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Everything posted by Athan17

  1. maybe your element is neutral? try to enchant your weapon first before test damage, also make sure to enchant them whenever you switch coz enchants got removed whenever you switch..
  2. have you tried adding your items in iteminfo.lub? or in case you have diffed or applied a patch from NEMO on getting different file for iteminfo.lub. you should add it there. where is it? under System/iteminfo.lub https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation
  3. hmm... i'll just give a vague idea, since i don't like spoon feeding, this is actually easy if you read the doc getgmlevel() > (set your GM level who can access) input guild name/guild id //check if exists guild id/name, try getguildname or query save guild id to $name - permanent global integer variable //any var name then... OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( $name != getcharid(2) && strcharinfo(3) == `thismap` ) warpout add mapflag `loadevent` on your specific monthly map as for shop, i see two approach: some skilled pipz may have a lot of approaches *use global variable to set items on sale, prices, and total income. *make new table for this shop, query each transaction. npcshopattach then OnBuyItem to update the total income npcshopupdate whenever items are updated, (restock, bought, change price, etc)
  4. reminder, ismounting is for cash mounts, while checkriding is for peco rides.
  5. ahh, sorry, didnt understand the question earlier. bale, ang gusto mo is, reset cooldown ng asura kada body reloc right? src/map/skill.c find: int skill_blockpc_clear(struct map_session_data *sd); add below: int skill_blockpc_skill_clear(struct map_session_data *sd, int skillid); //For skill specific reset src/map/skill.c /** * Function similar to skill_blockpc_clear [Athan] * @param sd the player * @param skill_id the skill which should be cleared * @return 1 if successful, -1 otherwise, 0 if skill_id is not found in scd */ int skill_blockpc_skill_clear(struct map_session_data *sd, int skill_id) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); if (!skill_id || !sd) return -1; ARR_FIND(0, MAX_SKILLCOOLDOWN, i, sd->scd[i] && sd->scd[i]->skill_id == skill_id); if (sd->scd[i] && skill_id) { delete_timer(sd->scd[i]->timer, skill_blockpc_end); aFree(sd->scd[i]); sd->scd[i] = NULL; clif_skill_cooldown(sd, skill_id, 0); } else return 0; return 1; } then add: if (sd) { skill_blockpc_skill_clear(sd,MO_EXTREMITYFIST); skill_blockpc_start (sd, MO_EXTREMITYFIST, 3000); } hindi lang ako marunong ng reset cooldown sa client, pero gumagana na yan, tested in my offline client, gonna implement this also XD
  6. 32001,custom_food1,Chickenjoy,0,100000,,1000,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,10; },{},{} SC_STRFOOD 1200000 = duration 10 = +10 means, STR +10 for certain time. more info: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/status_change.txt https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/script_commands.txt
  7. pag ayaw parin, source edit na. src/map/skill.c if (sd) skill_blockpc_start (sd, MO_EXTREMITYFIST, 3000); change to: if (sd) { skill_blockpc_start (sd, MO_EXTREMITYFIST, 3000); skill_blockpc_start (sd, MO_BODYRELOCATION, 3000); // Add cooldown after body reloc, 3000 means 3seconds }
  8. src/config/renewal.h remove definition of RENEWAL // #define RENEWAL renewal UI? use latest client, i believe latest stable client is 20151104
  9. L_ignore is missing. maybe try to add the missing function L_ignore: end; but i suggest you use other pvpladder scripts, coz i read that this script's LAST UPDATE: 12th,February.2008 there's no harm in using old scripts, but i suggest you use ghost's or AnnieRuru's pvp ladder. try searching.
  10. we need more information aside from the message that it crashed. please provide detailed report, if you're using linux, use gdb.
  11. not sure about that version, but if you want, you remove this lines/comment out to enable @autotrade without the vend requirement. src/atcommand.c if( !sd->state.vending && !sd->state.buyingstore ) { //check if player is vending or buying clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,549)); // "You should have a shop open to use @autotrade." return -1; } add // each line or just delete them O_O
  12. kindly check skill_db.txt if skill id 536 is available. 536,9,8,1,3,0,0,5,-3,yes,0,0,0,magic,0,0x0, NJ_BAKUENRYU,Raging Fire Dragon
  13. edit itemdb.c under: function itemdb_read add sv_readdb(dbsubpath1, "item_whitebox.txt", ',', 2, 10, -1, &itemdb_read_group, i); OR instead of making another .txt file, add them inside your item_misc.txt
  14. Hello rAthena Devs, first of all, thank you for doing hard work on making rAthena to keep up with the latest RO. im a dev too, and i know exactly how it feels to keep up with the current trends. back to topic, i would like to ask the same question anacondaqq asked. There are lots of platform to choose from, but why C++?
  15. yeah, modifying src is way better for this problem. im gonna try this
  16. check if you have duplicate iteminfo.lub in your client folder.
  17. i believe he wants to announce when the MVP spawns. i have a quick and dirty solution here, this one needs to edit who you want to Announce each spawn ONE BY ONE. if youre going to support all MVPs, this is not a good solution. for example, you want to announce Beelzebub to be announced each spawn. first, you have to remove this line from npc/pre-re/mobs/dungeons/abbey.txt abbey03,0,0,0,0 boss_monster Beelzebub 1873,1,43200000,600000,1 second, you have to create your own script to spawn Beelzebub OnHour3: monster "abbey03",0,0,"Beelzebub",1873,1; announce "Beelzebub has spawned @ abbey03!",bc_yellow|bc_all; end; this code summons Beelzebub every 3 hours, see more options here https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/script_commands.txt#L857 you can also add an event when Beelzebub died. please take note that: this will make Beelzebub spawn every 3hours even if Beelzebub is still alive. Yes, this scripts can make Beelzebub more than 1 in the said map. but this problem can be solve with some tweaks in the code. if your server is using Tomb NPC, it will NOT work with Beelzebub anymore. if you add a lot of these codes in your server, it might cause LAG to your server. lastly, this will make Beelzebub spawn exactly every 3 hours.
  18. Almost there... PwnRO here we go!

  19. you're using an old database, run the sql found on rathena/sql-files/upgrades
  20. might wanna pull on latest rev of rathena, they already give nydhog. as for central lab, i think Emistry have one. and for quest requirement, you can modify scripts for entering instances, you can remove setquests and checkquests and some if else on partynum i dont want to give all information as they are completely available in doc. you might wanna use the script for entering etower as its one of the easiest to copy/modify
  21. maybe you can try editing mob.c around this part: /*========================================== * processes one mobdb entry *------------------------------------------*/ static bool mob_parse_dbrow(char** str) { after around: if (status_has_mode(status,MD_STATUS_IMMUNE|MD_KNOCKBACK_IMMUNE|MD_DETECTOR)) status->class_ = CLASS_BOSS; else // Store as Normal and overwrite in mob_race2_db for special Class status->class_ = CLASS_NORMAL; add this line: if( status->class_ == CLASS_BOSS) status->hit = 9999; //not sure, maybe 2000?
  22. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/item_db.txt
  23. Hello, its my first question, im still new to rathena. please give me some sample base on my question so i can fully understand. as the title says, i want to bypass skill_require_db.txt on skill requirement, SkillID,HPCost,MaxHPTrigger,SPCost,HPRateCost,SPRateCost,ZenyCost,RequiredWeapons,Req,,..... for example, the skill Grand Cross "CR_GRANDCROSS" has HPRateCost of 20 "20%" per cast. what i want is, when the player is affected by sc, for example, SL_CRUSADER, that player will bypass the HPRateCost for the skill Grand Cross. I've been editing the source code for a while, and this seems to be my problem that i cannot resolve. anyone? oh, i edited ad.damage of BL_PC at battle.c already, didnt work hi, i already figured it out last night. please close this thread.
  24. { skill "PR_KYRIE",7; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Freeze,1000; bonus bLongAtkRate,15; if(getrefine()>5) bonus bDex,10; if(getrefine()>5) bonus bLuk,15; if(getrefine()>8) bonus bCritical,70; }
  25. src/map/battle.c along wih thte lines int64 battle_attr_fix paste the code before: #ifdef RENEWAL //In renewal, reductions are always rounded down so damage can never reach 0 unless ratio is 0 damage = damage - (int64)((damage * (100 - ratio)) / 100); #else damage = (int64)((damage*ratio)/100); #endif and also, the 'code' i made is just to give you an "idea" how to make it work, if it doesn't work, then you have to fix it on your own.
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