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Everything posted by Rynbef

  1. U can use the same login server for both server and connect a second char and map server to the server. Rynbef~
  2. It's depends on Server location and the location of the player. The ping is to high that cause the problem. He should use the cmd prompt and run "ping server-ip:port" and u can compare with other player or use ping.eu and check if his ping is higher. Rynbef~
  3. I'm glad ur here and correct my mistake Rynbef~
  4. Skill.cpp search for the name of the skill in skill DB. Rynbef~
  5. item cooldown is not displayed on the skill bar. In my opinion, the skills should be visually represented on the client side if they are changed on the server side. Rynbef~
  6. U can use the Str editor by @Tokei Rynbef~
  7. U can open an official weapon and replace the frames as example. Rynbef~
  8. For Sprite Editing use the Act Editor from @Tokei Rynbef~
  9. U can create an script function and use *callfunc at the item script. Rynbef~
  10. Older clients supports new homunculus and newer not. Since Homun Evo Added to the Client it's not possible to add new custom homunculus instead of replacing them. It was hard coded to 6052 in 2013 but with an xDiff the limit were changed up to 7000 but since 2015 we are not able to increase it. Rynbef~
  11. U have to add a check on source side. Rynbef~
  12. Yes, the use of archive.org helps to download files from svn or apache folder structure or file list. I downloaded all xRay Clients to save it. And want to share on a seperate page later. GitHub or else. But I need a new computer honestly Rynbef~
  13. Maybe *getstatus(<effect type>{,<type>{,<char_id>}}) https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/cd7341930eba957de5947e296a55ccab26b1b1e0/doc/script_commands.txt#L6077 But I think u need a src modification. Rynbef~
  14. U can use OnNPCKillEvent and do some checks Rynbef~
  15. BaseLevel is a pre defined script variable not on source Rynbef~
  16. Skill_db or source modification. It's depends on the skill. Skill_db o modificación de source. Depende del skill. Rynbef~
  17. U need to write correct upper- and lowercase for the field u select over query. Rynbef~
  18. U can use just an party instance. U find some examples on ur rA Folder. Rynbef~
  19. The HP/SP Recovery is source based not a script. U can increase the rate of HP and sp Regen in conf/battle Rynbef~
  20. If(BaseLevel >= 50) We ve pre-defined variables. I recommend u to take a look in the doc folder. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/81894eeba6ee613d5c40bedeb48455303f703ccc/doc/script_commands.txt#L580 Rynbef~
  21. U need to add the missing levels to the experience database and change the max level for mobs on conf/battle or Src/config or Src/common/MMO.h I'm sry can't take a look to the files yet to search for. Rynbef~
  22. I've linked every related commands. He/him can take a look at this and use this one who need for the script or else. Rynbef~
  23. There is an item "Convex Mirror" it's for MVPs. And sone commands. Here the followings as example: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/9eff7be9cdc90940fbe119ce302ea5e4b3f49623/doc/atcommands.txt#L398 @mobsearch <monster name> https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/9eff7be9cdc90940fbe119ce302ea5e4b3f49623/doc/atcommands.txt#L409 @idsearch <item name> https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/9eff7be9cdc90940fbe119ce302ea5e4b3f49623/doc/atcommands.txt#L415 @showmobs <monster name/ID> https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/9eff7be9cdc90940fbe119ce302ea5e4b3f49623/doc/atcommands.txt#L422 @whereis Rynbef~
  24. I rly don't exactly know what u mean. There is a command u can use @mobsearch Rynbef~
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