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hendra814 last won the day on March 13

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About hendra814

  • Birthday 10/30/1984

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    local server
  • Github: hendra814
  • Discord: Hsusanto#0150
  • Interests
    Watch movie and play online game

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  1. are 4jobs.grf your custom grf, i yes put the file at this grf. try this step. 1 create data folder and put the file like this path data/luafiles514/lua files/skillinfoz/skilldescript.lub 2. open 4jobs.grf using grf application, here as example using grf editor, at your grf righ click than choose add 3. pick data folder directore point no 1 4. then click add, wait until the progress bar finished. 5. click file and then pick save.
  2. here the example drop rate from RO asia (Official Ragnarok Online by Gravity Game Hub (gnjoy.asia))
  3. mungkin bisa contek script ini
  4. ini buat script untuk player bisa buat quest untuk dikerjakan player lain?
  5. Dear @monyet setau saya tidak bisa, kalau mau pakai item lain harus dibuat ulang dan diganti item ID nya.
  6. I think your client read GRF file instead of data folder, so you must import your modification data folder into your grf file.
  7. Disable line no 7 ini saya bantu update scriptnya prontera,158,180,4 script Pedagang Grup Eden 100,{ mes "[VRO Asisten]"; mes "Halo! Apakah kamu ingin menjual Jellopy padaku? Saya membayar harga yang berbeda tergantung waktu!"; next; // Tampilkan harga yang saat ini ditawarkan mes "Saat ini, saya akan membeli Jellopy seharga "+.selected_price+" Zeny per buah."; //announce "Pedagang Grup Eden: Harga Jellopy saat ini adalah " + .selected_price + " Zeny per buah!", bc_all; // Mengumumkan harga kepada semua pemain next; if (countitem(909) < 1) { mes "Tampaknya kamu tidak memiliki Jellopy!"; close; } mes "Berapa banyak Jellopy yang ingin kamu jual?"; .@selected_price = .selected_price; // Preserve price during user interaction input .@amount; if (.@amount <= 0 || .@amount > countitem(909)) { mes "Mohon masukkan jumlah yang valid!"; close; } .@total_price = .@amount * .selected_price; mes "Kamu akan mendapatkan "+ .@total_price +" Zeny untuk "+ .@amount +" Jellopy."; next; .@s = select("Jual:Ya,Tidak"); if (.@s == 1) { if (.@selected_price != .selected_price) { mes "Harga telah berubah, silahkan coba lagi!"; close; } delitem 909, .@amount; // Hapus Jellopy dari inventory pemain Zeny += .@total_price; // Berikan Zeny kepada pemain mes "Terima kasih telah menjual Jellopy-mu!"; } else { mes "Mungkin lain waktu!"; } close; OnInit: .selected_price = rand(1, 500); // Inisialisasi harga secara acak antara 1 dan 500 Zeny announce "Pedagang Grup Eden: Harga Jellopy saat ini adalah " + .selected_price + " Zeny per buah!", bc_all; // Mengumumkan harga awal kepada semua pemain initnpctimer(); end; OnTimer900000: // Perbarui harga setiap 15 menit. stopnpctimer(); .selected_price = rand(1, 500); announce "Pedagang Grup Eden: Harga Jellopy telah berubah! Harga baru adalah " + .selected_price + " Zeny per buah!", bc_all; initnpctimer(); end; }
  8. for pvp point try using this, the point will change into roulette coin - script PVPPOINTS -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if ( getgmlevel() >= 60) { end; } set PVPPoint,PVPPoint+1; dispbottom "Gained 1 PVP Points. Total : "+ PVPPoint +" PVP Points."; end; } Welgaia,203,119,4 script PVP Point Trader 512,{ setarray $@pvprewitem[0], 671,673,675; mes "Do you want to trade your point to coin?"; mes "For 1 pvp point will get random 1 coin"; mes "You have "+ PVPPoint +" PVP Points."; switch(select("Yes:No")){ Case 1: if (PVPPoint <= 0) { next; mes "You don't have PVP point."; end; } next; mes "Here your random coin."; getitem $@pvprewitem[rand(0,getarraysize($@pvprewitem)-1)],1; set PVPPoint,PVPPoint-.point; close; Case 2: mes "ok bye"; close; } } For PVP ladder and dota sound try use script at this download page on folder NPC
  9. please check tis link. about cash shop. on latest rA - General Support - rAthena
  10. using lastest rathena got issue, always failed refine event to +1
  11. for this you can use navigation function, for 2021 client and newer already have this.
  12. ok, thanks for the information, i will look into lua file for another city.
  13. Thanks for this, ar you have complete IRO bounty board quest?
  14. i check this is not include new quest board like Rachel and Veins.
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