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Everything posted by goddameit

  1. Preview : http://goo.gl/uUWHzV You can click special NPC and put its location to your list, so you will be able to use this warper to go to there. How to put special NPC ? Open 2_Mark_Stone.txt and add new setting like this : <map>,<x>,<y>,<facing>%TAB%duplicate(GG_Record_Mark_Main)%TAB%<NPC Name>%TAB%<sprite id> All you need to notice is your npc name must look like this : " blablabla#blablabla_uz% " ( % = 1,2,3...9 ) If you set this new npc is _uz2, then you will find it in "2" type when you use warper. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download : mark_warper_2.rar mark_warper.rar
  2. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/search?q=itemdb_searchrandomid&ref=cmdform int itemdb_searchrandomid(int group_id, uint8 sub_group);
  3. something like this: .@points=getPoints(getcharid(3)); #CASHPOINTS+=.@points; updatePoints(getcharid(3),.@points);
  4. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/search?q=MAX_BONUS_SCRIPT_LENGTH&ref=cmdform src/common/mmo.h #define MAX_BONUS_SCRIPT_LENGTH 1024
  5. 1. sc->data[sC_DEVOTION]->val1 is Pally's gid 2. add sc check in skill_magic_reflect
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PzIYa3cURs ( 凱易特 = Kaite ) you will need to edit skill.c. for some reason, I can't tell you how.
  7. http://rathena.org/board/tracker/project-5-skills/
  8. case WL_TETRAVORTEX: ..... skill_addtimerskill(src, tick + i * 200, bl->id, k, 0, subskill, skill_lv, i, flag);
  9. http://rathena.org/board/tracker/project-1-core/
  10. search NJ_ISSEN and SA_AUTOSPELL in skill.c and battle.c
  11. you don't, those command is for GM for clean or refresh database system will auto-refrsh every 1min and this also will give title to top player.
  12. This system will give title (by @fakename) to who is on the list automatically. Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTXp3ZiT7ZY ----------------------------------------------------------------- Download: Script GD_PK_TITLE_2.txt (info) GD_PK_TITLE.txt SQL gd_pk_title.sql ----------------------------------------------------------------- Command: @delpktitle for clean the datebase @refhpktile for refresh the datebase ----------------------------------------------------------------- Setting: Define this rank is top 2 of killer set .SP_RANK,2; Define system will give "[MVP]" to top 1 player function GETTILE { switch(getarg(0,0)) { case 1: return "[MVP]"; default: return ""; } }
  13. File Name: @AutoBuyAmmo File Submitter: goddameit File Submitted: 20 Sep 2013 File Category: Source Modifications Content Author: Goddameit Preview: ----------------------------------------------------- After You use @autobuyammo to active this system, you will auto-buy some ammo when it is going run out. Click here to download this file
  14. Version v.1


    Preview: ----------------------------------------------------- After You use @autobuyammo to active this system, you will auto-buy some ammo when it is going run out.
  15. simple way is add checking in battle_check_target
  16. mob_clone_spawn is what you need, and see how other skill was added by rA
  17. goddameit


    add new sc for disguise and if sc time out, do undisguise
  18. I guess 10~15$ is enough, maybe it will cheaper if it was easier than I thought. but you still can pay higher for it if you want more special or else.
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