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Everything posted by Rynbef

  1. @Sephiroth91Maybe try charcommand "@dailyreward"; This should exactly like typing in by keyboard. Rynbef~
  2. @Erossmaybe it use the twitter support of newer clients. Or a WebView. Idk if it is implemented yet if not it's could be an extension injected as dll file in the client. In my opinion one of the hackshield does support WebView but idk which one. Rynbef~
  3. @Sephiroth91Try to change: bindatcmd("dailyreward",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnLoginCmnd",0,99); To: bindatcmd("dailyreward",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnLoginCmnd"); Or if it won't work: bindatcmd("dailyreward","LOGIN::OnLoginCmnd"); Rynbef~
  4. @ErossTest the modification on both and then let me know if it works or not. Rynbef~
  5. @acaciomilkI've optimized u're script a bit. NOTE: I can't test it yet but it's should work. Suggestions: Use close2; to close the dialog and afterwards u can kick player or else cause he will keep attached to the script. Then end; the script. I can recommend to use switch(getgmlevel()) instead of calling so much script labels. U readparam before checking it and call it in the if statement again. This makes no sense if u don't store it in an array or variable. On the event labels u used close; but there was no dialog therefore its causes errors. U need to end; the script. Don't declair labels inside an if statement. U're own labels needs to declaired like the default labels "OnInit" or "OnPCLoginEvent". The close2; is better if u give/delete items or set variables cause auto-close can be abused. Seguranca_Aviso optimized.txt Rynbef~
  6. Oh my mistake. Change: if(!attachedrid()) To: if(!getattachedrid()) Rynbef~
  7. Change the slot amount at the item_db_equip.yml at ur server and the visual slots at the iteminfo.lub located in ur ragnarok folder. Notice that u've to patch the iteminfo.lub to every user so they can see it too. Rynbef~
  8. @Sephiroth91Try to add this above to ur item: callfunc "REWARDCMD",getcharid(3); And use this modified version (not tested): DailyReward_changed.txt Rynbef~
  9. @Akbaremaybe remove "disable_items;" after: mes "Requirements:"; Normally it blocks changing equipment while talking to npc but it could be possible that it couldn't count ur item because it is an equipment item. Rynbef~
  10. @Erossmaybe u used the wrong file. But I've added an if-statement to check if mob class is boss too. ChangedMob v2.cpp @Erossdoes it solved ur request? Rynbef~
  11. @ErossTry this changes but the MVPs need MVP Exp to multiply the stats. Changed Mob.cpp Rynbef~
  12. @ErossPls let us know this at the begin of ur request than it will be much easier to help u. In ur case it begin at line 4134. I've already changed everything and attached the changed file. Changed Mob.cpp Rynbef~
  13. @Sephiroth91Rename the Label by replacing all OnLoginCmnd to OnCommandLogin. Than call cmdothernpc "LOGIN","Login"; Don't forget to replace every label calls like Bindcommand and else. Rynbef~
  14. @Sephiroth91try: cmdothernpc "LOGIN","OnLoginCmnd"; Rynbef~
  15. @SurefirerDo u replaced the cps.dll on ur folder with the new one? Rynbef~
  16. @Sephiroth91Maybe add this on ur item: cmdothernpc "<npc name>","<command>"; This is simply "donpcevent <npc name>::OnCommand<command>". It is an approximation of official server script language's 'cmdothernpc'. Returns true if the command was executed on the other NPC successfully, false if not Rynbef~
  17. @Sephiroth91Maybe change: prontera,5,5,5 script LOGIN 111,{ To: - script LOGIN -1,{ Rynbef~
  18. @ErossAt src/map/mob.cpp on line 4544 it begins. Just change: mob->status.str = max(1, stat); To: mob->status.str = max(1, (stat*6)); And the same on the other stats below the other stats. Attack change on line 4452 from: mob->status.rhw.atk = atk; To: mob->status.rhw.atk = atk*6; Defense change on line 4486 from: def = cap_value(def, DEFTYPE_MIN, DEFTYPE_MAX); To: def = cap_value(def*6, DEFTYPE_MIN, DEFTYPE_MAX); Recompile ur server after. Ps: NOT TESTED!! Rynbef~
  19. @Yuna @arcada Pease post ur pet script here. That we can take a look on it to solve the problem maybe. petloot <max items>; This command will turn on pet looting, with a maximum number of items to loot specified. Pet will store items and return them when the maximum is reached or when pet performance is activated. Source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rathena/rathena/master/doc/script_commands.txt Maybe add on the Egg on OnEquip part or on the "Script: >" part of the pet "petloot <max items>;" Rynbef~
  20. Maybe put it at "Sctipt: >" the petloot n; or put it on the Egg on the OnEquip part. petloot <max items>; This command will turn on pet looting, with a maximum number of items to loot specified. Pet will store items and return them when the maximum is reached or when pet performance is activated. References under 10.1 at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rathena/rathena/master/doc/script_commands.txt Rynbef~
  21. @BlazingSpearpls let other users know how u solved ur problem if someone have similar interests. I don't but maybe other members? Why don't close this with your solution. That's the kind of community who's everyone likes. Rynbef~
  22. @MyNoobScriptzWhy don't use the default item bonuses. Like "bonus bMatk,1000;" or "bonus bSMatk,1000;" Bonuses: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rathena/rathena/master/doc/item_bonus.txt Formula: https://irowiki.org/wiki/MATK#StatusMATK Rynbef~
  23. @WhiteEagle I've selected the wrong row I saw it yet. It's should of course be: query_sql("SELECT `title_id` FROM `char` WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0),.@title_id); Instead of: query_sql("SELECT `char_id` FROM `char` WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0),.@title_id); Please let us know if u solved it. Best regards, Rynbef~
  24. @arcadaOften programs that's old and will modify any file or else cause an error as "virus". The programm is very old and how the most tools written in and for windows XP. My opinion u can trust ratemyserver but there is a better way I think to use Tokais Act Editor. U can just replace Images. Rynbef~
  25. Rynbef

    Hello again

    Hey Leute, mich würde mal interessieren, wer von der deutschen Community noch aktiv ist. Aus gegebenen Anlass, kommen einige wieder zurück. Und an was arbeitet ihr so? - Ich bin nur zum helfen hier aktiv atm Rynbef~
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