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Everything posted by Rynbef

  1. Its depending on what U diff. U can find in the Nemo folder as example and If U diff "translate Client to english" Nemo read a File to translate the Client. U can Change the Strings https://github.com/X-EcutiOnner/NEMO/blob/master/Patches/TranslateClient.txt And If U use the newest Translation lua and enable "Always read msgstringtable". Everything is depending to the Translation. Rynbef~
  2. U can add this custom Src mod gut u have to Upgrade to c++ ~ Rynbef
  3. Maybe we should create a new list. The mosts are available on Client Resources or the Download Section. Here are a few helpful thinks. Old kRO Full Clents: https://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=download_kROLinks Newest Full Clients, Clients and Patches: http://nemo.herc.ws/ Of course U can Download Thor in our Download section but I can recommend Elurair use W.A.R.P or N.E.M.O U can download from GitHub. Yes, rA is moved from Subvision to GitHub. Hell, its a long time ago.... But If u loved the old TortoiseSVN Ive good News. Here is ToirtoiseGIT https://tortoisegit.org/ Another great think is the english Client Translation stuff which are frequently updated https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/tree/master And of course the great mal Editor by Borf(idk If he create v3 alone) 2: https://github.com/Borf/browedit/tree/master 3 (WIP): https://github.com/Borf/BrowEdit3 Rynbef~
  4. Im sry but u have to do it by hands. Run the script. wrote down the Errors and fix it by using our doc/script_commands.txt (Script documentation) Or maybe u will find a better one in our Download section. Rynbef~
  5. Recache ur izlude.gat on the mapcache located in ur grf file. U can add ur gat Cache to the mapcache import File or replace IT depending on If u use renewal or pre-renewal. https://rathena.org/board/files/file/3858-mapcache-editor/ Rynbef~
  6. Ill try and let u know. Thx u. Rynbef~
  7. When I use the same profil converted to Warp. Their no error occupied during patching process but the client dont run without any message. Rynbef~
  8. On the diff patcher N.E.M.O its not possible to increase Hairstyle limit to 64k. Diff failed. What can I do to Change It. By the way with xvi32 Editor. Rynbef~
  9. *mesitemlink(<item_id>{,<use_brackets>{,<display_name>}); May help u. Rynbef~
  10. if(Class==ClassID){ } else { } if(select("Yes:No")==1){ mes "Yes"; } else { mes "No"; } if(checkweight(<item id>,<amount>){ set BaseExp,BaseExp+100; set JobExp,JobExp+100; getitem <item id>,<amount>; } else { mes "Overweight"; } https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rathena/rathena/master/doc/script_commands.txt Rynbef~
  11. Rynbef

    PvP NPC

    The error tells u already what u have to do. Rynbef~
  12. Rynbef

    PvP NPC

    Data/wav Rynbef~
  13. Thank u very much! Rynbef~
  14. Hello everyone, currently Im programming a PHP Based Database Overview for monsters like rms. I need to know how rAthena Calculate the Hit and Flee values for Monsters. I've found a much different answers: Ex.: (175 + Dex + Level + Floor(Luk / 3)) or (150 + Dex + Level) Rynbef~
  15. Im testing the client actually. I will let u know about. Rynbef~
  16. May cause if the image isnt 1024x768. Rynbef~
  17. I know it but u can tell it and he fix it. For story line quests or translations it works perfectly. Rynbef~
  18. Its rly possible. I've tested it yesterday with a simple script. Rynbef~
  19. Notice: if u don't think this is real cuz of my mistake "prontira" or 383 and he replace it with 4_F_HILDA. try it by your self. Please give them as much details as possible. After this I could say "remove the min group level" etc and he will do it. Rynbef~
  20. Yes, I'm not joking. Chatgpt is able to scripting. Of course it's not rly the complex one but it works. Here is the code: prontera,140,140,4 script Healer 4_F_HILDA,{ if (getgmlevel() >= 1) { // nur für GMs verfügbar mes "[Healer]"; mes "Hallo, wie kann ich dir helfen?"; next; if (select("Ich möchte geheilt werden.") == 1) { mes "[Healer]"; mes "Klar, ich werde dich heilen!"; heal 100,100; // HP und SP heilen close2; } } else { mes "[Healer]"; mes "Es tut mir leid, ich kann dir nicht helfen."; close2; } } OnInit: setarray .mobid, 383; // Sprite-ID des Healers setarray .mobx, 140; // X-Koordinate des Healers setarray .moby, 140; // Y-Koordinate des Healers setarray .mobs, 4; // Richtung des Healers setarray .mobby, 0; // Mobspawn-Optionen spawnnpc .mobid[rand(0, getarraysize(.mobid)-1)], .mobx[rand(0, getarraysize(.mobx)-1)], .moby[rand(0, getarraysize(.moby)-1)], .mobs[rand(0, getarraysize(.mobs)-1)], "", .mobby[rand(0, getarraysize(.mobby)-1)], 0, 0, 0, 0; end; Rynbef~
  21. Its permanently updated. Take a look on their website. Rynbef~
  22. Ive already explain how to use on win10 Rynbef~
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