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Everything posted by Euphy

  1. Please don't post bugs in the forums. Add any new information in the Bug Tracker: bugreport:5827 Thank you.
  2. Masao only added the town NPCs, nothing else (it's under 20% complete). I'd suggest using the version on rAthena, because I corrected all the bugs in Masao's script and optimized it. trunk/npc/re/cities/malaya.txt / trunk/npc/re/quests/quests_malaya.txt
  3. May Digest 2013 The following digest covers the month of May, 2013. Development Team @Joseph has returned as Script / DB Developer. Development Highlights Renewal updates:Implemented some new packets. (r17317, r17322, r17327, r17332) Renewal scripts: Mora quests, town NPCs, guides, warps, mobs, Quiver Maker. (r17325, r17340) Malangdo "Cat Gamers" quest. The episode is finished at last! (r17328) Port Malaya town NPCs, Kafras, guides, warps. (r17328, r17335, r17337, r17338) Refiners: HD ores, Blessed ores, Refine Tickets. (r17337, r17338) Other noteworthy changes: Implemented db/item_nouse.txt. (r17308) Updated 'sc_start' to more closely match the official command. (r17326) Updated 'recovery' script command as suggested. (r17321) Added 'addmonsterdrop' and 'delmonsterdrop' commands. (r17326) Added '@reload <type>' atcommand to reload databases/config. (r17326) Added documentation for mapflags, doc/mapflags.txt. (r17334) Misc. Stats During the period there were 33 commits. Of these 33 commits 16 included bug-fixes.
  4. This is actually in the SVN. trunk/npc/custom/platinum_skills.txt
  5. prontera,150,150,0 script Starter NPC 100,{ if (#server_start) { mes "[Starter NPC]"; mes "You can only use my services"; mes "once per account, sorry."; close; } setarray .@jobs, Job_Rune_Knight_T,Job_Warlock_T,Job_Ranger_T,Job_Arch_Bishop_T,Job_Mechanic_T,Job_Guillotine_Cross_T, Job_Royal_Guard_T,Job_Sorcerer_T,((Sex)?Job_Minstrel_T:Job_Wanderer_T),Job_Sura_T,Job_Genetic_T,Job_Shadow_Chaser_T, Job_Gunslinger,Job_Taekwon,Job_Star_Gladiator,Job_Soul_Linker,Job_Super_Novice_E,((Sex)?Job_Kagerou:Job_Oboro); set .@size, getarraysize(.@jobs); for(set .@i,0; .@i<.@size; set .@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$,.@menu$+jobname(.@jobs[.@i])+":"; mes "[Starter NPC]"; mes "Welcome to Ragnarok!"; mes "Please select a job."; next; set .@i, select(.@menu$)-1; mes "[Starter NPC]"; mes "Are you sure you want to switch to the "+jobname(.@jobs[.@i])+" class?"; next; if(select("Yes, I'm sure.:No, let me pick again.") == 2) { mes "[Starter NPC]"; mes "Okay, take your time."; close; } mes "[Starter NPC]"; mes "Job changed!"; mes "Please take some apples, too."; mes "They'll come in handy."; emotion e_lv2; set #server_start,1; jobchange .@jobs[.@i]; getitem 512,100; close; }
  6. If you don't want any of the Renewal features, you have to comment all the lines, not just the first. Remember to recompile afterwards.
  7. @Cydh: I've been updating all the language files myself for recent changes, but please double-check to see if I did them correctly? XD
  8. I've finished the official scripts. If you can wait a day or so, I'll add them to the SVN.
  9. Thanks so much, boneskung and Rynbef! I'll add both of those once you're finished.
  10. Read the note://= NOTE: This NPC is currently disabled on official servers.You have to enable it yourself. This is the official version of the script.
  11. I've posted this a lot already, but no, that label is executed in the guild files themselves.
  12. Have you tried my script? o: trunk/npc/custom/woe_controller.txt
  13. Nice to see you've finished it! I don't have time to look at it now, but I will when I get a chance. (Feel free to drop me reminders.)
  14. It's very possible. The @adjgroup commands temporarily change your GM group, and SQL can permanently change it (it takes effect once you log off). So an example item script would be... atcommand "@adjgroup 1"; query_sql("UPDATE `login` SET `group_id` = 1 WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3)); message strcharinfo(0),"You are now GM Level 1."; end; And using "0" instead would reverse the process.Binding items can be done through db/(pre-)re/item_trade.txt.
  15. Yes, we're waiting on Hercules since it's meaningless to do double work. -> Core Developers -> Script/DB Developers
  16. Great question! I added it yesterday. ^^ trunk/npc/re/merchants/ticket_refiner.txt You should update to r17338 to get the full database entries as well.
  17. rAthena is now back online following a period of extended downtime from May 8th ~ May 28th. This was caused by the unexpected failures of both hard drives the servers were running on. We do realize that the situation could have been better handled, and the Development Team is internally discussing the possibility of finding someone to help with administrative duties. I ask that all posts regarding the downtime remain in this topic, and be constructive in nature. While we can't change what happened, we can take steps to ensure that this does not happen again. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and thank you all for your patience.
  18. Updated RUS, SPN, and IDN translations in r17325.
  19. How old is your hard drive? o_o I don't think this is a valid issue given that standard hard drives are hundreds of gigabytes large; TXT support would be a pain to maintain and we aren't doing it without reason.
  20. OnPCBaseLvUpEvent: if (BaseLevel == YOUR_MAX_LEVEL && !YOUR_VARIABLE) { set YOUR_VARIABLE,1; do this; } end;
  21. trunk/npc/scripts_athena.conf // Comment this line: //npc: npc/instances/NydhoggsNest.txt And add a permanent monster spawn anywhere else:2@nyd,199,327,0,0 boss_monster Nidhoggur's Shadow 2022,1,3600000,600000,0
  22. Euphy

    Auto Vend

    Epoque's NPC Vending mod: http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=275852 (dead link) Update for rAthena: link
  23. There's no need to duplicate the labels "NINE", "EIGHT", and "SEVEN" (or use labels at all): mes "You can trade PH.D hats with the following quantity and refinement"; next; set .@refine, 6 + select("5x +7 Ph.D Hats","4x +8 Ph.D Hats","3x +9 Ph.D Hats"); setarray .@amount[7],5,4,3; // required number of hats if(countitem2(5012,1,.@refine,0,0,0,0,0) >= .@amount[.@refine]){ mes .npcname$; mes "Thank you for bringing them! I have some super cool rewards for you!"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "Which of the following headgear would you like to have?"; next; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(@HGLists); set .@i,.@i + 1 ) set .@Menu$,.@Menu$ + getitemname(@HGLists[.@i])+ ":"; set .@ChosenHG, select( .@Menu$ ); set .@HG, .@ChosenHG - 1 ; set .@refine, 9; callfunc("uchallengehg", @HGLists[.@HG], .@refine); end; } mes .npcname$; mes "Sorry, but you haven't brought the complete set of PH.D Hats"; close; Also, not sure why you have @HGLists as a character array when everything else is scope.Otherwise, nice job, keep scripting! c:
  24. Those are the instanced maps, identical copies of the original (1@tower). Read more: Instancing Try using the script that comes with the SVN: trunk/npc/instances/EndlessTower.txt
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