create and test, I like rAthena very much but what I installed yesterday was having problems in alt + s, I'm not sure if it's problems with the folder system or if it's a problem with differing. Anyway I would like some suggestions from some 2018+ to be starting my test project. Thank you all who respond ? I apologize if I'm posting in the wrong area! http://prntscr.com/p8a3p5 http://prntscr.com/p8a3y0 Problem in-game (Alt + S) ~> http://prntscr.com/p8almz
  17. Hello community, I would like the files + script needed for the operation of the "Vote for points" of the CeresCP, I looked in the forum but did not find and the others that I found are outdated and do not work thanks.
  18. Hello community, This script is set up for every hour earn 10 points. I would like every 3 hours to earn 30 points of 10, so it would look like this: 1h = 10 points 2h = 20 points 3h = 30 points 4h = 10 points 5h = 10 points 6h = 30 points and in this sequence would continue ... I would also like someone to confirm me if I leave and enter the game the count time is reset? If so, I wish he would not recount and continue where he left off. thanks for listening https://pastebin.com/YvsVirUS
  19. Hi community, I would like to create a simple presence NPC to be able to register the presence every 12h and gain 30 points of presence for each vote, being thus every 24h (1 day) being possible to acquire a maximum of 60 points of presence ... and in the even NPC have a shop with configurable items with those points. Thanks for listening.
  20. best scripter! Thank you very much, it worked exactly as I wanted it to.
  21. Hello friends, I would like a simple script to avoid the free kill. If a player kills the same more than 30 times without dying, a global message would appear with the nicknames and both would go to jail for 1 hour.
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