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Everything posted by IsabelaFernandez

  1. Hello community, I saw this Asura effect in a video and I didn't find any download file for this change, does anyone have it?
  2. Hello community, I know that what I'm looking for already exists, but separately. however, I would like a single npc with such functions: kill / death & breaker woe ranking with the option to reset (only group 99)
  3. it is not necessary to be in the cash shop, just to open a normal shop and have a list of items as if it were to buy. I mentioned the type of cashshop because putting a value of 0 makes it impossible to buy just an item display shop just like that, it was just for displaying a few items. thank you! I realized that the maximum limit of items in the shop is 252. How do I increase this value?
  4. open a shop by command with a list of items but making it impossible to buy them, just to see @brindes for example.
  5. but i found a download link, it doesn't work anymore?
  6. Hello community, I would like a simple script to open a cash shop by the command @brindes, it is not exactly for selling items but for demonstrating them. with the price of 0 to make the purchase impossible
  7. Hello community, I saw that some time ago I had the option to enable / disable HShield, but nowadays I no longer find that option. Does this shield no longer work or is it no longer compatible with rAthena?
  8. please send me the diff and if possible a tutorial for this application, i would love to try it out. everyone else is very outdated two of the three links do not work ?
  9. yes, and it worked perfectly, I just thought it would be useful in some way to increase the HP on a given map, but thanks anyway friend
  10. OnPCLoadMapEvent: if(strcharinfo(3) == "pvp_n_1-1") { bonus_script "{ bonus bStr,5; }", 10000, 1; } end; I don't know if it will help, but it was something I found that talked about what you mentioned, does it help? and unfortunately the script did not increase the HP
  11. hello community, i would like a simple script with the bonus: bonus bMaxHPrate, 100; on the maps pvp_n_1-5 and pvp_n_1-3. and when killing any player in that arena, the HP and SP of the player who killed was recovered by 100% I tried to use OnPCLoadMapEvent: but I was not successful, I thank anyone who can help me.
  12. this is true, this video is very old even though it is 2 versions above the video. But is it safe for me to test this protection on my test server? If you know of any other free protection project I would be happy to look for
  13. I found this video and I would like to know if it is reliable to test this Shield on my test server, in order to block the use of programs such as WPE / RPE If you have any other free Anti-Cheat available that you can refer me, thank you.
  14. Hello community, I would like to know if it is possible to reduce the damage of all MvP's by 50% (or any other value) without having to manually edit one by one. For example: rathena-master \ conf \ battle // The HP rate of MVPs. (Note 2) mvp_hp_rate: 100 Are there any settings for the damage?
  15. it worked exactly as i wanted, thank you very much! ?
  16. hello community, I would like a solution to be avoiding the stack of these potions when using, I would like that when using any of them the other one would be canceled / lost the effect http://prntscr.com/qxk36z
  17. instead of being just a command for GM, would it be possible to create an NPC to perform this function? the player would enter the other player's nick for the duel that would solve my problem
  18. thanks, I managed to fix it. is it possible to make this script active only by GM? selecting the two players for the duel?
  19. hay una opción en Nemo que elimina el límite de daño visual, desafortunadamente no puedo verlo para mostrarte, pero si lo buscas cuando diff tu parche, encontrarás
  20. thanks, I will test and post the results ?
  21. hello everyone, I would like to put use restrictions on this NPC only for VIP / group level 5+ Thanks. ? https://pastebin.com/EziXz9jq
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