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Everything posted by 4144

  1. If using legacy client exe with new data and grf can be any issues. One of issues solved here http://herc.ws/board/topic/16391-2018-06-2021ragexere-char-select-fix/
  2. Use patch http://nemo.herc.ws/patches/ChangeNewCharNameHeight/
  3. At first rathena cant works with item id > 65535 at all for any clients. For use this big ids you can use only hercules. For use itemid > 65535 need ragexeRE 20180704 or ragexe 20181121 or newer. But this clients will not works in rathena. If you in some way fix server side for allow id > 65535, client will not see this id anyway.
  4. You saw somewhere download link to 2018-11-14dRagexeRE? Here is not, because all clients unchanged and downloaded as is from official server or mirrors. Ragexe not works because you doing something wrong. You can use old nemo, missing recommended patches, not updated game guard dll, not using hercules (for rathena i cant do any support, not sure how it works). About rathena i can say only versions where client 100% not works. Issue can be in anything of this. You can saw herc discord, not long ago some one configured client too, and forgot some must have steps. Also basic info you can see in herc forum here http://herc.ws/board/topic/15523-another-nemo-patcher-fork/. See my comments about versions.
  5. Here some most visible changes for players http://herc.ws/board/topic/16526-some-upcoming-hercules-features/
  6. In 2018 was some changes in end of 2018, because this if compare last 2018 with current 2019 will be almost no changes
  7. can you show what you download and how?
  8. Main is what rathena not support this clients at al
  9. you cant download script? Also i forgot, ratena may still not works with this client too. Probably missing some packets
  10. look on nemo site http://nemo.herc.ws/downloads/2018-11-14dRagexe/
  11. Rathena not support for this client. With rathena can works only 2018-06-21 ragexeRE and older. Rathena support ragexe clients up to 2018-11-14dRagexe. You can use older clients than 2018-11-21 ragexe or use hercules.
  12. @Diana for most errors here you enabled some patches to hide buttons, but not enabled patch for hide errors about missing buttons. Enable patch: http://nemo.herc.ws/patches/SkipHiddenMenuButtons/ Red text probably from msgstringtable
  13. @Diana in screenshot you have very old nemo. it will not works even for old clients like 2018-06-20. Need update nemo
  14. В ANSI нет русских символов как и корейский. Скорее всего ваш редактор под ANSI имеет в виду не менять кодировку. Но в любом случае если удастся прочитать из файла как из cp1251, то корейских названий не будет, будут кракозябры.
  15. ошибка про базу говорит, что у вас были две разные локали. возможно другая локать в стобце или таблице или соединении или еще где-то с langtype 14 клиент использует вроде cp1251, поэтому и база должна быть вся в cp1251
  16. Some clients exe you can get here http://nemo.herc.ws/downloads/
  17. This items anyway useless for rAthena, because it not support this items.
  18. @hanzobr for verson 20181003 rathena can partially works only with ragexe, but still may have some issues. If you want use only 20181003 ragexeRE, you can use only hercules. And ragexe for 20181002 you can download from http://nemo.herc.ws/downloads/2018-10-02bRagexe/. in this site present only client exe without themida protection. And most ragexeRE protected by themida and because this missing on this site.
  19. this error mean you have old dlls. update them from up to date kro
  20. because rathena using legacy network api. it support on any linux host max 1024 connections. need use better api (not in rathena) or use freebsd host, where it support more than 1024 connections for legacy api
  21. use hercules emulator or use freebsd as host for rathena server.
  22. it works fine with updated nemo and patch "Always load Korea ExternalSettings lua file". Without this patch can works only some languages.
  23. 4144


    Если под кодировкой имеется в виду задание langtype, то используйте патч "Always load Korea ExternalSettings lua file" в nemo nemo брать отсюда: https://gitlab.com/4144/Nemo
  24. Rathena not support Ragexe clients, but support only RagexeRE. In Ragexe something may not works or works wrong. Use only RagexeRE or use other emulators.
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